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Inmates dying experts baffled

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posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: UnRepentantHarlequin27
a reply to: annonentity
One of my brothers is a retired police officer. He was working in the jails during the ‘VID outbreak. He was an Essential Worker, so he was given preferred “status” to get injected while at work. He went in with his buddy. He got aches/felt sick, but was told that that was to be expected. Second shot, again going in with his buddy but my brother was called away for some reason, so he missed his chance, and started his scheduled week off. Upon returning he took the second jab then found out his buddy died a day after his second shot, the one my brother somehow escaped.

Since his second jab, he’s had kidney issues, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and complains he has never been the same since the second jab and regrets it wholeheartedly.

Maybe the injections for the incarcerated and staff, were more potent than most?

I have seven siblings, all took at least two, most took five. All have had drastic medical issues (silent heart attack, onset of autoimmune disease ((scleroderma)) kidney issues)and get sick quite often and only one of them attributes it to the jab! They are no longer who they used to be.

Damn that's rough going. Literally thousands of incidents just like this happened, and no one who was responsible for causing it to happen ever confessed publicly it was wrong. Especially Joe Biden, who did the illegal mandates and threatened large companies over 100 employees if they didn't make it a requirement for continued employment, they would be fined big fines.

One thing monsters can always count on is that no one will believe their victims.

I mostly blame the guy who started operation warp speed for the vid vax.

This isn't political trolling?


How dare I give my opinion about the former guy in a reply to a post that blames the current guy?

And I pointed out that Dems didn't want anything to do with the vaccine because Trump was in office, but as soon as Jobama oozed into office, miraculously the vaccine was widely accepted. 🤷🏻

So while you sit there being cheeky and passive aggressive about "the last guy" and "warp speed", guess what? The vaccine itself didn't change so what's your point? You all took it anyway, GLEEFULLY! I can't figure out what leg you think you have to stand on that warrants the passive condemnation of "the last guy".

You want links?

I wasn't being cheeky or passive aggressive at all. I merely expressed an opinion based on a real fact. It's not my problem if it triggered you.

posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: tamusan

Of you weren't. 🙄

posted on Mar, 18 2024 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: Irishhaf

originally posted by: tamusan

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: UnRepentantHarlequin27
a reply to: annonentity
One of my brothers is a retired police officer. He was working in the jails during the ‘VID outbreak. He was an Essential Worker, so he was given preferred “status” to get injected while at work. He went in with his buddy. He got aches/felt sick, but was told that that was to be expected. Second shot, again going in with his buddy but my brother was called away for some reason, so he missed his chance, and started his scheduled week off. Upon returning he took the second jab then found out his buddy died a day after his second shot, the one my brother somehow escaped.

Since his second jab, he’s had kidney issues, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and complains he has never been the same since the second jab and regrets it wholeheartedly.

Maybe the injections for the incarcerated and staff, were more potent than most?

I have seven siblings, all took at least two, most took five. All have had drastic medical issues (silent heart attack, onset of autoimmune disease ((scleroderma)) kidney issues)and get sick quite often and only one of them attributes it to the jab! They are no longer who they used to be.

Damn that's rough going. Literally thousands of incidents just like this happened, and no one who was responsible for causing it to happen ever confessed publicly it was wrong. Especially Joe Biden, who did the illegal mandates and threatened large companies over 100 employees if they didn't make it a requirement for continued employment, they would be fined big fines.

One thing monsters can always count on is that no one will believe their victims.

I mostly blame the guy who started operation warp speed for the vid vax.

while he certainly deserves a part of the blame he also left it up to people to make their own choice while the clown that followed him mandated it for millions, and spent millions on a propaganda push to convince people to get it.

We'll never know how different things would have been if he were reelected in 2020. I imagine the biggest differences would have been MAGA vax rallies and the liberals refusing to be vaxxed.

solid point, but of the two I would prefer to be able to make my own choice versus being strong armed into it.

ETA: its a bit of a sore spot for me because I got the anthrax jab when they were still swearing its 100% harmless... till it wasnt. Now they only mandate it for people that will actually be in a high risk area for it.
edit on 24Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:24:46 -050024461010pmf by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Still here after being vaxed.

I'll be back to say it again and again.

But keep spewing the BS. More measles for everyone. And maybe we can even bring back polio. How nice.

Keep saying vaccines are bad, and watch people get sick.

Yep, YOU'RE okay so screw everyone else! That is your mantra. The Covid jabs were experimental fool. It's the Covid jabs, not Polio or other vaccines. Wow you give the word "dweeb" new meaning.

What was it that MAGAts chanted over and over ... # your feelings?

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: DoubleDNH

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Still here after being vaxed.

I'll be back to say it again and again.

But keep spewing the BS. More measles for everyone. And maybe we can even bring back polio. How nice.

Keep saying vaccines are bad, and watch people get sick.

Yep, YOU'RE okay so screw everyone else! That is your mantra. The Covid jabs were experimental fool. It's the Covid jabs, not Polio or other vaccines. Wow you give the word "dweeb" new meaning.

What was it that MAGAts chanted over and over ... # your feelings?

Ah, did your feelings get hurt too? "f your feelings" came from the left when people complained about the forced (or get fired) deal that Biden implemented illegally. And when kids and pilots and students started having heart attacks and dying in the middle of the day, it was the left that laughed and turned their collective backs on the country and had no feelings for anyone. And they still don't, like your example.

Judgement day is getting closer each day. You should rethink your life's strategy.

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 09:57 PM
A miracle happened at the onset of the pandemic.

I witnessed polititicians such as the US House of Reps, all become non-partisan. They united together and in this dire situation passed laws at record speed with no hesitance or delay.

They passed laws exempting themselves and their immediate family from getting a certain something.

Nuff said

posted on Mar, 19 2024 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: UnderAether
A miracle happened at the onset of the pandemic.

I witnessed polititicians such as the US House of Reps, all become non-partisan. They united together and in this dire situation passed laws at record speed with no hesitance or delay.

They passed laws exempting themselves and their immediate family from getting a certain something.

Nuff said

And none of them died or dropped while on camera funnily enough and all were lucky enough to have shares in the Pharmaceutical companies wow they are blessed .

It's the 96 percent that got their children injected with a experimental gene altering clot shot that really bothers me especially if you read this

And the bit about biological weapons ?

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

To the both of you I urge you to rethink your perceived worth from both your respective " messiah's " . I assure you that every single politician within both parties that you each rabidly fanboy/girl to & insist the other teams supporters are this or that, don't,wont & can't give a rat's ar*e about either of you.
Sorry to break it to you but ffs wake up !! Govern yourself ffs !!

posted on Mar, 20 2024 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: fotsyfots2
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

To the both of you I urge you to rethink your perceived worth from both your respective " messiah's " . I assure you that every single politician within both parties that you each rabidly fanboy/girl to & insist the other teams supporters are this or that, don't,wont & can't give a rat's ar*e about either of you.
Sorry to break it to you but ffs wake up !! Govern yourself ffs !!

No, I'm going by the facts of what people in power do, have done, and are still doing. What the MSM is and has been doing.

And what no one is doing that could be helping but aren't. And yep, it includes many from both parties.

But the most radicalized currently are those on the left. The biggest threats right now are coming from from none other than Joe Biden and his lunatic band of merry men and sideshow ladies. The most radical and incompetent bunch to ever grace the halls of Capitol Hill and the White House.

Biden is the one who made these poisonous jabs a mandate and "ordered" (dictator style) that ALL get it, that if you get it you won't die and you won't give it to others. But when people began getting it and getting sick anyways they (Biden and his MSM backers) turned their backs and ignored it but continued lying. Biden also exempted White House staff and all of the congress and the senate. That right there is a court ordered hanging offense in my book. Destroyed our military with the mandate as well.

But this is really about all of the leftist acolytes who confirm all of these outrageous requirements of getting jabbed and boosted in order to receive any benefit. A pay to play scheme for citizens in a Kim Un style program.

Want to get out of jail? Must get jabbed (and risk extreme side effects including death). That was actually offered to inmates by LEFTIST acolytes that obey the current democrat regime of death, with the full support of all the corrupt leftist news outlets.

edit on 20-3-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit SNIPPED because of posting error

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Hang on but isn't " your guy " the one in charge who made it possible for clot shots to be available so fast ? Is he not the same dude who to this day advocates for getting them still ? Or is this some 5D chess move i'm not understanding ?
Left/Right, red/blue,Rep's/Dem's........they are nothing more than 2 cheeks of the same ar*e & the sooner you yanks accept & acknowledge that you've been played by these " better thans " for a very long time & to honestly reflect , the better for both you guys & the world population in general. I pray that you can reverse present day ideologies but worry that you can't.

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