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Cardiologist forced into psychiatric hospital after speaking against COVID narrative

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posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: datguy
any time, any company refuses to release a product until a government grants them immunity from any adverse effects, and secures their patents globally, that is your sign.

While I am unvaccinated (since 1998, y'all are late to the party) I do understand that this helped some people, but it also hurt some people.
My grandmother is dead
My cousin is dead
Both were forced into getting the vaccine for different reasons
no one else in my family got the vaccines

Very sorry to hear you have lost two of your close relatives.

Do you think their deaths are related to the vaccines? It's slightly off-topic but it's ok

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: linda72

while my grandmother was nearing 100, she was healthy and dancing and very social but dealing with a decline in her mental acuity, had to receive the vaccine due to regulations of the nursing home she was in, no autopsy was done but the timing was within weeks of her getting a second booster.
My cousin was early 40's, ex marine, in great shape, had to get the vaccination for a job as he was moving his wife and infant child to a new state (they were leaving Seattle), also his death was within weeks of receiving the vaccine though no autopsy was done.

I am convinced it was due to the vaccines.

In an attempt to stay on track with the thread, i do want to point out that if these business had not mandated the vaccine I believe they would still be alive. There was wrongful death litigation against the nursing home which was dismissed because newer, covid era legislation, protected the nursing home in Arizona

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 01:35 PM
Still can't subscribe to this. This is simply too big to sweep under a rug. I call bogus.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: datguy
a reply to: linda72

while my grandmother was nearing 100, she was healthy and dancing and very social but dealing with a decline in her mental acuity, had to receive the vaccine due to regulations of the nursing home she was in, no autopsy was done but the timing was within weeks of her getting a second booster.
My cousin was early 40's, ex marine, in great shape, had to get the vaccination for a job as he was moving his wife and infant child to a new state (they were leaving Seattle), also his death was within weeks of receiving the vaccine though no autopsy was done.

I am convinced it was due to the vaccines.

In an attempt to stay on track with the thread, i do want to point out that if these business had not mandated the vaccine I believe they would still be alive. There was wrongful death litigation against the nursing home which was dismissed because newer, covid era legislation, protected the nursing home in Arizona

I understand, you have your reasons.

The quality of these vaccines and the mandates are very much related to this thread. Dr Binder was persecuted and hospitalized for speaking against the Covid narrative which includes mandates-vaccine safety n effectiveness-lockdowns.
edit on 2-6-2023 by linda72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: Timber13
Still can't subscribe to this. This is simply too big to sweep under a rug. I call bogus.

Yup, totally bogus. You and I will be smart and go against the 20,000-odd doctors and scientists who are calling COVID a big scam and trust that our government only wants the best for us…

Wait a sec…

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat

originally posted by: Timber13
Still can't subscribe to this. This is simply too big to sweep under a rug. I call bogus.

Yup, totally bogus. You and I will be smart and go against the 20,000-odd doctors and scientists who are calling COVID a big scam and trust that our government only wants the best for us…

Wait a sec…

It's very difficult to trust any scientist who has is tied to the pharmaceutical companies and their interests.

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