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Are we all slaves to the lazy bums in Washington D.C.

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posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 04:18 AM
A few things have caught my attention. The POTUS is one lazy mother f... Period He doesn't give a flying f.. about America or its citizens.
Most politicians hide from the press. Why... because they are lazy as all hell.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
A few things have caught my attention. The POTUS is one lazy mother f... Period He doesn't give a flying f.. about America or its citizens.
Most politicians hide from the press. Why... because they are lazy as all hell.

You don't live in the USA, you have no idea.

But yes, we're slaves to the government which pretends to reside in DC

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Oh they're not lazy by any stretch of the imagination. Money grubbing liars, thieves, commie sympathizers but not lazy - they'll work late into the night to figure out ways to screw everyone in sight. Lazy they're not.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: billxam
a reply to: musicismagic

Oh they're not lazy by any stretch of the imagination. Money grubbing liars, thieves, commie sympathizers but not lazy - they'll work late into the night to figure out ways to screw everyone in sight. Lazy they're not.

Isn't that a negative way of lazyness for to help Americans. Seems like it equals "punishment" for their success of lazyness.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:00 AM
Agreed …. I remember in my high school history classes ( a long time ago ) , my history teacher explained to us , that political positions were originally created as a duty to your country . Not as a full time job or career. Politicians held a second job, profession, or trade , that actually paid their bills ,and fed their family . Obviously, the presidential position was more of an exception … there was no such thing as A career politician . They didn’t pride themselves on living off of the tax payer . … somewhere along the line ,it has flipped and that is why most people want term limits . Sadly , today there are very few caring politicians , most of them are both lazy and greedy .

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Agreed …. I remember in my high school history classes ( a long time ago ) , my history teacher explained to us , that political positions were originally created as a duty to your country . Not as a full time job or career. Politicians held a second job, profession, or trade , that actually paid their bills ,and fed their family . Obviously, the presidential position was more of an exception … there was no such thing as A career politician . They didn’t pride themselves on living off of the tax payer . … somewhere along the line ,it has flipped and that is why most people want term limits . Sadly , today there are very few caring politicians , most of them are both lazy and greedy .

thank you
I totally agree with you.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Agreed …. I remember in my high school history classes ( a long time ago ) , my history teacher explained to us , that political positions were originally created as a duty to your country . Not as a full time job or career. Politicians held a second job, profession, or trade , that actually paid their bills ,and fed their family . Obviously, the presidential position was more of an exception … there was no such thing as A career politician . They didn’t pride themselves on living off of the tax payer . … somewhere along the line ,it has flipped and that is why most people want term limits . Sadly , today there are very few caring politicians , most of them are both lazy and greedy .

That was back when Americans believed more in country than they did in government.

Back when Americans believed that you had to fight for what was right, and you had to work for what you wanted.

Our biggest mistake in America was believing that it was the government's job to put a chicken in every pot. Once we accepted that the government was supposed to be responsible for feeding and housing us, we became slaves.

Because as my mother always says, "He who pays, says".

I think the government can be lazy, because the citizens are lazy.

edit on 12-9-2023 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Clean up on aisle 3.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Have you started or stopped drinking?😏You seem a bit on the angry side? Gas, flooding etc the last couple...? Stay well...*(helmet n pads 👍)....

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: musicismagic

Have you started or stopped drinking?😏You seem a bit on the angry side? Gas, flooding etc the last couple...? Stay well...*(helmet n pads 👍)....

Hey! No alcohol or smokes, but if I were in Jamaica, well that would be another story. I actually just finished touring for 22 days of the Island of Shikoku. Came back and then went camping and cycling along the Japan Sea for 15 days.
Then the other day my test results for cancer and any tumors in the brain CT scan, well... I'm free.
Next week I'm off to live under the tropical skies of the Okinawan Islands till the end of the year. I'll be cycling, camping and snorkeling, no diving. Most likely find work picking the pineapples or sugarcane. Don't know.
Are you following my blog on Tokyo Cycle Club? I'll be up dating it tomorrow with new pictures.

By the way, I really need to sell my music gear. Keeping my 2 ukuleles though.

Oh, on March 22 I took on a knee injury. Was in a wheel chair, then a cane, had to buy a new bike, couldn't life the leg over the crossbike. And 7 months later, the other day I had my 9th shot of Corticosteroid. Something like that. Finished with treatment now.
edit on 0900000024142023-09-12T10:14:24-05:00142409am10 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: musicismagic

Then the other day my test results for cancer and any tumors in the brain CT scan, well... I'm free.

Wow! Great news !!! … I am so happy for you ! Congrats .

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: musicismagic

Then the other day my test results for cancer and any tumors in the brain CT scan, well... I'm free.

Wow! Great news !!! … I am so happy for you ! Congrats .

Thank you so much my good friend. Yes, I was worried. I never ever have gotten sick. But all of a sudden the brain got the pain, CT scan clear. Had to do with some kind of nerve. Today I feel like the pain is lessening for sure.
Next week, off to the Okinawan Islands. Again, thank you.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 12:11 PM
Things are going to get really bad here if the price of food keeps going up.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Awesome! Im glad for you n your adventures. We can live thru your travels. Ive havent gone to site, promise tonite I will....

Yes my Nipponese seemed wound up this week....more than usual! When you follow someone, ya just know.

God blessed you with your health! Yay! We have a music chain in the states called "Music GO Round" francises.....they buy any band equip. pa's, keys, spkrs, guitars, horns. Maybe there is someplace like that there? Okinawa? Tokyo?

Those places usually pay 60% of what they can get it for used: ie $100 uke new...used $50---they'd give you $30-60%.

And dont feel bad you gotta let stuff go. Remember...its just "stuff". And we cant take our stuff with us when we die!!!

Peace.....stay good, God Bless
edit on 09235530America/ChicagoTue, 12 Sep 2023 20:13:55 -050013202300000055 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

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