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Over 1 in 5 college students say they sympathize with Hamas

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posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: rigel4

I do respect those that neither defend Israel or the palestinians.

It's a fine line, in my opinion, but I do respect that.

With all due respect, I will continue my unwavering support for Israel though.

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy


posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
I'd put it more around 40% .

Some are Blatantly Ignorant and others choose to be Ignorant.

So it is funny... I had kids late in life at 38 and my wife was 30. My kids today though being Z generation one is now an electrical engineer and the other will be a doctor starting in the Army. Both were high school star athletes and their whole life, being the boomer that I am, never gave them anything they didn't earn. They laugh today about how bad they were in early sports to where I could not go and watch and how much I told them that they sucked on a level as to why I could not watch, BUT the day I did BOY did that tell them something.

They have zero student loans and doing well with no need for all the issues kids have today while being right there with the kids today.

I guess I was just another boomer bad dad.

That is all it takes , A couple good Kids like yours to grow up and make a difference.

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: putnam6
I've always thought America had good checks and balances with the wider teachings of our universities with whatever dogma was generally absorbed before "higher education" at home secondary schools etc. We know the MSM isn't exactly unbiased either

Now however we have lost or are losing the balance.

Not going to lie the mashup of everybody thinking they must go to college, with 86% stating they learn about the conflict on social media, is the most concerning trend I hear about America's future. There is very little fact-checking, or reading learning from other sources, hell even on legit sites the comments are chock full of propagandized BS. Still, see posts about Israeli copters firing at the Nova music festival which is a known complete falsehood. No doubt an organized foreign effort mixed with the domestic ill-informed is a dangerous mix.

The internet initially was fantastic for reading and learning about current events and history, now every headline article or comment needs to be vetted and researched for accuracy as all social media contributors aren't concerned about being factually correct, or concise but the clicks views, and likes.

My generation didn't care and basically felt all sides were manipulating at best, thieving and corrupt at worst, Nixon wasn't an outlier he was an example.

A new survey reveals that 22% of college students sympathize with Hamas. Roughly a quarter of U.S. college students are confident in their knowledge about the war between Israel and Hamas, with 6% saying they’re extremely knowledgeable, and 19% saying they’re very knowledgeable.

Social media is the most common source of information about these issues for students. Eighty-six percent of college students say they’ve learned about the conflict and/or current war on social media.

Among the 99% of respondents who say they’ve used social media in the past three weeks, 32% say they see information about these issues all the time on social media, while 41% say they do often. Additionally, 19% say they see information about these issues some of the time, while 6% say not very often. Only 1% of social media users say they never see related information on their channels.

Students also have learned about the Israel-Palestine conflict and Israel-Hamas war through news articles (62%), talking directly to others (58%), televised news (56%), and podcasts (17%).

Nearly half of students, 48%, say they’re somewhat knowledgeable on the most recent conflict, while 23% are not very knowledgeable. Only 4% of students say they’re not knowledgeable at all.

“College students often feel compelled to stay informed about global events and to engage in meaningful discourse, both in and out of the classroom,” says Eric Eng, a college admission expert and the founder and CEO of AdmissionSight. “This sense of responsibility, particularly in our information age, could account for the number of students who claim to be ‘very knowledgeable’ about the situation. Yet, it’s worth noting that being informed doesn’t necessarily equate to a comprehensive understanding of such complex issues.”

I neither support Hamas or Israeli Goverment...
There is no right side here... on the one hand we have Hamas on the other right wing Israeli PM and cabinet.

Killing more people is not going to fix this .
Only a transition to a 2 state solution and end to illegally annexing Palastiian land will.

If Individuals or State actors wish to back this kind of thing let them, but come out and say you do.
Standing behind "Israel has a right to defend herself" is a #ing afront when day in and day out peace or war
the Palastinians have have their land stolen, and people murdered by these settlers and their backup the Israeli army.

I am neither antisemitic or a self hating jew or a facist or anything else.
I am calling out an injustice and so should you .


Respectfully the thread is in the PROPAGANDA forum for a specific reason, because it's specifically about how 1 and 5 college students support Hamas. My accompanying theory is that ignorant college students believe Hamas was in the right and forced to act and 10/7 was just "resistance" based on the flood of propaganda on social media. No more no less.

You know the same Hamas when elected in Gaza in 2006 took the opposition party leaders and threw them off a building in Gaza City.

You can call out injustice all day all night 24/7, the world is full of injustice ask the Uyghurs about genocide, but supporting Hamas's actions on 10/7 as justifiable is complete and utter BS. I can say that all the while wanting and hoping there is lasting peace and a 2 state solution for the region.
edit on p0000003011pm116 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: rigel4

Killing more people is not going to fix this .
Only a transition to a 2 state solution and end to illegally annexing Palastiian land will.

What was The Six Day War?

False dilemma, "Palestinian land" isn't necessarily a legal claim.

Israel took control of the West Bank, and several other regions, which by rules of war, becomes territory of the victor.

This is also a list worth sharing.

Lack of Recognition of Palestinian State


1. Andorra
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. Croatia
5. Denmark
6. Estonia
7. Finland
8. France
9. Germany
10. Greece
11. Ireland
12. Italy
13. Latvia
14. Lithuania
15. Liechtenstein
16. Luxembourg
17. Moldova
18. Netherlands
19. North Macedonia
20. Norway
21. Slovenia
22. Spain
23. Switzerland
24. England
25. Monaco
26. San Marino
27. Portugal


1. Bahamas
2. Canada
3. Mexico
4. Panama
5. United States
6. Trinidad and Tobago
7. Barbados
8. Jamaica


1. Japan
2. Myanmar
3. Singapore
4. South Korea
5. Armenia

The Middle East:

1. Israel


1. Fiji
2. Kiribati
3. Federated States of Micronesia
4. Nauru
5. Australia
6. New Zealand
7. Samoa
8. Solomon Islands
9. Marshall Islands
10. Palau
11. Tuvalu
12. Tonga


1. Cameroon
2. Eritrea

The list of the countries that do is an interesting one, HATRED OF AMERICA and The West is like the most popular belief you can have.

Amazing how they spun that 6 Day War Defeat in to the perpetual victim card that nullifies the land taken control of.

In analogy, The US went to war with Mexico for parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and Colorado like Israel going to war for Sinai, Golan Heights, West Bank, and East Jerulsalem.

By rules of war Palestine has as much claim to Bethlehem as Mexico has to Albuquerque. Even without formal cession of territory.

It's like the rules of war don't apply because that is super special Muslim land, which is different.

What really stops Palestine and Friend from taking it back, by rules of war?
edit on 28-11-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33

What was The Six Day War?

False dilemma, "Palestinian land" isn't necessarily a legal claim.

Israel took control of the West Bank, and several other regions, which by rules of war, becomes territory of the victor.

So the Palestine’s turned down the Two state solution that was first offered with the Brits and French, then the wars happened.

If we were going to actually call land Palestine then it would be deep in Egypt from old maps, or Jordan since they are the same people. There is no occupied Palestine land in Israel, and if we wanted to put blame somewhere then it would be with Egypt and Jordan who created the mess in the first place and still will not accept any responsibility.

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

If we were going to actually call land Palestine then it would be deep in Egypt from old maps, or Jordan since they are the same people. There is no occupied Palestine land in Israel, and if we wanted to put blame somewhere then it would be with Egypt and Jordan who created the mess in the first place and still will not accept any responsibility.

This is the Truth , This the actual Reality . ^^^ You hit the nail on the head.

The original Land of " Palestine" was much further West , For Proof just reference the old ' Roman Maps '

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

This is the Truth , This the actual Reality . ^^^ You hit the nail on the head.

The original Land of " Palestine" was much further West , For Proof just reference the old ' Roman Maps '

The word "Palestine" actually came from the conquerors to describe an area within the region, not a people or kingdom etc.
edit on x30Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:14:26 -06002023331America/ChicagoTue, 28 Nov 2023 17:14:26 -06002023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2023 @ 07:36 PM
Simple answer to WHY Google LEADERSHIP embraces the dark side, massively affecting the minds of young people...

Google & Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai is a radical liberal, born in the same part of the world as the mother of our radical liberal V.P., Kamala Harris. 🤡

posted on Mar, 21 2024 @ 09:57 AM
You bring up some really valid points about the state of education and media today. It's like navigating through a maze of misinformation sometimes. Reminds me of my time at Oxford Academy, where critical thinking was emphasized more than ever.

posted on Mar, 21 2024 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33

Israel took control of the West Bank, and several other regions, which by rules of war, becomes territory of the victor.

I don't think we would say Israel won The West Bank and Gaza in a war. It was more along the lines that Egypt and Jordan dumped those areas onto Israel because they didn't want to deal with them anymore.

edit on x31Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:25:56 -0500202480America/ChicagoThu, 21 Mar 2024 10:25:56 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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