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Lithium discovery in US volcano

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posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: theatreboy

Being that they announced finding lithium in volcanic rock, could they be trying to consolidate ownership of some found in that area?

I suppose that's a possibility, but I see it as more of an opportunity for the rich and famous to create the paradise of their dreams without any Haole land owners. Their own little Garden of Eden to be enjoyed by a limited select few with native serfs to serve their every whim.

That's just my take. Anything done at the gov. level is to benefit those at the gov. level, and if it accidently benefits the lower class it's purely accidental.

Your take is just as valid...we are flooded with disinformation, who knows what is real.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: theatreboy

Being that they announced finding lithium in volcanic rock, could they be trying to consolidate ownership of some found in that area?

I suppose that's a possibility, but I see it as more of an opportunity for the rich and famous to create the paradise of their dreams without any Haole land owners. Their own little Garden of Eden to be enjoyed by a limited select few with native serfs to serve their every whim.

That's just my take. Anything done at the gov. level is to benefit those at the gov. level, and if it accidently benefits the lower class it's purely accidental.

Your take is just as valid...we are flooded with disinformation, who knows what is real.

That's why I love ATS; it gets the wheels turning with ideas I never thought of.
All I know is Lahaina is being swept under the rug and a whole lot of questionable activity has gone on and is still going on.

Three things you can't hide; The sun, the moon and the truth. It will come out eventually, and I don't doubt the ATS minds will figure it out long before anyone else does.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 11:24 PM

The project has met resistance in the form of legal challenges and direct action.[16] Several indigenous tribes with traditional homeland in the area oppose the project. These tribes have stated that Thacker Pass is a sacred site, a massacre site, and that they were not adequately consulted by the Bureau of Land Management. Opponents of the mine have voiced concerns about rushed environmental review, threats to critical wildlife habitat, disruption of cultural sites, and links between resource extraction and missing and murdered indigenous women. Proponents of the mine have stated that the project is necessary to limit climate change by reducing carbon emissions from American cars, is benign in its social and environmental impact, and will create 300 long-term jobs in rural Nevada, paying an average of $63,000 per year.[2][4] The New York Times reported that controversy around the mine is "emblematic of a fundamental tension" between green energy and damages caused by resource extraction required for those technologies.[2]
seems like it should be paying a bit more then 63k a year but seems to hit all the controversy buttons.

tribal land check,disrupting cultural sites ,a massacre site and greenies wanting a greener future but doing it in least in my uninformed self in a pretty "dirty way" ,also at top of article it talks about how general motors has all ready secured near exclusive rights to the first exploited deposits.

which is odd as it seems that the mining company is Chinese in origin(largest shareholder at least) so we can add chinese company and us super company to the list as well

star and flag ive missed stuff like this lately so thank you for it OP

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 12:23 AM

edit on 9/11/2023 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: nugget1

"" at what environmental cost.""

now son,..... dont you concern yourself with that.
why,.,, uncle sam and i are old friends, and will
take care of all that stuff for you.......
at a fair price, of course

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 10:40 AM
If you have never read Stephen Kings short story "The end of the whole mess" I highly recommend it.a reply to: halfoldman

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: bluemooone2
If you have never read Stephen Kings short story "The end of the whole mess" I highly recommend it.a reply to: halfoldman

I looked it up and found it typical SK-eerie. lol After releasing a 'calming chemical' around the globe....

Several months later it is discovered that, to the Fornoys' horror, there was another constant about La Plata that was not studied until after the substance was released. It does eliminate aggression, and increases calm, but it does the job too well. It builds up, out of control, in a subject's system, ultimately giving them symptoms resembling dementia or Alzheimer's disease and eventually resulting in death. Howard's journal entries after this point begin to include increasing amounts of grammar, spelling, and other mistakes, eventually devolving into incoherence as Howard succumbs to the effects of the chemical. It is implied the human race will also eventually die out as adults start to forget how to care for newborn children.


It sounds interesting, but I find his writings and movies too unsettling to imbibe in.

edit on 10000001212America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Halfswede

I agree with what you posted, I hate strip mining with a passion, and honestly have a hard time maintaining civility with anyone that claims lithium batteries in cars are beneficial for the enviroment.

Biggest problem they will have in accessing it is not in my backyard mentality.

Enviromental crusades are trendy until it impacts them.

lithium doesn't require strip mining though, they just require pouring water over the deposit then they dry out the pool so when it dries it leaves crystals that are then scooped out, then its filled up again and the process is repeated. no strip mining or explosives necessary.

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: namehere

Honest question I dont know the answer, how many lithium mines in the world operate like that vs strip mining?

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