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Iran Bombing Israel

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posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 11:53 AM
There are questionable sources here.

Additionally, Tehran historically lacks the stomach for a real fight, the one exception being the Iran-Iraq War where they pretty much had no choice.

However, with the Biden administration signaling weakness and a shift in support for Israel, I don't think it's impossible that Tehran would figure it's a good time to up the ante.

But I doubt it, as they're no match for Israel even without US help.
edit on 5-4-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 12:18 PM
Bomb the hell out of the Nazi germans.
oh Israel.

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Scratchpost

Are you sane?!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 02:39 PM
Some of the claims from earlier in the thread are repeated by CBS News.

Israel and the U.S. are convinced Iran is preparing to retaliate for the Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Syria, U.S. officials say.

The U.S. has picked up intelligence that Iran is planning a retaliatory attack that would include a swarm of Shaheed loitering drones and cruise missiles. Officials say the timing and target are unknown, but a proportional response to the Damascus attack would be to hit an Israeli diplomatic facility. The attack is likely to come between now and the end of Ramadan next week.


"There was discussion between the two leaders about the very viable and quite public threat Iran is making to Israel's security in the last day or so, and the president made very clear — very clear — to Prime Minister Netanyahu that he can count on U.S. support to help them in their self-defense against threats directly and publicly posed by Iran," Kirby told reporters on Friday.

I'm skeptical the Biden administration has the spine to support Israel in a more serious conflict against Iran. I think that's just lip service, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
edit on 5-4-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

I wonder if the USA has a real ammunition/ ordnance problem, shortages from suppling the Ukraine?

The USA definitely has a national deficit crisis.

Probably should confiscate some of Iran’s money and use it to buy ordnance for Isreal. Or ourselves/ USA.

edit on 5-4-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Lazy88
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

I wonder if the USA has a real ammunition/ ordnance problem, shortages from suppling the Ukraine?

This isn't even a question. We do have shortages on some munitions and other supplies from everything we've been sending to Ukraine. For a while the administration and the media lied and said that was just a conspiracy theory, but as usual it is now accepted as fact.

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Oh boy.

Wonder how the USA strategic oil supply is doing?

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Scratchpost

Are you sane?!!!

I have some serious doubts, Nobody bombs Israel with out significant
edit on 5-4-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: Astrocometus

But they aren't?

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 05:40 PM
Have they retaliated yet?

By proxy or nothing it seems.

If they wait long enough Israel will hit them again LoL

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

The fog of war is deep on this one, You have on one hand shots of Isralies stocking up in the supermarkets, shots of them leaving for shelters, then an anouncement that Twitter put out the story of heavy bombing in Tel Aviv , that was from a chatbot and they are blaming Elon. which was fake news. All we seem to know is that GPS jamming has occured and GPS jamming is in full swing,Iran seems to have told the Americans not to get involved, and America has warned them not to hit American

Here is a rundown on the present situation.
edit on pm420244America/Chicago430553024 by annonentity because: adding

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Thanks for the update 👍
I would think the mullahs are calling all their terrorists around the world to mobilize happenings.
The chatter the intelligence communities are seeing will be massive.
I wonder if the IC will tell us or not.

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

No they aren't my good member, not yet. And I hope by some
miracle they find reason for restraint.

posted on Apr, 6 2024 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: kwaka

You know, this whole situation with the world getting angry with Israel makes me think of the prophecy in the Book of the Revelation of St John, which claims that all the nations of the world will seek to make war against Israel. I think it probably means all of the Muslim nations in the region creating a mega coalition to go all out war against Israel for what they've done to Gaza.

posted on Apr, 6 2024 @ 04:13 PM
At least US targets will be safe from harm, we asked them nicely to leave us alone, so it's all good.

But there might just be a little worry from the US.

The United States is on high alert and preparing for a possible attack by Iran targeting Israeli or American assets in the region after Israel's strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria, a US official said on Friday.

"We're definitely at a high state of vigilance," the official said in confirming a CNN report that said an attack could come in the next week.

Israeli warplanes bombed Iran's embassy in Damascus on Monday in a strike that killed two Revolutionary Guard generals and five other officers and marked a major escalation in Israel's war with its regional adversaries. The Iranian commanders were reportedly involved in operations by armed militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel.

According to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, General Mohammad Reza Zahedi who died in the attack was a senior commander in its Quds Force, which is an elite foreign espionage and paramilitary arm.

Iran has said it reserves the right "to take a decisive response." The head of Lebanon's armed group Hezbollah said on Friday that Israel's strike on Iran's consulate marked a "turning point" since October 7, when Palestinian group Hamas launched an attack on Israel that has led to escalating regional tensions.

US President Joe Biden discussed the threat from Iran in a phone call on Thursday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Our teams have been in regular and continuous contact since then. The United States fully supports the defense of Israel against threats from Iran," a senior Biden administration official said.

Of course Iran won't get it's hands dirty as usual. Proxys as par for the course.

Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces in a speech on Saturday threatened the harshest possible response to Israel in retaliation for an airstrike on Iran's embassy in Syria.

While acknowledging that the attack on the consulate of the Islamic Republic in Damascus "will not remain unanswered," Bagheri emphasized a strategic approach, stating, "We have learned from Qasem Soleimani that we determine the time and type of operation."

Soleimani, the former commander of the Quds Force, was killed in a US drone strike in January 2020.

Several senior clerics echoed the same sentiments, warning against hasty decisions in seeking revenge for the attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, which resulted in deaths of seven Revolutionary Guards.

The unified stance reflects directives from a central authority controlled by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Analysts believe that Iran's longstanding strategy of refraining from direct engagement with Israel will continue.

While Tehran has avoided direct confrontation with Israel, it has supported attacks by proxy forces in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. Veteran Israeli experts suggest that Iran is unlikely to retaliate directly against Israel, opting instead for selective tactical attacks through proxies. Diplomats and analysts posit that Iran's leadership, cautious of risking its hold on power, prefers to avoid all-out conflict with Israel or the US, maintaining a strategic balance while pursuing its interests through indirect means.

edit on th30202400000030bSat, 06 Apr 2024 16:18:27 -05002024000000x by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2024 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: kwaka

You know, this whole situation with the world getting angry with Israel makes me think of the prophecy in the Book of the Revelation of St John, which claims that all the nations of the world will seek to make war against Israel. I think it probably means all of the Muslim nations in the region creating a mega coalition to go all out war against Israel for what they've done to Gaza.

I wouldn't count on it. Most of them are sick of the Palestinians holding the region back. They pay lip service to placate the extremists in their populations, but notice how none of them are DOING anything? Because they don't want to. They want this to be over so they can get back to doing business with Israel, which has been economically advantageous for the Muslim and Arab nations that have grown up enough to do it.

posted on Apr, 6 2024 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Well you didn't say their were "no" Russian tanks on the Golan heights , so for a fake news source , suddenly there are Russian Tanks on the Heights. So they do have some to spare.

posted on Apr, 6 2024 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

They have plenty to spare.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 12:51 PM
interesting, but Iran can't do it.

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