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Thought I saw a troll

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posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:35 AM
Where are all the expert level trolls? You finally got what you wanted and have the chance to run amok and make it count! Mods can't do a thing, here's the chance to really expose some flesh and strike some nerves!

I came to be entertained damnit! The trolls and lulz could have been epic!

Instead what do we get:


Short story erotica

DB bashing

Some pastor guy hawking a cringe site

More low dick energy lameness. Trite, childish, and predictable!

I've never been so disappointed during such a monumental event. I guess ATS isn't even worthy of good old-fashioned quality trolling. Wasted opportunity!

Next time bring your A game!

edit on 23-10-2023 by 2Narcoleptic2Buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: 2Narcoleptic2Buddha

The game got too easy for them with censorship everywhere else. They haven't had to actually do anything clever for years. A meme flag and a brown shirt were all they needed to get their fake friends to validate their fake "radical revolutionary" lifestyle brands.

So now we have "peepeepoopoo" levels of trolling and a mental defective pretending he's Morpheus.

There're still a couple clever trolls kicking around. You will see them occasionally rising from the depths and feeding on the Morpheus sockpuppets, the armchair neonazis, and the Antifa JV team. It's a target rich environment for clown sniping.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: 2Narcoleptic2Buddha

That's an interesting insight. There are several levels of trolling actually. I think of it like the Kardeshev Scale.

Type 0 Troll - Low Brow. Simplistic. Solitary. Capable of only repetitive behavior. No arch at all. Often uses obscenity and insults to cause a reaction in people. Can only incorporate immediate surroundings and simple subject matter.

Type 1 Troll - Capable of minimal satire. Uses mostly repetitive behavior, but has branched out to multiple accounts and incorporates a troll web. Has the ability to use more of its surroundings and diversity of topics.

Type 2 Troll - More complex social commentary at this level. Some repetitive motifs, but has gained the ability to incorporate multiple personae, while incorporating a more complex troll web. At this level Trolls start using their trolling to accomplish minimal goals with their characters. Incorporate all of their surroundings, but still can't apply it all with consistency.

Type 3 Troll - These are the master trolls. They use other trolls, misdirection trolling, and the appearance of trolling, while incorporating many various motifs and devices to exploit across multiple mediums. These trolls use trolling itself. They incorporate the entirety of the trolling spectrum, including vast inconnected webs of trolls using devices to accomplish their goals. These are called THE FREAKING NSA.

Not really. They don't have trolls.

I think I'm a type 1, myself.
edit on 23-10-2023 by SheWasTheDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 12:59 AM
Honestly, it's gotten kind of hard to tell the trolls from the long-standing members with some of the things that have been posted.

Maybe the ATS motto should have been 'Deny ignorance and act like a respectful adult'.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 01:00 AM
So, I personally think that if we have more political posts thetrolls that are worth reading will come.

If we post the content they will come.... maybe?

Because this stupid spamming is so below my three year old classroom level.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: SheWasTheDarkness
a reply to: 2Narcoleptic2Buddha

That's an interesting insight. There are several levels of trolling actually. I think of it like the Kardeshev Scale.

Type 0 Troll - Low Brow. Simplistic. Solitary. Capable of only repetitive behavior. No arch at all. Often uses obscenity and insults to cause a reaction in people. Can only incorporate immediate surroundings and simple subject matter.

Type 1 Troll - Capable of minimal satire. Uses mostly repetitive behavior, but has branched out to multiple accounts and incorporates a troll web. Has the ability to use more of its surroundings and diversity of topics.

Type 2 Troll - More complex social commentary at this level. Some repetitive motifs, but has gained the ability to incorporate multiple personae, while incorporating a more complex troll web. At this level Trolls start using their trolling to accomplish minimal goals with their characters. Incorporate all of their surroundings, but still can't apply it all with consistency.

Type 3 Troll - These are the master trolls. They use other trolls, misdirection trolling, and the appearance of trolling, while incorporating many various motifs and devices to exploit across multiple mediums. These trolls use trolling itself. They incorporate the entirety of the trolling spectrum, including vast inconnected webs of trolls using devices to accomplish their goals. These are called THE FREAKING NSA.

Not really. They don't have trolls.

I think I'm a type 1 myself.

Ooo that's hard. O don't have multiple accounts but if I did I would easily be a level 2. There is some agenda I have. I have not been that way since 2002. I decided at that time I an who I am and that's all that I am. And I am enough hahaha!!!!

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 01:10 AM
Oh, I'm here.

I'm eating for free right now. Just basic ATS members cause these morons to give up so much loosh from their pain and suffering that I'll be stuffed for days. Likely take a nap. I'm sure when I wake up you'll all be gone and I'll just have them to eat.

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: TheDiscoKing

Tell em Stu

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: SheWasTheDarkness

I think our little Type 1 is knocking Type 2's door.

You seem alright so far.

Somewhere between one and two my mild annoyance starts turning into a certain level of respect for the craft.

Times like these are where the great artists shine.

The truly great ones... **chef's kiss**

posted on Oct, 23 2023 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: 2Narcoleptic2Buddha

We Think We Identified the Culprit ............

ATS is Offering a $100,000 Reward for Any Information concerning this Suspect.............

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: ksihkahe
a reply to: 2Narcoleptic2Buddha

They haven't had to actually do anything clever for years.

I believe you!

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