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Autohemotherapy: a cheap cure for everything or a dangerous alternative medicine?

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posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 07:19 PM

You did it alone or there was a qualified person doing the injections?

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 09:07 AM
It works. I know people that got rid of cancer. There's a lot of info in Portuguese, unfortunately not enough in English. And in US I don't know anyone who can do the treatment to us. Too bad.

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: JDRen

Many vets are using AH here in Brazil now. Excellent result for many diseases.
But the best is for fibromyalgia and many other health problems.
I also, treated myself with AH. I learnt on youtube how to do this in myself and did on the same day.
I do use only disposable materials. Also know it was prohibited in UK due cases of hepatitis caused because someone used the same syringe. Let´s prohibit the cars for causing accidents, then.... :-) LOL
Have to say I was spending kind of 500 pounds in medicine monthly and nothing was working. I have fibromyalgia and for more than ten years was suffering with lots of pain. The ONLY thing that worked was AH. I do 10 ML, 5 in 5 days since april 30, 2014, and don´t have any plans to stop it.
Also learnt a lot about magnesium chloride and now I take it too, three times per day. It prevents breast cancer, prostate cancer, and MANY other things, including pain in the muscles, because it takes the calcium that accumulates on the muscles and through it into the bones. Also, another excellent mineral is MSM =Metil Suphanil Methane. I took 3G in the morning and 3G on the lunch time. Not much later than this because it can cause insomnia. All together make me feel lots younger and healthy. After so many years crying by pain, spending lots of money in doctors and medicine that never worked, after almost killed myself with so many painkillers and anti inflammatory medicine, and almost destroyed my stomach, now I am free of pain.
Some doctors say it is all placebo effect. Ask the cows that are getting cured, then, and tell to the vets to stop using it. Cats and dogs, too!!! :-)
Below the video where I learnt how to do AH in myself. But there are many people teaching all over internet. In Mexico doctors go to TV to talk about the benefits of AH and soon all people will be safe and healthy again almost for nothing!!!

How To DO AutoHemotherapy In Yourself

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: saadad

Why to not ask me, then? I do AH and have GREAT results. It works wonderfully and there is NONE contra indication as it is your own blood into your own muscle.
I started on the same I watched Dr Luiz Moura and found this boy and MANY other people teaching how to do AH in ourselves.
I do 10 ML, 5 in 5 days since april 30, 2014 and never will stop. Unbelievable how good the results are!

How To DO AutoHemotherapy In Ourselves

I'm copying a answer I gave to another person. Hope I can help someone as one day I was helped, too.

Many vets are using AH here in Brazil now. Excellent result for many diseases.
But the best is for fibromyalgia and many other health problems.
I also, treated myself with AH. I learnt on youtube how to do this in myself and did on the same day.
I do use only disposable materials. Also know it was prohibited in UK due cases of hepatitis caused because someone used the same syringe. Let´s prohibit the cars for causing accidents, then.... :-) LOL
Have to say I was spending kind of 500 pounds in medicine monthly and nothing was working. I have fibromyalgia and for more than ten years was suffering with lots of pain. The ONLY thing that worked was AH. I do 10 ML, 5 in 5 days since april 30, 2014, and don´t have any plans to stop it.
Also learnt a lot about magnesium chloride and now I take it too, three times per day. It prevents breast cancer, prostate cancer, and MANY other things, including pain in the muscles, because it takes the calcium that accumulates on the muscles and through it into the bones. Also, another excellent mineral is MSM =Metil Suphanil Methane. I took 3G in the morning and 3G on the lunch time. Not much later than this because it can cause insomnia. All together make me feel lots younger and healthy. After so many years crying by pain, spending lots of money in doctors and medicine that never worked, after almost killed myself with so many painkillers and anti inflammatory medicine, and almost destroyed my stomach, now I am free of pain.
Some doctors say it is all placebo effect. Ask the cows that are getting cured, then, and tell to the vets to stop using it. Cats and dogs, too!!! :-)
Below the video where I learnt how to do AH in myself. But there are many people teaching all over internet. In Mexico doctors go to TV to talk about the benefits of AH and soon all people will be safe and healthy again almost for nothing!

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: WhiteHat

Anyone can do it in ourselves. Very easy. I do it in myself since april 30, 2014
I learnt with this young man on the video below:

How To Do AutoHemotherapy In Ourselves

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: henriquefd

In Brazil we have many groups of Auto Hemotherapy including on facebook.
Anyone can see photos from before and after, even em animals.
Many people are doing this Technic and all people just say really nice things.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:46 AM
Ok. Feels like crying. (Not really, but...)
I truly wrote a huge article here on how I'm a med researcher for over 18y, an 8th semester med student, and that I use AHT for 15y+ now, on me and everyone around me, including all my gfs who have quickly learned to love AHT. I had also written in painstaking detail how my father had terminal cancer and all his money did zilch, naught to save him. Upon returning to my home country as an emergency bc of it, I starting applying it on him and, voilà, he's 100% cancer free for over 5ys now. I also wrote with no middle terms how I don't give a rat's arse if anyone reading this will believe what I wrote and believe that autohemotherapy really is a truly wondrous treatment (not a panacea, though - if you're dead set to knowing where it fails, you will find it doesn't cure "everything", obviously. Ie. My father still is physically damaged by the cachexia caused by the terminal condition - and the AHT didn't make him brand new, even though it REALLY helped.) If the ppl reading believe this or not,
not a single cent will go into my account from this. I precisely wrote it all so that the ones who are smart enough will understand that they won't lose a thing by experimenting with it, except their own ignorance. And I know how humbling it is to lose one's ignorance, so ppl should bfeel free not to lose it and keep themselves ignorant and proud of it. Not all people are made to actually experiment and discover things - and some are more like little repeaters parroting other people's theories and discoveries - people they would have discouraged and tried to knock down, mind you. And it's ok. But I won't have on my soul not letting people know about AHT, and so, here I am.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: EntheosSolomon
Oh. Least I forget. There is this 50-something lady who has cured herself of terminal cancer with AHT too - doesn't mean I think everyone will cure their terminal cancer with this. It just so happens it worked with this lady and my father. Anyway, every few months she comes around to apply AHT on people for free, and also educate on the matter anyone who cares to listen. This is a great human being. She doesn't need any money as she's married to this very wealthy man - she does it to help, out of her great noble heart.
edit on 28-4-2023 by EntheosSolomon because: (no reason given)

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