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Has Trump warped Evangelicals or have Evangelicals created Trump ?

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: WolfPants

And like today in CA, the constitution is being ignored in some states. Not all states. You should enumerate which ones didn't allow blacks to vote 58 years ago.

And poll taxes applied to all poor people, so not even sure it was racially motivated. Maybe some states didn't want golden gooses to be strangled by poor immigrants of all kinds .... even white ones.

Go on back to school.... it's late September!

(post by WolfPants removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:30 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:30 PM

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(post by WolfPants removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:31 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:33 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:34 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:37 PM

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: WolfPants

Bible believers think God allows his children to go to hell. Trump wouldn't allow his children to go to hell any more than I would.

It's best to distance yourself from people who portray God as being that mean and evil.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:39 PM
I thought we could discuss the separation of church and state.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: WolfPants

originally posted by: highvein

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: highvein

What country didn't let blacks vote 58 years ago?

I don't know. Black people could vote in the U.S. well before 58 years ago.
Civil rights act passed in 1965 by LBJ made it Federal. Until then many States restricted or prohibited Blacks from voting. 103 years ago women couldn’t vote .
This is all basic middle school US history 101.

turn it around and it took working class men from 1264 until 1918 or 654 years of fighting to get the vote it took women 664 years.. these numbers are for England and as the us system is an extension of England's similar timelines based on the 1264* start date apply. both used tactics and systems discriminate against poor whites to exclude them (by wealth/education) from voting the same tactics where applied to other groups.

In ignoring the way poor whites/women where eased out of having a political franchise its ignores the actual battle to ensure universal suffrage for all and it misses the origins of the colours, the white goes back to 1264 and the purity of the cross, 1264 it was the white cross vs red cross we now know as st Georges cross, in the 1600s we add the leveller green, then the 19th century the the purple of male suffrage.. combined they become the flag used by the suffragettes but they are the colours that represent a 6 and a half century struggle..

universal suffrage is new and each generation has to fight those who want to remove those they dislike, the best bet is not to be one of those as history doesn't remember them kindly..

*1264 battle of Lewes and England's first go at a sort of republic/birth of modern democratic parliaments.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
I thought we could discuss the separation of church and state.

you'll end up like the uk with some one like Blair's pr saying the gov doesn't do god while it frantically reads the bible for answers.

if we only knew we had a religious nut in power maybe we could have stopped* the religious wars he unleashed as all that is wrong with the west tracks back to 3rd way religious politics..

*or not since he had the west backing the dodgy dossier..

edit on 29-9-2023 by nickyw because: crap spelling

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: nickyw
Aww hell, we need something to fight about. Might as well be religion.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: WolfPants

I stand against MAGA , because it represents the last grasps of white hegemony of a dying Silent Generation & Boomers with one foot on a banana peel headed for the grave .

Believing that America’s glory years are behind us & a need to return to them is supporting an American that was superb for white men only.

Which Democrat put that warped idea into your head? Let me guess...Obama!

To everyone I know, making America Great Again would be as simple as taking us back to the 1980's - 1990's when the dollar you made stretched a hell of a lot further than it does now. From my personal experience, wages took a dive after 9/11 and then again during the 2008 recession to a point of which I never fully recovered financially.

As a Christian, I separate my faith from my politics. I support Trump because of his business acumen and policies, many of which revolve around LAW & ORDER, something the Democrats don't know anything about. Plus, Democrats have always been the biggest financial idiots over my lifetime. I vote in an effort to keep Democrats from STEALING from me any more than they already do. How hard is that to understand? I don't care about Trump's personal life. I care about how his policies effect my family and other American families as long as I'm forced to live on this God forsaken earth.

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: WolfPants

The Christian right in America is out of control imo and the likes of Boebert & Greene openly calling for theocratic rule is one of the most disgusting things Ive heard any leader say in years

Yeah it was 95%+ of the population for so long the rapidly diminishing religious numbers are cause for concern.

It's not going to go quietly. Christianity has a collapse clause.

In the event the indoctrination of the holy trinity should stop being of ubiquitous value it triggers "the armegeddon clause", whereby previous predictions foretold that eventuality as part of the end times, thus pre-establishing any deviation from absolute truth as Satan taking over and corrupting their faith.

And if you really want to get sick I have a conspiracy theory for you...

*** Conspiracy begin ***

Not only are there pushes for theocracy, there are non-government agencies that can operate outside the purview of the constitution as private enterprise. Meaning they can uphold theocratic ideals and engage in a psychological operation.

The powerful christians funding this psychological operation (ripped off from the CIA) want nothing more than an official Christian nation. This quasi official agency literally targets atheists, Satanists, and outspoken non-believers with live-action harassment. They are sorta like a shadow version of a Christianized NSA that upholds the holy war narrative like the one espoused by Qanon.


They allegedly harrass "lost" or "astray" people with "gangstalking", workplace harassment, and even voice to skull technology to mimick a religious experience of being chosen for this great cause.

They will put targets through hell to either "save them" or push them to destroy themselves for not being believers. A hardcore belief God wants them to get their hands dirty.

They believe they are fighters of a literal holy war between ethereal factions in direct collusion with opposed sides. The cities and democrats are controlled by evil, and rural Republicans are fighters of God's other zion.

One can laugh, but it can be given credence by every person called 'crazy' thinking everyone at work is taking about them... and all this other weird religious sh*t is happening... out of nowhere, with no history of that happening.

And yet another variation that reverses the outcome, where the christians are actually being used as cover by the real NSA to recruit those that tell the harrassers to go F themselves. In this version, if you give in, you lose and get nothing. If you stand your ground calling it despicable evangelical bs, you win.

Or so I've heard... not that anyone will believe you anyway... It might even have a few gems therein.

A real old school psyop conspiracy. You can't see California without Marlon Brando's Eyes.

Make what you will of that.

edit on 1-10-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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