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20 Million Plus People in Ethiopia Rely on Food Assistance From The Rest of the World

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posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Ethiopia is a coastal country, we also have ways of getting them water.

It isn't, Eritrea, Djibuti and Somalia block Ethiopia's access to the sea.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I've been seeing those ads on TV since the 80's.... nothing has changed since then and I've always thought those charities are scams because some people somewhere are getting real rich off of others donations over the last 45 odd years and maybe those ads were on TV before I began seeing them which means people have been getting rich for more than 45 years and not doing what the charities were set up to do...

Makes you wonder how some Billionaires became Billionaires in the first place... really wouldn't surprise me at all because these people care only about money!

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I am not here to blow up your thread as the food crisis is real. I went to two newspaper web sites in Ethiopia and not much on Tigray as if they are ignoring their own country. Then this story is on the front page:

Ethiopia Cuts Barley Imports, Achieves Self-Sufficiency

Ethiopia Cuts Barley Imports

August 19, 2023
Public-Private BOOST program transforms Ethiopia into major barley powerhouse

Ethiopia has become almost fully self-sufficient in barley production in just four years—an unprecedented achievement the International Finance Corporation called a transformation for the country’s agriculture.

International agencies and players in the brewery industry, along with authorities, began efforts in 2018 to develop Ethiopia’s barley sector after data showed the country was importing a staggering 70 percent of the grains needed by its booming brewing industry.

Seems like they are more interested in beer than starvation. That would explain the worlds billionaires position?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963
Why toss money at them versus teaching them how to grow their own food?

Their problem is not lack of knowledge of how to grow their own food, their problem is mostly political.

From my (little) understanding of Ethiopia's situation, one of their biggest problems appears to be ethnic/political, as the country is divided in several regions related to different ethnic majorities, so there's an independency tendency of the political organisations in those regions to try to get their independence, the same way Eritrea got their back in the 1990s.

The Tigray region mentioned on the article in the Opening Post has been the one most recently involved in an attempt of independence, resulting in more problems for the population.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
They don't have enough food because an abundance of food is unnecessarily wasted on everyone's eyes instead of their stomachs.

They don't have enough food to keep their bodies working, that's what famine means.

I'm feeling the best I have ever and it's completely due to a complete 180° on my diet....just diet. Did you manage to keep the weight off?

I regained some of the weight lost. Being diabetic doesn't help.

I don't care if the brain runs on arcade tokens, I've eliminated sugar as compared to my prior consumption and better off for it. It appears I'm still able to spell "spell" at least.

Well, it looks like your brain is still getting enough sugar and oxygen, at least for now.

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