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What does an ultraviolet "aura" mean?

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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:20 PM
A while ago I met someone who could under some conditions see auras. I believe this person is sincere in what he perceives, but we both for the most part are skeptical as to whether these perceptions reflect reality (he said he sees them, but like his parents always told him it's just his overactive imagination). I've always kept an open mind on these things though, so I'm not willing to just blindly disregard it.

Anyway, he always said I had a very rare aura color, one that he's only seen one other time - it's bright "purple" as he said. One day though he made an interesting comment when he pointed to a particular purely white flower and said "See that bright flower? That's the same kind of purple that your aura looks like". Obviously I was a little confused, pointing out that the flower was white, not purple.

Apparently he has a medical condition that allows him to see some of the ultraviolet spectrum, so flowers that to most people appear white/yellow/etc. can have brilliant purple color to them (a type of color that is not fully describable to "normal" see-ers it seems). Sure enough, I looked up the flower, and it's known to reflect ultraviolet light quite strongly.

So I have an ultraviolet aura? Strange. I thought I'd post this to ask people who might know about the "theory" of this, what it means.

Also, what does it mean when your aura expands? One day he seemed very startled to see me and was acting strange, and when I asked him he said my aura was huge and almost blindingly bright, to the point where he could barely make out my face through it. What does this mean, too?

Just curious. I'm kind of the skeptical sort when it comes to these things, but I like to try to keep an open mind, especially if there is evidence/experiences to consider.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by ac500]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:32 PM
Is ultraviolet a higher frequency or shorter wavelength?

If so, then you'd be vibrating at a higher frequency, which is supposed to be a good thing. Those who vibrate at a higher frequency are supposed to be the best able to survive whatever it is that is coming.

Well from all the new age and enlightenment kinds of stuff I have heard lately, the 2012 time is a time for great change. They see it as good change, in which we all gain a higher awareness or something.

Anyway, if you are already vibrating at a high level, the change will not be so bad for you.

I don't know what you'd see if you looked at my aura. I am kind of a negative thinker sometimes and I am down on myself sometimes.

I think those who have gold or white auras are supposed to be more pure. Green is good too I think.

It seems like when I really try to remember things from my childhood, I seem to have memories of when I could see something around people.

The only time I can see anything now is if someone is standing next to a white wall and I stare at them for a while. I don't even know if I am doing it right. If you stare at anything you will get an after image, and that isn't the same.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:59 PM
Purple is the color of Royalty.
You are destined for a purpose
of major consequence. Be prepared
for you have a calling you are unaware
of at present. You have a power
you do not know exists yet but soon
it will be needed and used.

When your aura expands you are
gaining energy from outside sources.

Kinda like your soul recharges

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by ac500
A while ago I met someone who could under some conditions see auras. I believe this person is sincere in what he perceives, but we both for the most part are skeptical as to whether these perceptions reflect reality (he said he sees them, but like his parents always told him it's just his overactive imagination). I've always kept an open mind on these things though, so I'm not willing to just blindly disregard it.

Anyway, he always said I had a very rare aura color, one that he's only seen one other time - it's bright "purple" as he said. One day though he made an interesting comment when he pointed to a particular purely white flower and said "See that bright flower? That's the same kind of purple that your aura looks like". Obviously I was a little confused, pointing out that the flower was white, not purple.

Apparently he has a medical condition that allows him to see some of the ultraviolet spectrum, so flowers that to most people appear white/yellow/etc. can have brilliant purple color to them (a type of color that is not fully describable to "normal" see-ers it seems). Sure enough, I looked up the flower, and it's known to reflect ultraviolet light quite strongly.

So I have an ultraviolet aura? Strange. I thought I'd post this to ask people who might know about the "theory" of this, what it means.

Also, what does it mean when your aura expands? One day he seemed very startled to see me and was acting strange, and when I asked him he said my aura was huge and almost blindingly bright, to the point where he could barely make out my face through it. What does this mean, too?

Just curious. I'm kind of the skeptical sort when it comes to these things, but I like to try to keep an open mind, especially if there is evidence/experiences to consider.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by ac500]

This means you are one of the children of the Gods. Those who are called all emit auras, however the first fruits of the spirit are shown in the color spectrum at being above visible light in the ultraviolet range. The body of the spirit within the world is all the colors of the rainbow and auras that one can see. There are also the lowest auras which appear red or on fire in the infra red spectrum which is just off the other end of the color spectrum - 360 degrees away from ultraviolet.

This friend of yours has a spiritual gift in identifying the children of God. Those without an aura are doomed to the coming destruction and those with an aura are spared. You can read through who I am at this link. It will be a pleasure knowing you in the coming new earth. Please if it is no trouble, would you be so kind as to ask your friend if he could contact me?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by ben91069]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Ultra-Violet has a higher frequency and energy level than normal visible light.


I'd take it as a good thing.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:09 AM
Interesting thread.

Sorry I don't know much about this topic.

I can say that I have seen auras myself, the only time I see them is sometimes before I get a migraine headache, usually 20 minutes to an hour before the migraine sets in, which helps me prepare for it since the migraine usually takes me out for awhile. The auras I see are very bright bands of color on both sides of my field of vision, even with sunglasses on they are still visibly bright, I've also seen them around people, animals, trees and other objects.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by InvisibleObserver]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:16 AM
What does a flat black with spikes of red mean...was what I was told 30 plus years ago...

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:54 PM
You could be an indigo child. You should learn how to see auras if you already cant. Go to my previous posts; I wrote out how to learn in another topic. Too long to re write but it could help you out. Haha.

good luck!!!

And for yours to expand. It just means that you are glowing more brightly than usual. When youre really happy or feeling excited, just any intense emotion id say.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by verdescuro]

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Sorry to bring up this old post... but I was wondering about something lately. I've been pretty much absent from head-fi, working on real life stuff

I was traveling on business, and was sightseeing a bit. Some indian/hindu guy for some reason stopped me and said something about "you.. your face, you have a lucky/good future" or something like that, I wasn't sure what he was doing so we kind of just moved on. But he later came and said something about "I'm not trying to sell you anything, but I have to tell you you have a very important future" or something of that sort. It was very strange and awkward so I kind of moved on. Thinking back though, he seemed sincere... he seemed genuinely like he believed, at least, that he had to tell me something, but he was trying not to be rude/creepy.

I don't know. I don't want to make this sound like delusions grandeur, but it was weird to have multiple times in my life where "psychic" people find me interesting. I don't really believe in psychics, but I am not close-minded to anything.

Anyway, I think I would like to try some meditation techniques and just get to know myself better... I feel like this is a good thing that I should do, for some reason. What techniques would you suggest?
edit on 21-12-2011 by ac500 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
What does a flat black with spikes of red mean...was what I was told 30 plus years ago...

It means you are prone to conspiracy sites like ATS.

Deal with it!

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by ac500
A while ago I met someone who could under some conditions see auras. I believe this person is sincere in what he perceives, but we both for the most part are skeptical as to whether these perceptions reflect reality (he said he sees them, but like his parents always told him it's just his overactive imagination). I've always kept an open mind on these things though, so I'm not willing to just blindly disregard it.

Anyway, he always said I had a very rare aura color, one that he's only seen one other time - it's bright "purple" as he said. One day though he made an interesting comment when he pointed to a particular purely white flower and said "See that bright flower? That's the same kind of purple that your aura looks like". Obviously I was a little confused, pointing out that the flower was white, not purple.

Apparently he has a medical condition that allows him to see some of the ultraviolet spectrum, so flowers that to most people appear white/yellow/etc. can have brilliant purple color to them (a type of color that is not fully describable to "normal" see-ers it seems). Sure enough, I looked up the flower, and it's known to reflect ultraviolet light quite strongly.

So I have an ultraviolet aura? Strange. I thought I'd post this to ask people who might know about the "theory" of this, what it means.

Also, what does it mean when your aura expands? One day he seemed very startled to see me and was acting strange, and when I asked him he said my aura was huge and almost blindingly bright, to the point where he could barely make out my face through it. What does this mean, too?

Just curious. I'm kind of the skeptical sort when it comes to these things, but I like to try to keep an open mind, especially if there is evidence/experiences to consider.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by ac500]

bro you can call your "friend" up and tell him he's a liar. Tetrachromacy is literally IMPOSSIBLE for a male human or primate to have. There are only 2 and i mean 2 Tetrachromats listed in the ENTIRE world and both are FEMALE. Now before you get all defensive get over it, females carry the variant cone cell pigments on two different X chromosomes. Hence it's impossible for males to be tetrachromats. End of discussion. Your friend CANNOT see in Ultraviolet or Infrared. Not now not never
bro you've been duped

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: ac500


It took me over a decade to find someone with a Kirlian film camera to capture my aura. It was hard to find someone with film, and it was a Polaroid. The camera was integrated into the computer. The computer generated a twelve-page report printout that didn't have enough blue, so it was weird. If you do get an aura photo, make sure it is one that also generates on film.
The report stated that six of the nine chakras/areas were ultraviolet, including the third eye and crown. Two were violet, and one, the throat, is light violet. I've always felt it was hard for people to read me, and I wonder if that is a frequency thing. That faster frequency seems to tie in with my spirit animal, the cheetah, the fastest land animal.

Sorry to bring this thread back, but Google lead me here. There weren't that many descriptions of ultra violet on the internet.


posted on May, 25 2024 @ 11:53 AM
Hi, I just saw your post from 2010. What did you learn? How has things changed since then? Are you in contact with the guy with the condition that lets him see certain things differently? I’m curious to know the connections to people who have ultraviolet in their auras and also would like to connect to that guy who sees both auras and different colors. I hope to hear from you.

a reply to: ac500

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:02 PM
No you are wrong. Science assumes only females get it, however, it is considered a gene mutation, meaning anyone with an X chromosome can get it.

Also, I remember 20 years ago science said it was impossible for humans to be tetrachromats, but then got surprised at stuff like this. There are probably a lot more who just don’t know because the fourth cone is expressed differently for each person with it, and it also has to do with the processing in their special visual and visual cortex, hence again why some may have it but it does nothing extra for them.

I also remember 30 years ago when science sad the Earth’s poles were fixed and do not switch like the sun. Science is still weak when it comes to its claims.

The only reason two women are considered is bc they crossed paths with a scientist of some kind who instead of telling them they’re wrong or crazy, decided to investigate.

a reply to: ZeroUnlmtd

edit on 25-5-2024 by ParanormalScience because: Don’t want to feed the powers too much

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:12 PM
I don’t see auras as described but I can see vibrations in the air around moving objects. I remember visiting a web site many years ago describing how to better see auras. I forgot the name of the site. I was able to start seeing something using the methods but that was years ago. I didn’t want my vision to get screwy so I stopped exploring this topic but remember hearing of someone that could see auras around everyone and even other living objects. Supposedly different colors of auras indicate different things. I didn’t really want to start seeing things no one else can so stopped exploring this topic. Auras sound interesting and I’m sure there are web sites showing some type of aura photography maybe without the colors because I remember viewing photos. I don’t remember the name of this type of photography.

I did a quick internet search. The name of the type of photography is kirlian photography I believe.
Here is a link to some sample pics. I am not sure if colors in these pictures are the same thing some people claim to see as auras.

In my opinion this could be an interesting new field of science exploring what information could be obtained by the spectrographic analysis of auras around people and or other living things if there is valid information that can be obtained with our current technology. This could change from something perceived as paranormal to something more like Astronomers doing spectrographic analysis of stars.
edit on 25-5-2024 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

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