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Dr. Mike Yeadon “Here Are Three Mechanisms by Which This Gene Therapy Will Kill People”

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posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 07:39 AM
The vax doesn't prevent transmission or infection. It is either the product incompetence or it is something else. At best it is a money grab, at worst, a depopulation device. Regarding the latter, as much as our betters would like get it over with quickly, to terminate us and bulldoze us into mass graves, that might trigger actual resistance. Better to cause reduced lifespans and fertility reduction. Like poisoning an ant colony with boric acid.

As far as the attitude of the "enemy" towards the compliant and the noncompliant it could very well be that we are so far removed from what they consider to be the levers of power that they make no distinction - it is simply a numbers game.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

You get rid of those that are easily manipulated and weak, that leaves the strong and the smarter. So that's improving the human DNA pool, probably. You then can seek out and negotiate with the smarter more survival oriented remaining people and you have a more capable group to work with.
I'm over the hill so, meh. Maybe I could be a sperm donor. I'm an unvaxxed pure blood. But I had Covid and it must have had at least some similar effects to what the vaxxes did to people. hat's why I never got the vaxx( beyond it seeming so fishy to begin with). People had Covid, they most likely had lasting immunity. My family had it and its almost 3 years later and they never got it again. I didn't have it and got it almost 18 months ago. None of us were vaxxed. My family never got it from me again and one was in their 90s and not vaxxed. But everybody who got the vaxx felt like # and got sick from it. And caused those around them to become ill, like they were releasing spike proteins and peoples immune systems were forced to kick into fight what appeared to be a new infection.
But I said that the deep staters and the illuminati... they are whack jobs. Sociopaths who don't think like normal people. They're breeding real insanity into their genes and thta will be their eventual downfall.
edit on 5-8-2023 by Dutchowl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Dutchowl
a reply to: psychotrail

You get rid of those that are easily manipulated and weak, that leaves the strong and the smarter. So that's improving the human DNA pool, probably. You then can seek out and negotiate with the smarter more survival oriented remaining people and you have a more capable group to work with.
I'm over the hill so, meh. Maybe I could be a sperm donor. I'm an unvaxxed pure blood. But I had Covid and it must have had at least some similar effects to what the vaxxes did to people. hat's why I never got the vaxx( beyond it seeming so fishy to begin with). People had Covid, they most likely had lasting immunity. My family had it and its almost 3 years later and they never got it again. I didn't have it and got it almost 18 months ago. None of us were vaxxed. My family never got it from me again and one was in their 90s and not vaxxed. But everybody who got the vaxx felt like # and got sick from it. And caused those around them to become ill, like they were releasing spike proteins and peoples immune systems were forced to kick into fight what appeared to be a new infection.
But I said that the deep staters and the illuminati... they are whack jobs. Sociopaths who don't think like normal people. They're breeding real insanity into their genes and thta will be their eventual downfall.
I believe the virus was engineered & accidentally escaped in China. I also believe that the USA funded it all .

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: McGinty

I wonder if the Zombie died suddenly?

I certainly hope not! As much as I disagreed with his mantra of using compromised fact checking recourses he may well have had the best of intentions and been decent chap in ‘real life’.

But the timing of his very sudden disappearance is hard to ignore. It’s as though a job/task/mission had been completed (hence I said his tour of duty was over).

Wouldn’t be surprised if he had been a pro vaccine shill all along and soon as the vaccines stopped being pushed so hard zombies vanished in a puff of smoke like Keizer Soze.

One of life’s mysteries

Always found the initials 'AZ' a little suspect... probably coincidence but I don't like coincidences lol

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 08:56 PM
I started delving into population control over 30 years ago. I found this interview with Dr Mike Yeadon extremely interesting and it has confirmed everything I have ever read on the subject.

I also wanted to share this link:

Aside from this, there is also a document called Codex Alimentarius which is an international registry of chemicals, additives and substance levels in food bearing in mind that the codex differs from country to country. If you are as old as I am, you may recall a time when food was good and not contaminated by all the crap they put in everything today. So much more cancer, other illnesses and psychological damage to people that can be attributed to diet.

They have been killing us by stealth for decades
edit on pmSat, 05 Aug 2023 20:57:19 -050031America/Chicago08pmxAmerica/Chicago by artemaxe because: removal of extra word

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Cwantas
Space X launched 2 satellites back in June 2020 and they had the "White Horse" and the "Red Horse" of Revelations 6 right on the Launch Patches. It said "Our Time Has Come" and both patches show all the symbolism of the white and red horse. The satellites obviously are tied to the tracking of the individuals who choose to take the snake bite. Part of the bite is a nano sized fully functional AI controlled computer. Installed into the human body. The white horse is the color of all those that wear the White jackets around acting as though they are pure and there to help the people and in truth, it is the opposite . The Dragon of Revelations is also symbolized in the Space X Star Ship as they call it. The Dragon has 7 heads and the craft seats 7 people and it breathed fire just like the Space X rocket. The Revelations Dragon also is said to have 10 horns and Space X also has 10 rockets that are shaped like "horns". The dragon is said to control 33% of the stars and Space X claims they will have 33,000 "Star" Link satellites as well.. It should be EASY to SEE what is happening here yet most people are still clueless and think Space X is something great. Lastly, "X" is the simplest form of the Image of the beast. All Facts.
Daniel Alexander Cannon, The Supernatural Show & LogicBeforeAuthority

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: psychotrail

I don't believe that they would intentionally release a 'virus of death'.....too risky for them and theirs.

Not if the first virus contained a key of protection from the lock virus released later ?
I don’t believe any of the NWO stuff ,

Why not? The slow but steady advance of NWO type globalist philosophy, methods, and infrastructure is a phenomenon that has a firm basis in historical fact. It has been studied and documented extensively, and really is not secret at all, just not widely reported.

but if I did you can guarantee yourself that the non-compliant free thinking members of society would be first in line for a culling.

Perhaps...I am also not entirely convinced that these Covid vax shenanigans are a true depopulation agenda. I think it's just as likely that the pharmaceutical juggernauts were only too happy to guinea pig the public for profit. Why? I can think of trillions of reasons...

Regardless, I think rolling out an insufficiently tested experimental gene therapy and selling it as the best thing since sliced bread was highly irresponsible.

edit on 8-8-2023 by TheBadCabbie because: edit

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: psychotrail

I don't believe that they would intentionally release a 'virus of death'.....too risky for them and theirs.

Not if the first virus contained a key of protection from the lock virus released later ?
I don’t believe any of the NWO stuff ,

Why not? The slow but steady advance of NWO type globalist philosophy, methods, and infrastructure is a phenomenon that has a firm basis in historical fact. It has been studied and documented extensively, and really is not secret at all, just not widely reported.

but if I did you can guarantee yourself that the non-compliant free thinking members of society would be first in line for a culling.

Perhaps...I am also not entirely convinced that these Covid vax shenanigans are a true depopulation agenda. I think it's just as likely that the pharmaceutical juggernauts were only too happy to guinea pig the public for profit. Why? I can think of trillions of reasons...

Regardless, I think rolling out an insufficiently tested experimental gene therapy and selling it as the best thing since sliced bread was highly irresponsible.
I agree about the experimental vaccine as being irresponsible. Trump pulled all the stops out for the big pharmaceutical companies on that one.
I don’t believe for one minute that vaccines are or were a culling agent . All the scenarios I wrote were hypothetical as to prove a point to another member.
How many years need pass before there is no more space to move the goalposts of “ unsafe vaccinations”
We are at over 3 years with mrna vaccinations on earth & the mean average of deaths in the Western world are within normal numbers the last 2 years.
There was a slight uptick in deaths globally with covid’s first two waves & then back to normal numbers.
I don’t believe healthy young people should have gotten the vaccines . It was all a money grab & why would Phizer kill off it’s customer base with a secret culling vaccine that anti-vaxers keep saying is coming one of these days ?
Anti-vaxers started out saying that covid vaccines would start killing people after 6 months , then a year , year & 1/2 , 5 years etc etc etc lol
When will anti-vaxers give up on the secret culling agenda of mrna technology ?

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

It could be killing more than you think though, and the numbers being obscured.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: psychotrail

It could be killing more than you think though, and the numbers being obscured.
Well then if that’s the case , there is nothing done on earth that isn’t intended to cull or control us .
The problem with conspiracies is that once you go down that hole , you can’t believe anything anymore.
If everything is a conspiracy , then nothing is a conspiracy.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: psychotrail

It could be killing more than you think though, and the numbers being obscured.
Well then if that’s the case , there is nothing done on earth that isn’t intended to cull or control us .
The problem with conspiracies is that once you go down that hole , you can’t believe anything anymore.
If everything is a conspiracy , then nothing is a conspiracy.

If you say so, then perhaps that can serve to you as the reality you choose to accept. That sounds to me like the application of a number of absolutes and truisms to the topic, which doesn't seem very logical to me.

Anyhow, it seems to me that the real insidious activity on the part of these pharmaceutical juggernauts, if there is nefarious intent behind it, would be in mechanisms that affect fertility. The true injury to victims might not become apparent until many years after the fact. Furthermore, I think it might be difficult to prove, as most women might have any number of factors that might affect their fertility, that might obfuscate any possible damage caused by these experimental treatments.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: psychotrail

It could be killing more than you think though, and the numbers being obscured.
Well then if that’s the case , there is nothing done on earth that isn’t intended to cull or control us .
The problem with conspiracies is that once you go down that hole , you can’t believe anything anymore.
If everything is a conspiracy , then nothing is a conspiracy.

If you say so, then perhaps that can serve to you as the reality you choose to accept. That sounds to me like the application of a number of absolutes and truisms to the topic, which doesn't seem very logical to me.

Anyhow, it seems to me that the real insidious activity on the part of these pharmaceutical juggernauts, if there is nefarious intent behind it, would be in mechanisms that affect fertility. The true injury to victims might not become apparent until many years after the fact. Furthermore, I think it might be difficult to prove, as most women might have any number of factors that might affect their fertility, that might obfuscate any possible damage caused by these experimental treatments.
I agree that if there was a way to mass control it would be through selective sterilisation.
As unlikely that is , there is the old tried and true way of eliminating people & that is world war.
Maybe this new arms race due to Ukrainian war is the build up to WW3 ?
Im off topic sorry.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

Perhaps unlikely, but if it were being orchestrated and conducted, it certainly wouldn't be the first time in the history of human civilization that such activity occurred, nor the second, nor the third. Involuntary sterilization of large numbers of victims is known to have happened a number of times in the history of humanity.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: psychotrail

Perhaps unlikely, but if it were being orchestrated and conducted, it certainly wouldn't be the first time in the history of human civilization that such activity occurred, nor the second, nor the third. Involuntary sterilization of large numbers of victims is known to have happened a number of times in the history of humanity.
A bunch of fascist scum was selectively sterilising black women in our country back a while ago

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 07:55 AM
There's another obvious reason for declining fertility rates in the west. Anyone who has had the misfortune to sit outside a shopping centre (aka a "mall") and watch the parade will understand. Humans in general are becoming so large and misshapen that coitus is surely not possible. How would they manage to get in the required position to begin with? It doesn't bare thinking about. This is apart from the effect obesity and associated diseases have on general vitality, even if they could reach.

It seems humans are living longer thanks to modern medicine, but I doubt they are healthier.

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

If I was running the NWO , the non-compliant would be my target & not the sheep .
See how silly these conspiracy theories can become ?

Not at all! I only see your feeble attempt to take what is more than likely
the truth in regards to an obviously anti human group of elites. And make
it sound silly.

And if you're unwilling to accept that possibility then you're being
manipulated by the term "Conspiracy theory". Which is exactly what it
was coined to do from the get go. All this to make yourself look very
niave and closed minded at best. But I believe you may have one thing
going for you. Don't believe me or anyone elses opinion.

I believe the worst of these murdering elites because I listen to them.
They will tell you exactly what they're doing because thats how arrogant
they are. If you choose not to believe it after that then why would I
try to tell you anything?

"The only difference between the truth and conspiracy theory is about six months"
edit on 10-8-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: rounda

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: rounda

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: Wraiths
So so so glad I never got the shots and I never will.
I don’t allow my mind to get ruffled over theories. Yet theories work both ways and here is one for fun.
If there is some NWO population control component to these vaccines , why would they cull the compliant ?
What if the vaccines placed a key into compliant people for a future virus that is the lock , and those who didn’t get the key in a covid vaccine ( non-compliant) will die when the future lock virus is unleashed.
If I was running the NWO , the non-compliant would be my target & not the sheep .
See how silly these conspiracy theories can become ?

You kill the compliant because they're the useless air breathers.

They don't innovate, create, build... they follow orders, and they're not very good at it.

They're not going to be very useful when desk jobs aren't a thing anymore...

If I'm NWO, do I really want a bunch of snowflakes in my new world?
So in a complete hypothetical world , you believe the elite want people that defy them ? Lol
If there is a conspiracy to secretly cull members of society I can guarantee you the stiff necked ones will be the first to go . History is on my side in this argument by the way .
This NWO many think is happening would have created a vaccine that protects from the future virus of death they have planned.
If I believed in a NWO & were unvaccinated , I would have a true concern that the next viruses would kill me & all who defied the elite’s orders .
How does that conspiracy set with you ?
By the way , man is not needed much at all for technical breakthroughs anymore.
Quantum computing & AI took care of that problem years ago.
All scientific, medical, industrial & social advancements are done via computers.
Priori only exists in the arts .

No, in a completely real world, you want people that will defy you instead of sheeple.

Especially after a world altering event...

You need people who are going to do things for themselves instead of people you need to feed.

It's called "trimming the fat." Not a difficult concept to understand.
But the popular narrative is that the NWO will provide everything for you ?
Which is it then ?
The elite from time in memorial eliminated the non-compliant. Besides, aren’t robot’s going to do everything as many conspiracy people believe.
The unvaccinated are definitely the target of the WEF/NWO .

So you're saying the Jews were non-compliant and that's why Hitler murdered them?

1. you need a common enemy.
2. that common enemy needs to be easy to wipe out, otherwise you look foolish.
3. THEN, after you have eliminated the compliant, you purge your enemies.

See: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao
edit on 21-8-2023 by rounda because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: rounda

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: rounda

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: rounda

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: Wraiths
So so so glad I never got the shots and I never will.
I don’t allow my mind to get ruffled over theories. Yet theories work both ways and here is one for fun.
If there is some NWO population control component to these vaccines , why would they cull the compliant ?
What if the vaccines placed a key into compliant people for a future virus that is the lock , and those who didn’t get the key in a covid vaccine ( non-compliant) will die when the future lock virus is unleashed.
If I was running the NWO , the non-compliant would be my target & not the sheep .
See how silly these conspiracy theories can become ?

You kill the compliant because they're the useless air breathers.

They don't innovate, create, build... they follow orders, and they're not very good at it.

They're not going to be very useful when desk jobs aren't a thing anymore...

If I'm NWO, do I really want a bunch of snowflakes in my new world?
So in a complete hypothetical world , you believe the elite want people that defy them ? Lol
If there is a conspiracy to secretly cull members of society I can guarantee you the stiff necked ones will be the first to go . History is on my side in this argument by the way .
This NWO many think is happening would have created a vaccine that protects from the future virus of death they have planned.
If I believed in a NWO & were unvaccinated , I would have a true concern that the next viruses would kill me & all who defied the elite’s orders .
How does that conspiracy set with you ?
By the way , man is not needed much at all for technical breakthroughs anymore.
Quantum computing & AI took care of that problem years ago.
All scientific, medical, industrial & social advancements are done via computers.
Priori only exists in the arts .

No, in a completely real world, you want people that will defy you instead of sheeple.

Especially after a world altering event...

You need people who are going to do things for themselves instead of people you need to feed.

It's called "trimming the fat." Not a difficult concept to understand.
But the popular narrative is that the NWO will provide everything for you ?
Which is it then ?
The elite from time in memorial eliminated the non-compliant. Besides, aren’t robot’s going to do everything as many conspiracy people believe.
The unvaccinated are definitely the target of the WEF/NWO .

So you're saying the Jews were non-compliant and that's why Hitler murdered them?

1. you need a common enemy.
2. that common enemy needs to be easy to wipe out, otherwise you look foolish.
3. THEN, after you have eliminated the compliant, you purge your enemies.

See: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao
Hitler was antisemitic & that was his prime mover.
When a power begins to hunt it’s own , the most vocal , critical , defiant & dangerous people are always rounded up asap .
Everyone knows that you need bodies to grease your wheels & the compliant are the grease .
I personally believe that Generation Z forward are the compliant & are being digitally transformed to accept the machine takeover.
Boomers & Gen X are the last of the fighters . Once those two generations are gone , there will be little resistance to the nanny state imo.

posted on Aug, 21 2023 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

You're an infant, you have no idea how the world is run, the evils that have been/ are being perpetrated against the common people. Or you're a liar. Either way you don't cover yourself in glory.

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