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do you think that we will ever find

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posted on Mar, 26 2003 @ 11:53 PM
in our lifetime any of these things?
It just seems to me that none of the governments even care of resurrecting the past so we can learn from it.
I dont know if I am suffering from a lack of faith in just about all of humanity or what. This sort of has to do with the war going on(not going to go into a pro/anit war rant so dont worry
) but it just looks to me that we will never better ourselves because of all we end up doing is fighting either eachother or just too arrogant and self righteous(not sure if I spelled that right so tell me if I didnt please) to care about the past.
I guess I'm just running out of patience with humanity.
strangly enough I started to think about this after watching dbz check this senario out: the z fighters resurrect earth and tell all of the inhabitants that they need energy for an attack to defeat a bad guy.Now bear with me here this acutally has a point *gasp* heheh. but they started to not pay any attention and go get icecream and go to movies when there is something that they must do for themselves.after that, I cant really deny that I see that everyday in people. I know its called apathy but we need to find a way to get rid of that because fear, ignorance,and arrogance are the true terrorist to this, and any country. and it will all coulminate into the ultimate terrorist HATE. If you feel inclined to do so, please respond and tell me what you think, if its just me or are there others that feel the way I do.(oh to any admin feels that this is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it. it started out with the intention of talking about the past i.e atlantis,mayans,etc. so if you feel that it does not belong here just move it.) thanks for reading the post.


posted on Apr, 1 2003 @ 01:02 PM
ooooooooook I guess I am alone in this!

posted on Apr, 1 2003 @ 03:57 PM
The Altiplano in South America... Far as I can tell, it fits every single detail of Homer's telling...right down to the measurements....

Here's a link:

[Edited on 2-4-2003 by Gazrok]

[Edited on 2-4-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 11:14 AM
I feel you man. I think after this World War if anyone is left we will begin to leran more about the past. The goverment is allways 20 years ahead. Meaing that information and technology that the goverment has woun't be made public until 20 years from now


posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 12:01 PM
sorry man, I didnt mean to guilt anyone into replying here. heheh but yeah thats was what was on my mind at the time but yeah I got ya.

posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by moe It just seems to me that none of the governments even care of resurrecting the past so we can learn from it.

It seems logical to me that the governments really *dont* want the general masses of the public to learn the truth of history...So they can keep pulling the same atrocious tricks over & over again without us becoming any wiser...

Originally posted by abstract_alao The goverment is allways 20 years ahead. Meaing that information and technology that the goverment has woun't be made public until 20 years from now

Actually, it's a lot more than a mere 20 years ahead. The true history has been deliberately getting "edited" by the controlling powers since the beginning of civilazation...Who knows for sure what the truth is anymore? It takes dedicated research to find the truths that have been deliberately covered up...They've rewritten history on purpose, so how can you tell how far ahead they really are?

posted on Apr, 2 2003 @ 11:17 PM
"Those who control the past, control the future. Those who control the present, controls the past" George Orwell, 1984

I can tell you a couple of things about how well or not so well things are accepted in historical studies. Having spent a great deal of time in academia (and such time convinced me that I had no desire to spend any more time there), I learned just how some things worked.

First of all, if someone found a discovery, say, a worked concrete wall was found in a volcanic tuff flow that through radio-isotope dating was found to be more than 8 million years old, 3 million years before the accepted date of inception for austrolopithicus afarensis, the earliest ancestor of humans (by the way, just such a find has been documented in Colorado... strange that it never appeared in any official journals), the following would happen:

Before ANYONE would accept such a find as genuine, the Great Elite Stuffed Shirt Brigade (IE, the closest, highest Ivy League wannabe university historical/anthropological/archaeological PHD staff who couldnt find a real job in the real world) would have to "bless" it, and claim that it was in fact real.

PROBLEM: Such a find, so far outside of known accepted documented theory is going to violate/threaten SOMEONEs pet theory. (You should know, in academia, pet theories ARE politics, and PHDs in particular waste no time in ruining peons chances at accreditation if they oppose a pet theory)

SOLUTION: The PHD brigade will likely observe, investigate, and peruse any and all information submitted to them (they have to cover all bases after all) and will (without fail) issue a ruling, often explaining such a find away as something very mundane, likely making the discoverer look like an idiot. In very extreme cases, as the above mentioned case in Colorado, they will likely allege fraud, and totally discredit the discoverer, ruining his carreer.

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