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Food industry buying off dietician influencers and doctors to promote unhealthy products.

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posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 12:29 AM
During the summer, after decades, WHO declared aspartame sweetener as a potentially cancer-causing. To combat that, soda industry, hired dietician influencers in order to discredit the study. Personally, I find it extremely unethical. In ideal world, the companies should be punished, but unfortunately nothing can be done. At least, the influencers lost large amount of followers after the backlash. Generally, I highly dislike when companies promote unhealthy choices as healthy. When sometimes watching NBA games, it is disgusting to see the advertisements where professional athletes promote junk food or alcohol. Some people simply have no integrity and are willing to do anything for a buck. An influencer should be promoting products that they actually use regularly and have some ethics, rather than use their influence in order to sell some crap they would never use or is not part of their lifestyle, as long as the paycheck is hefty.

In all, at least 35 posts from a dozen health professionals were part of the coordinated campaign by American Beverage. The trade group paid an undisclosed amount to 10 registered dietitians, as well as a physician and a fitness influencer, to use their social media accounts to help blunt the WHO’s claims that aspartame, a mainstay of Diet Coke and other sodas, is ineffective for weight loss and “possibly carcinogenic.

Washington post article
[]The food industry pays ‘influencer’ dietitians to shape your eating habits[/url]

An interesting Youtube video on the topic. Very intelligent woman.

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Cabin

This is going to sound cynical, but if people are stupid enough to spend their money on this poison and consume it, they deserve what they get.

Yeah, it's unethical that the junk food industry is paying big money to people to lie about all of this, but anybody who hasn't seen through those lies yet is either stupid or has a death wish - not that the two are mutually exclusive.

I realzed along time ago on my own that pretty much all artifical sweeteners are rotten. I also came to the conclusion long ago by observation that the seed oils and hydrogenated vegetable oils that they tell us are healthier are poison. Butter and lard are and have always been better for the human body than the garbage created in laboratories.

Yeah, the industry should be punished, but it ain't gonna happen by the hand of the politicians and such. They are all on the payroll. We The People could make them hurt, but very few will do it. That's fine. When they've killed off all of the idiots wiht their poisons, the few of us who remain won't spend our money on their toxic crap.

The opening of the video says:

The food industry pays "influencer" dieticans to shape your eating habits.

I can honestly say that they do not shape my eating habits.

This is similar to all the whinging about term limits that I hear. I always say that we have term limits built into the system; it's called ELECTIONS. People bitch about wanting term limits, but they keep voting the same theives and degenerates into office term after term. If you want term limits, stop voting for the degenerates. The problem is not with the politicians; it's with the electorate.

Likewise, the root of this problem is not with the producers, it's with the consumers. Stop consuming and it won't be profitable for them to produce anymore.

But that's too easy, I guess.

edit on 2023 11 27 by AwakeNotWoke because: I could.

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 12:50 AM
The FDA is in on it to they approved all of the chemicals

Money can buy money essentially if u got the money u can pass off dirt as food ... Also they do that at the cost of the workers who handle it silicon dioxide basically extra fine sand stuff will kill you if you inhale it used to turn oil products into powdered form

Butter flavor as well and many many other things that are lethal to anyone handling it even the consumer when cooking it but all is fine as long as u got the $$$

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: Markovian2

One of the problems in US food industry, is the way how things are banned. When in Europe, a substance, additive or chemical, needs to be proved safe before it is released to public, in US it is the opposite. The substance needs to proved dangerous before it is banned. That often causes something to be available for decades before it is banned.

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 04:18 AM

edit on Mon Nov 27 2023 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2023 @ 07:32 AM
There is a lot of evidence from legitimate research now that shows all kinds of negative side effects from many artificial sweetners. But those research articles are not read by the vast majority of people, we are fed BS by consumerism tactics. Influencers are being used by companies now to promote products. They can make a good living spreading misinformation to their followers.

An occasional consuming of artificial sweeteners will not hurt the vast majority of people, but if you read the labels on things, it is used in a lot of products these days. That is not healthy. The fact that people are hooked on the sweet taste is a problem. Sugar is not good if consumed regularly either, but personally I believe from my reading about this kind of stuff that regular sugar in small amounts is less of a problem than some major artificial sweeteners in products if you eat too much of them.

Moderation is the key. In this country sweeteners are used way too much, the diet is terrible. From what I hear, way less sweeteners are used in most of Europe.

posted on Nov, 29 2023 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Cabin
not good at all. we need people who are aligned with actual knowledge of nutrition and who have good intentions who want to help other people. these hacks only care about money and influence. they dont belong in this field

posted on Nov, 29 2023 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Cabin

and that is how insane this country is.

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