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Big Pharma contract with S.A now public knowledge

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posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 07:13 PM
This is an interesting development from South Africa where MPs were asking the Ministry of Health to show the Pharma contracts...They refused ...So they got a court order to make them available. Here is a roundup from "Sanity from Sweden" It basically proves what we already know. But in the actual contract when the relevant points are examined only a mug or someone who has some financial stake would sign it, let alone mandate it for the whole population.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 09:53 PM
Interesting. That fan looks like one of those fans that use heat energy transfer to power them. It is sitting on top of the woodstove without a cord showing, so I am guessing there is a fire in the woodstove...but do not see any flames but it could be down to coals at this point.

I like his style, giving comparisons of what the pharma companies are saying. No there is not yet any long term data, and the vaccines do not stop you from getting and passing on the virus, they just reduce the severity of it is some people...but not all people.

I kept looking if there was flames. also, I wonder why there is that kind of pitchfork near the woodstove, it is not anything I would consider using.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
People keep saying this…”it reduces severity.” There is not a single demonstrable metric for this supposed reduction in severity. With your exceptional background I cannot decide if you actually believe that, or are being sarcastic?

I have all the respect in the world for your input, but I’m scratching my head on that.

OP I think distilling the conversation Dow to the basics is effective. Does the saw cut boards? No. Does the shot do anything positive? No…and you cannot prove it 3 years later. Just a big ol giant pile of uncut boards

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

By their own admission, they don't know whether it reduces severity or not. In fact, the only people who know much about what it does are DARPA and the CIA the rest are useful idiots.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: rickymouse
People keep saying this…”it reduces severity.” There is not a single demonstrable metric for this supposed reduction in severity. With your exceptional background I cannot decide if you actually believe that, or are being sarcastic?

I have all the respect in the world for your input, but I’m scratching my head on that.

OP I think distilling the conversation Dow to the basics is effective. Does the saw cut boards? No. Does the shot do anything positive? No…and you cannot prove it 3 years later. Just a big ol giant pile of uncut boards

In some people, maybe six percent of the population, it does reduce severity. For the rest of the people it does not. Stimulating the immune system of someone who has had their immune system destroyed doesn't work either. So those who are most at risk get no benefit. Most healthy people destroy the virus by having their innate immune system target the Coronavirus backbone of this virus. I cannot say it does not work for some peole, but for the vast majority is does not do much except possibly lower the transmission time a bit. I do not think this technology is that good.

That vaccine would never have been approved ten years ago.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

The biggest question is, why they thought it was necessary to give people an injection with a completely novel way of (not) working?

I can answer that too.

Nobody would have batted an eyelid over an old fashioned vaccine.
But they couldn't make one as you need the actual virus for that and they simply don't have one.

The clot shot however doesn't need an actual virus, you just literally make up a sequence you believe is like the one of a virus and the little factories will start producing an enemy inside your cells.
Apparently this will make your immune system then produce antibodies.

Problem is, your cells become enemies too; and if they don't stop producing crap, your body will remember your own cells as invaders and keep on attacking them.

If you love autoimmune disorders, this is how you get your dream disease.

In short, this was never a vaccine and the seeming reduction in severity is random. With or without the death shot.
I'm a pure blood and had this flu twice. Once it was a nothingburger and once it was the flu like I had it before. Nothing sleep, painkillers and hot soup can't cure.

The flu has always been dangerous to certain people and many die during flu season. Even those vaccinated by old fashioned vaccines.
However if those are up to date, they may actually work, because they are very basic and logic.
Enemy floating around, you already have their picture, shoot on sight.

This novel crap doesn't work like that. The people with less symptoms had less symptoms because covid is (allegedly) a corona virus, which all of us had throughout our lives by having a cold.
We are already immune.

Bar ver old or sick people who'd be in danger from anything really.

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 09:49 PM
But how could the Pharma companies make billions of dollars of income if they admitted that most people had immunity to this disease from past coronavirus infections through an innate response. They already knew this by the time the vaccine came out. And the NIH and CDC, they were not going to admit this as true because of the big increases in funding they enjoyed from this virus. Yes, there are quite a few people that were at higher risk of dying from this virus, but covid 19 is just another name for a sepsis infection stemming from a virus....any severe infection for an immune deficient person can lead to sepsis.

I am not saying this virus was not a problem for many people, but most of those people could not properly form a response to any more serious virus or infection. Even a severe common cold infection puts people at risk with an improperly operating immune system. There are so many people on meds that can cause immune systems to malfunction that that increases risk for lots of people. They switched meds for lots of people about the time the vaccine rolled out because they did not have enough of the meds they had to change to previously...they knew about this almost nine months previous to the vaccine. The wife was taken off one med by the doctor, a med that would increase her susceptability to replacement was given because her doctor said it really was not doing much of anything anyway. I disagree, her sleep apnea almost disappeared after that medicine was removed, so it was doing something bad. She sleeps with me, so I was hearing it and now I don't.

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