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Falkville Robot-Man

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posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 01:59 PM
I had never heard of this til today.

On a night in October of 1973, Flakville Alabama’s young chief of police Jeff Greenshaw got a call about a UFO just outside town. From a frantic caller, he thought to himself he was just dealing with an idiot but when he got to the scene things just got weird.

He saw a strange looking figure in what he thought at first was wrapped in tinfoil, but after turning on his lights he found that wasn’t the case. There weren’t any pieces to it’s outfit or whatever it was made up of. It was like it was all one piece. He also mentioned that it was smooth looking like glass and a little over 6ft tall. He said to an extent it reminded him of the robot from lost in space.

He grabbed his polaroid camera and before taking some photos, he said something like “howdy stranger” After that the creature began to run away.

Greenshaw said the creature did not move like a normal person. That it moved more like it had springs in its shoes. He persuaded the creature in his squad car at speeds of 35 miles an hour before losing sight of it when he crashed the car. He said that it seemed to fade away into the night.

source: Appalachian Cryptid site

I have never heard of.
reminds me a bit of the entities encountered by Hickson and Parker in the Pascagoula sighting (1973 I think)

anyone know of?
edit on 10.20.23 by Coelacanth55 because: add linque

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 02:01 PM
Springs in his shoes?
Like he was used to heavier gravity or something maybe.

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 02:02 PM

left is pic of Falkville entity. at right is artists concept of one of the Pascagoula entities.

we need more alien robots!!!

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: Coelacanth55

left is pic of Falkville entity. at right is artists concept of one of the Pascagoula entities.

we need more alien robots!!!

Is the left picture supposed to be real?

It looks like an astronaut suit. You can see the face inside the helmet.

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Coelacanth55

Thats an old story and must be on here somewhere.
the comment about the way it moved reminded me of the Victorian stories of 'Spring-heeled Jack'

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Coelacanth55

Somewhere in the recesses of what’s left of my brain cells….I thought I remembered the story….and one of the liklest debunking answers….was that it was someone wearing a sort of fireman’s suit similar to below…

edit on 26-4-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 07:37 PM
I used to think the words of a LEO could be trusted !))%, but I was much younger then. Since those days Ive lived in small towns in several states, and their one or two officers made the Keystone Cops look like the worlds' brightest and best.

With just barely over 1,000 citizens in Flakville Alabama I doubt they get the cream of the crop for law enforcement; tiny towns are where people go that can't qualify for a job in any other police force.

Without knowing the guy and his history, I can't say he was easily deceived, but the surrounding circumstances do suggest he may not be the most credible of witnesses. Big excitement with lots of attention for a small town cop.

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: Coelacanth55

Somewhere in the recesses of what’s left of my brain cells….I thought I remembered the story….and one of the liklest debunking answers….was that it was someone wearing a sort of fireman’s suit similar to below…


Winner, winner chicken dinner. 🍻

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
I used to think the words of a LEO could be trusted !))%, but I was much younger then. Since those days Ive lived in small towns in several states, and their one or two officers made the Keystone Cops look like the worlds' brightest and best.

With just barely over 1,000 citizens in Flakville Alabama I doubt they get the cream of the crop for law enforcement; tiny towns are where people go that can't qualify for a job in any other police force.

Without knowing the guy and his history, I can't say he was easily deceived, but the surrounding circumstances do suggest he may not be the most credible of witnesses. Big excitement with lots of attention for a small town cop.

this and the Pascagoula incident were both in October 1973. makes me wonder if the 'young chief of police' was influenced by.

thanks for the pics Ophicus, that does look like it.
the Falkville pic is indeed supposed to be of the entity, taken by the officer.

edit on 10.20.23 by Coelacanth55 because: clarify

edit on 10.20.23 by Coelacanth55 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

,.,Or the deputy wrecked his car and needed a reason.

I don't buy the story, and no one is more of an acceptor of UFOs/aliens than me.

A healthy attitude toward alien stuff is to accept that the visitors/workers/overlords coming here in their private devices will be as varied as visitors and vehicles that we see coming to our typical zoos. Please don't throw #, masturbate or scream at our visitors. OH! Positively, please don't chase them with police cars.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: Coelacanth55

That's an oldie but a goodie. At the risk of going off topic, that Klaatu and Gort sure got around.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Coelacanth55

Thats an old story and must be on here somewhere.
the comment about the way it moved reminded me of the Victorian stories of 'Spring-heeled Jack'

Yeah, thats what it made me think of too.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 06:16 AM
The Areial school incident in 94 mentions accounts of a robot like entity, not exactly the same but if you were studying an unknown planet, you'd send the robots first. You know, you might catch some earth disease.

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 12:30 PM
If you think this is odd you should check out Sam the sandown clown now that is a weird one

posted on Apr, 27 2024 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: Coelacanth55

left is pic of Falkville entity. at right is artists concept of one of the Pascagoula entities.

we need more alien robots!!!

They look quite similar. Whoever has come in contact with them (allegedly) said the robot-type creatures are very dangerous.

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