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Trump To Respond Live To Biden’s State Of The Union With ‘Play By Play’ Commentary

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posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: liberalskeptic

Biden has done a good job so they have to find something to lie about to blame him for.

Bwaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can’t be serious? You lost me at “Biden has done a good job”. I could’ve of sworn you said you were the smartest person on ATS, why yes, yes you did, you said exactly that🙄

Worst prez of my lifetime with the lowest approval rating ever, he’s done everything but a good job.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: liberalskeptic

Biden has done a good job so they have to find something to lie about to blame him for.

Bwaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can’t be serious? You lost me at “Biden has done a good job”. I could’ve of sworn you said you were the smartest person on ATS, why yes, yes you did, you said exactly that🙄

Worst prez of my lifetime with the lowest approval rating ever, he’s done everything but a good job.

Like you'd look up anything good about Biden.

Overall consensus from political historians -- say Biden is doing a good job.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: liberalskeptic

Biden has done a good job so they have to find something to lie about to blame him for.

Bwaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can’t be serious? You lost me at “Biden has done a good job”. I could’ve of sworn you said you were the smartest person on ATS, why yes, yes you did, you said exactly that🙄

Worst prez of my lifetime with the lowest approval rating ever, he’s done everything but a good job.

Like you'd look up anything good about Biden.

Overall consensus from political historians -- say Biden is doing a good job.

Oh please🙄, that’s one of the most delusional things I’ve ever heard. What historian idiots said this? I’d love to know, got a link?

I did one day look up what good he’s done and all I got was a bunch of lies and propaganda, maybe you can direct me to a different source that isn’t lies and propaganda?

So you think all these people turning on Biden including his own party is because he’s doing such a great job? Dems are even leaving the dem party because of this clown, especially in the black community people are done with this fool.

Tell me in your words how he’s made this country better? Everything he’s touched has been a disaster ten fold.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: Annee

You are a man who wants to control women's reproductive system because of YOUR BELIEF.

Once again not a belief... I see two sides to this, so you are not going to win with your view, that's about it. Let's go back to my original post that seemed to trigger you and a few others.

All I said is a middle ground needs to be found for any actual outcome. For me, I stop caring about 1972... I'll just go with playing around and find out the answer to not being responsible. It's one of many things people seem to fail at in life, just a nice long list of why people are worse off at 40 than they were at 18.

If you want it 100% legal then make it like any other elective surgery, no insurance, no tax money, and if you have a partial-birth abortion then it is the death penalty for the mother and doctor, deal?

See I'm willing to bend...

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: liberalskeptic
I find it hysterical that republicans are so desperate and stupid that they let their response include something they are trying to blame on Biden border policies THAT HAPPENED IN 2005! Your guy was in charge then. Sure, it was a horrific story and was likely true but you can't blame Biden for what Bush did. I hope you are all suitably embarrassed.

So 8 years of Obama, then 4 years of fighting Trump every inch on the border, then 4 years of Biden saying there is nothing wrong at the border and it is Bush's fault? lol, give me a break.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

Worst prez of my lifetime with the lowest approval rating ever, he’s done everything but a good job.

He has been 10x worse than even Carter.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Annee

My brother and his wife whom have been staunch democrats from Seattle for decades are voting straight Red all down the ticket. They said libtard policies in Seattle and Biden’s performance sealed the deal for them, they’re also moving out of Seattle in the next year and moving anywhere not blue they said. They’ve had enough of this # show.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: Annee

My brother and his wife whom have been staunch democrats from Seattle for decades are voting straight Red all down the ticket. They said libtard policies in Seattle and Biden’s performance sealed the deal for them, they’re also moving out of Seattle in the next year and moving anywhere not blue they said. They’ve had enough of this # show.

I am not a Democrat.

Obviously, they've been listening to the propaganda of Talking Heads.

I vote the person -- not a color.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: Annee

My brother and his wife whom have been staunch democrats from Seattle for decades are voting straight Red all down the ticket. They said libtard policies in Seattle and Biden’s performance sealed the deal for them, they’re also moving out of Seattle in the next year and moving anywhere not blue they said. They’ve had enough of this # show.

I am not a Democrat.

Obviously, they've been listening to the propaganda of Talking Heads.

I vote the person -- not a color.

I know, you’ve said that repeatedly but you align yourself with anything and everything the dems, liberals, left and progressives have to offer. Since they’ve all pretty much become synonymous with the left/dems, not sure what you expect people to think. I’ve only heard you demonize the right, you seem to have a special hatred for them regardless of issue.

Obviously, they've been listening to the propaganda of Talking Heads.

🤣 Not even close, he doesn’t even watch the news or read msm, he used to try and defend the left somewhat , I think because he loved his city so much and out of embarrassment 🤷‍♂️. It just got the point that they couldn’t ignore the reality anymore, they were actually living it Annee and did so for over four decades, it wasn’t anything they got from the MSM, they’re somewhat in the epicenter of the left’s nonsense.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

I know, you’ve said that repeatedly but,,,,

It's new to her everytime though......

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
a reply to: Annee

My brother and his wife whom have been staunch democrats from Seattle for decades are voting straight Red all down the ticket. They said libtard policies in Seattle and Biden’s performance sealed the deal for them, they’re also moving out of Seattle in the next year and moving anywhere not blue they said. They’ve had enough of this # show.

I am not a Democrat.

Obviously, they've been listening to the propaganda of Talking Heads.

I vote the person -- not a color.

I know, you’ve said that repeatedly but you align yourself with anything and everything the dems, liberals, left and progressives have to offer.

Have I?

I am a fiscal conservative, social liberal -- as I believe most people in this country are.

Also, progressive as I'm not a supporter of traditions or what "once was".

All we hear about in the media is extremism. Talking Heads who have the ability to manipulate those willing.

Since I don't actually discuss my politics on ATS -- your assumptions are limited only to what I've posted here.

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 07:34 PM
Anyone else noticing the extreme changes in "personalities" when certain things are "threatened" ? 😀

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: liberalskeptic
I find it hysterical that republicans are so desperate and stupid that they let their response include something they are trying to blame on Biden border policies THAT HAPPENED IN 2005! Your guy was in charge then. Sure, it was a horrific story and was likely true but you can't blame Biden for what Bush did. I hope you are all suitably embarrassed.

So 8 years of Obama, then 4 years of fighting Trump every inch on the border, then 4 years of Biden saying there is nothing wrong at the border and it is Bush's fault? lol, give me a break.

Wait, I don't think any democrat said it was Bush's fault. That was your gal. And she is getting her fill of crow now from every side. What an embarrassment to the party that they picked her for the response and then they failed miserably to keep her from embarrassing your party with lies about what Bush did that she failed miserably to blame on Biden!

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: Annee

Have I?

I am a fiscal conservative, social liberal -- as I believe most people in this country are.

Also, progressive as I'm not a supporter of traditions or what "once was".

All we hear about in the media is extremism. Talking Heads who have the ability to manipulate those willing.

Since I don't actually discuss my politics on ATS -- your assumptions are limited only to what I've posted here.

That's pretty much how I would describe myself - fiscal conservative, social liberal. I don't understand why the party of Lincoln that claims to stand for individual liberty wants to tell everyone what they can do regarding reproductive choice, voting, and so forth. I am definitely not a progressive though because I think they also take things to extremes.

I am old enough to know personally a few people who served in the Reagan White House and they are embarrassed by what the republican party has become.

Trump provokes extremism because it is easy to stoke uneducated people this way and about half the country is uneducated. So he preaches to the ignorant base to support his ego and most of the base is uneducated so they fail to understand how they are being manipulated and used. Fortunately there are enough educated republicans that will vote to keep him out of office.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

My brother and his wife whom have been staunch democrats from Seattle for decades are voting straight Red all down the ticket. They said libtard policies in Seattle and Biden’s performance sealed the deal for them, they’re also moving out of Seattle in the next year and moving anywhere not blue they said. They’ve had enough of this # show.

I'm not liberal but after 15 years near Portland on the WA side of the river, we moved. Today Seattle and Portland are miserable jokes of a city. They voted on what they got so good riddance.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: liberalskeptic

Wait, I don't think any democrat said it was Bush's fault. That was your gal. And she is getting her fill of crow now from every side. What an embarrassment to the party that they picked her for the response and then they failed miserably to keep her from embarrassing your party with lies about what Bush did that she failed miserably to blame on Biden!

Can you quote who this person is, I can't find it.

The big problem was when Trump came into office the liberals fought him on everything he worked to do. He was only able to get maybe 40% in place all the while being called xenophobic and a racist. Then when Biden took over it was 3+ years of "the border is fine" as he undid everything Trump was working on, even taking down chunks of the wall.

It really comes down to the message you push out and Biden and the liberals pushed come one come all, and so they came. Then the liberals with their sanctuary cities saw a small trickle come there they started to scream we have a problem.

Well no sh!t

It doesn't matter what one person says, Biden and the liberals created this mess all because of OMB.

BTW what has Biden not F'ed up in the last 3 years? Is your standard of living so much better today than under Trump? Liberals can play their silly games and then say what I'm just going to get some popcorn and watch the left blow up for the next four years.

edit on x31Mon, 11 Mar 2024 07:20:00 -0500202470America/ChicagoMon, 11 Mar 2024 07:20:00 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: liberalskeptic

Trump provokes extremism because it is easy to stoke uneducated people this way and about half the country is uneducated. So he preaches to the ignorant base to support his ego and most of the base is uneducated so they fail to understand how they are being manipulated and used. Fortunately there are enough educated republicans that will vote to keep him out of office. really? Seems the left is high and mighty with their "we are smarter than all of you, just ask us"... Since the Left preys on the minority and poor classes who are the uneducated being led by the nose?

I've asked this before, so maybe you can help. Can you name two or three things that Trump did that were not good for the country, that hurt America? Then we can compare to Biden...

edit on x31Mon, 11 Mar 2024 07:26:27 -0500202470America/ChicagoMon, 11 Mar 2024 07:26:27 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: liberalskeptic

originally posted by: Annee

Have I?

I am a fiscal conservative, social liberal -- as I believe most people in this country are.

Also, progressive as I'm not a supporter of traditions or what "once was".

All we hear about in the media is extremism. Talking Heads who have the ability to manipulate those willing.

Since I don't actually discuss my politics on ATS -- your assumptions are limited only to what I've posted here.

That's pretty much how I would describe myself - fiscal conservative, social liberal. I don't understand why the party of Lincoln that claims to stand for individual liberty wants to tell everyone what they can do regarding reproductive choice, voting, and so forth. I am definitely not a progressive though because I think they also take things to extremes.

I am old enough to know personally a few people who served in the Reagan White House and they are embarrassed by what the republican party has become.

Trump provokes extremism because it is easy to stoke uneducated people this way and about half the country is uneducated. So he preaches to the ignorant base to support his ego and most of the base is uneducated so they fail to understand how they are being manipulated and used. Fortunately there are enough educated republicans that will vote to keep him out of office.

I agree with your post.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: liberalskeptic

Fortunately there are enough educated republicans that will vote to keep him out of office.

Where are all the “educated” Liberals smart enough to keep Biden from the White House?

Oh…..there aren’t any because they vote with their feelz instead of their limited intelligence.

posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: liberalskeptic

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: liberalskeptic
I find it hysterical that republicans are so desperate and stupid that they let their response include something they are trying to blame on Biden border policies THAT HAPPENED IN 2005! Your guy was in charge then. Sure, it was a horrific story and was likely true but you can't blame Biden for what Bush did. I hope you are all suitably embarrassed.

So 8 years of Obama, then 4 years of fighting Trump every inch on the border, then 4 years of Biden saying there is nothing wrong at the border and it is Bush's fault? lol, give me a break.

Wait, I don't think any democrat said it was Bush's fault. That was your gal. And she is getting her fill of crow now from every side. What an embarrassment to the party that they picked her for the response and then they failed miserably to keep her from embarrassing your party with lies about what Bush did that she failed miserably to blame on Biden!

Hell of a setup wasn't it. The "writers" were gotten-to 🤣

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