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The end of the world. May 15 2028 according to the Bible.

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posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: ntech

I remember when 2012 was the end.

It didn't happen..

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

Well, we got about 10 more years to go, a lot can happen in 10 years.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: Sapphire
a reply to: ntech

I remember when 2012 was the end.

It didn't happen..

You're from that timeline.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: Phage

originally posted by: Sapphire
a reply to: ntech

I remember when 2012 was the end.

It didn't happen..

You're from that timeline.

I think that was the timeline where Stan and Jan Berenstein, Nelson Mandella, and John Dever all joined their evil forces to use CERN to destroy the world in 2012.

posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: Sapphire
a reply to: ntech

I remember when 2012 was the end.

It didn't happen..

It is not bliblical, although many believed it, me included. Bible code points to years 5776 - 5777 as possible (2016-2017).

Jubilee count of 10 jubilees of Judah ben Samuel prophecy reaches to this year too, perfectly matching the retake of Jerusalem in 1967 and other inportant events in the history of Holy Land.

More elaborated jubilee counts try go back to the first jubilee, however there is no absilute historic proof of years so long ago.

Fatima comes as a major contemporary CORRECTIVE of the failed expectations of Catholic Church that God's kingdom started with the Church era, Constantine's freedom of Christianity, etc. Fatma clearely shows to clergymen what is known to laity and to non-catholics that the world is very far from that definition. Not the least, because of the tresspasses of the church hierarchy too, that should not be restricted to moral norms, rather extend to how they ruled society especially in the centuries they had unlimited power over it. Because what we got in 20th century as two world wars, besides all other wars between Christian kingdoms, can hardly be pacified with the idea that God's kingdom was established long ago...

The possibility of punishment by almighty God, via natural or man made disasters, is clearly shown in Fatima and other contemporary apparitions (Akita standing as the best example of another church-approved apparition). Malachi's final prophecy of the last pope that appears to be Francis, should not be disregarded too. As we know well speaks of a heavenly judge who will judge his people, not the world...

The Catholic church therefore has a special responsibility, and if it fails to act accordingly, as it is failing by now, then it has a major guilt of not fulfilling or even revealing what Heaven communicated in 1917.

The talks of "complete revelation" of Fatima secrets in year 2000, made by cardinals and popes, do not stand the scrutiny of background check and leaks that have been made since 1960 by popes and cardinals as well. They contradict each other, don't they?

How is possible John Paul II to speak one thing in Fulda Germany in front of bishops and people, at his years of strength, and in 2000 to say something completely different?

The publication of Neues Europa version of the secret in Osservatore Romano in 1978, between the death of John Paul I and the election of John Paul II, by mgr Corrado Balducci (google that name), speaks voulmes. It is indirect acknowledgement by Vatican, already made before by cardinal Ottaviani, then chief of Holy Office (former Inquisition, today CDF). It transpires from everywhere a major conspiracy for unknown ends.

With remaining only three months to the 100th jubilee conclusion (Oct 13, 2017) and several major witnesses who pointed at the 100th fulfilment (Malachi Martin among others) we remain with the bitter feeling that the Catholic hierarchy Again preferred its own narrow interests before the interests of humanity. Why, what is so dangerous to be kept secret today, when all secrets failed? What could be still a secret?

How about extraterrestrial contact that may be the Catholic church is well aware of, but prefers to keep it secret because of its own interests and doctrine that will ultimately fail when such is revealed? Here comes the idea of pope Francis to martians with big noses, as he mimicked with fingers...Only, if it is the case, are all ET the Vatican knows about - green men who ask for baptism, or may be there are those who "didn't sin as we did " and therefore don't need baptism, rather qualify more of an Angelic status? (ref. padre Pio )

It is unexcusable what we see happening in the Catholic church. it doesn't chsange at the pace expected after the election of pope Francis. Instead, it marred into bureaucratic, moral and other issues. The common catholics do not deserve or want that. There won't be any excuse when finally the truth appears in the skies. Is that the terrible judge of Malachi prophecy?
edit on 6-7-2017 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Phage

originally posted by: Sapphire
a reply to: ntech

I remember when 2012 was the end.

It didn't happen..

You're from that timeline.

Yes, that timeline.

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