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Higher death rates in pilots.

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posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

I know it's not worth the effort or the bandwidth, but I'll take a shot at it anyway.

But, hey, let's not talk statistics. Facts hurt feelings. Besides, it based on FDA and CDC data, and you can' t trust anything they say, right?

Unless they say that the vaccines are "safe and effective." Then you can trust them.

Until they vaccines are no longer safe and effective. But then they say that they never said that they were safe and effective, so it's OK; you can trust them.

Until you can't.

Hey, people, facts hurt feelings! Be nice!

Those figures you apparently lifted from a Ron Johnson presentation are useless for concluding anything about the relative risks of those various adverse events. That's because they present the number of events per YEAR instead of the number of events per PERSON that were exposed to that medication, which is the conventional way of presenting risk data. One million adverse events from Covid vaccination out of approximately 5 billion doses of vaccine delivered (as of Jan. 2022) is an adverse event rate of .02%. 21,000 deaths out of 5 billion doses of vaccine delivered is .00042%.

I guess you and Ron have never heard of the concept of proportionality.

Then there's the fact that there were 3 major different types of vaccines in 2021 administered world wide. China used a traditional, home-grown attenuated whole virus vaccine, Russia (and others) used a virus-vector vaccine, and the US and much of Europe used the mRNA vaccines. Looking at the adverse events from the Chinese vaccine, for example, and trying to draw conclusions about adverse events experienced by US or Russian vaccines is just stupid.

Anyone who takes health advice from Ron Johnson is an idiot.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: incoserv

I see that there is a recent thread about the grounding of all noncritical flights in the Army airforce because of accidents, at some stage mandated vaccinations with a dangerous substance would tend to have this effect. If there was even the slightest effect on the general these highly skilled professions like groundcrew etc it would invariably show up at some stage. Pulling three G's with a dicky heart is not that great of an idea.

The reasons were discussed in that thread. Nothing to do with vaccines. Nothing at all.

If you are going to claim a link to vaccines, post a citation.

Preferably not from Bitshute, please.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: LordAhriman

Yes and only one percent get reported. They are dropping like flies Hary Belafonte this week, along with this poor girl, Every day now we are hearing of famous entertainers dying. If it gets too much they will just stop reporting them. All the government figures are BS they don't even put out the cremation figures anymore.

For Christs sakes, Belafonte was 96!!!!!

Please, take a break from Bitchute?

Deny ignorance, mate, don't lap it up.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

There's this... canada alone reporting 400 deaths.

Toronto Sun vaccine deaths

This number was taken from the following government source that claims 10,685 cases considered "serious" with deaths being "Up to and including March 3, 2023, a total of 427 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination." quickly explained away til there were only "4 deaths were consistent with causal association to immunization"

So even taking government at their "word" that there was only 4 official covid vax deaths in canada, we could add up all the deaths in every country that pushed this narrative that deaths were hard to attribute to the shots and easily arrive at your magical 55, especially since canada has a fairly low population compared to other places.

Canada 4
Australia ?
Britain ?
Europe... lots of countries in there ?
Wherever the shots were pushed ?

We'd easily get to 55.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: igloo

The real numbers are obscured by the bought and paid for MSN and the government figures this would have to be a high priority or chaos would be the norm. Just how many people have departed, if you analyze the figures just about every country is reporting high deaths and falling birth rates.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: LordAhriman

Yes and only one percent get reported. They are dropping like flies Hary Belafonte this week, along with this poor girl, Every day now we are hearing of famous entertainers dying. If it gets too much they will just stop reporting them. All the government figures are BS they don't even put out the cremation figures anymore.

For Christs sakes, Belafonte was 96!!!!!

Please, take a break from Bitchute?

Deny ignorance, mate, don't lap it up.

Well damb I agree!

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 07:13 PM
reply to: igloo

How many of those adverse events required hospitalization to prevent death. Interesting to note covid 19 is considered an adverse event.

AESI Total number of events
Auto-immune diseases Guillain-Barré Syndrome1 27
Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelets)1 196
Subtotal 223
Cardiovascular system Cardiac arrest 55
Cardiac failure 73
Myocardial infarction (heart attack) 145
Myocarditis/Pericarditis1 (inflammation of the heart muscle and lining around the heart) 1,153
Subtotal 1,426
Circulatory system Cerebral venous (sinus) thrombosis 30
Cerebral thrombosis 17
Cutaneous vasculitis 46
Deep vein thrombosis 376
Embolism 22
Haemorrhage (bleeding) 78
Pulmonary embolism 524
Thrombosis (blood clot) 324
Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (blood clot with low platelets)1 87
Subtotal 1,504
Hepato-gastrointestinal and renal system Acute kidney injury 78
Glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation) and nephrotic syndrome (kidney disorder) 37
Liver injury 37
Subtotal 152

Cerebrovascular accident (stroke – includes ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes) 281
Transverse myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord)1 16
Subtotal 484
Other system Anaphylaxis1 776
COVID-192 1,132
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome1 24
Subtotal 1,932
Pregnancy outcomes3 Fetal growth restriction 5
Spontaneous abortion 87
Subtotal 92
Respiratory system Acute respiratory distress syndrome 8

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Talk about cherry picking data to create a narrative. While the raw "data" may have been taken from the FDA and CDA, that "chart" is not.

And since no source is listed, it's likely some anti-vax BS that has manipulated existing data to fit a preconceived, false conclusion, as well as purposely attributing false cause of death.

Try again with the BS.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 07:35 PM
Even if the jab impact doesn't kill all the pilots, time does. Predicted by folks I know who know about such things, the shortages of pilots will decimate the shipping industry among other things in 10 years - I'm not a pilot they are.

Worth noting, if one died "with a positive covid test (pcr garbage test) the death was listed as covid. If a person dies minutes after taking the jab it cannot be listed as by jab as they are not yet considered vaccinated, which is odd because the jab is not a vaccine but genetic mutation tool. The stats were rigged early both ways, too make fake deaths "with a positive test" too few deaths connected to the jab by statistical design. Doesn't matter, there is no proof of anything at this point, sides were chose and both must stick to it until the end.

Dowd used to work for BlackRock, I kind of big thing that benefited greatly from The Rona fakery.



In this interview with NBA Hall of Fame guard John Stockton and former Green Bay Packers offensive tackle Ken Reuttgers, former BlackRock fund manager and founding partner at Phinance Technologies Edward Dowd (
) outlines the massive human and economic damages caused by the enormously deadly and utterly ineffective COVID-19 "vaccines." Dowd, who's previously framed the COVID-19 narrative as a cover story being deployed as a way to manage and mitigate total global financial collapse, says his and his team's recent "damage report" highlights 1.36 million Americans disabled and 300,000 Americans killed by the COVID injections. Looking forward, Dowd also says "the economy is falling off a cliff" and he expects geopolitical tussles over reserve currencies to lead to war.

"[T]he tragedy of what I'm about to talk about is that the numbers are so big they're there for everyone to see and analyze and there's only one explanation in my mind," Dowd says of the death and injuries caused by the COVID injections. "I had a thesis: the vaccine was causing deaths and disabilities and as time has rolled on and the data's been accumulated—the thesis is [correct], I'm 150 to 200% convinced," Dowd says. He adds:

"My team and I are kinda done trying to prove it. According to the way we think about the world, on Wall Street, we've proved it, we're moving on, we're now incorporating vaccine damage and economic effects into our outlook for investments. So, as far as we're concerned, the matter's over and we're just waiting for... people to wake up and then eventually the investigations to begin into what has happened, which is a crime."

edit on 30-4-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 06:24 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.
If YouTube has videos that refute your theory , you would dismiss them as liberal propaganda. Yet if conservative bitchute has a video , then it’s gospel ?
Do you see the problem here ?

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Then you must tell me where in the whole of the internet you can get stories that haven't been subjected to censorship. Bitchute has as much crap as it has pearls. But they always end up there after failing the Youtube censorship algorithm. It is a free-speech platform. So of course along with a posting from a Ph.D., you will also get a posting of an idiot's opinion. The MSM is outright in stating that "this conspiracy theorist has stated etc." it is a ruse to get the sheep thinking along the narrative, the effect is "Oh they are a tin hat idiot " which is what the sheeple are supposed to think. as their knowledge base is narrowed to safe and effective science.
Where free speech is not censored in the comments section of social media, anyone with half a brain can see that things have gone very wrong. I make no apologies for posting relevant Bitchute videos.

They are censoring even the most moderate which goes against the agenda Campbell has been banned for a week, after his chat with the sitting member of parliament.

edit on 1-5-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

Then you must tell me where in the whole of the internet you can get stories that haven't been subjected to censorship. Bitchute has as much crap as it has pearls. But they always end up there after failing the Youtube censorship algorithm. It is a free-speech platform. So of course along with a posting from a Ph.D., you will also get a posting of an idiot's opinion. The MSM is outright in stating that "this conspiracy theorist has stated etc." it is a ruse to get the sheep thinking along the narrative, the effect is "Oh they are a tin hat idiot " which is what the sheeple are supposed to think. as their knowledge base is narrowed to safe and effective science.
Where free speech is not censored in the comments section of social media, anyone with half a brain can see that things have gone very wrong. I make no apologies for posting relevant Bitchute videos.

They are censoring even the most moderate which goes against the agenda Campbell has been banned for a week, after his chat with the sitting member of parliament.
We were never free . Our births were our deaths .
It matters not who or what rules over you , because each person chooses to make heaven or hell out of their lives .
There are people in prison who are happier in an enriched way than many trust fund kids.
I agree that there is much to be concerned with today , but it is no more or less than any other time in America.
Who really cares if the CIA or Aliens run the whole show ?
You can only maintain peace in your own life .
Hope for struggles over ease , because that is what life is about.
Be a warrior & accept your lot in honor.
Serve no king , but respect the laws of the land & society.
Seek peace my friend

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I love vaccine threads. A shortage of pilots indeed.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:00 AM
This is a GREAT TOPIC! We were discussing that ourselves a few days. Car insurance rates have gone through the roof also because people are dropping dead at the wheel.

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Okay, so the vaccine conspiracy theory goes something like this:
If somebody who is vaccinated dies in the hospital, soccer field, gym, home, office etc... Of a heart attack, stroke, or however suddenly, the doctors will never say it had anything to do with the vaccine, or the vaccine caused the symptoms, or triggered anything, so they will hardly ever put on the record that it was vaccine related or a vaccine injury.
So your wager is unfair or unbalanced.

A more fair or balanced wager should be the following:

"Out of 100 sudden deaths in the world due to a heart attack, stroke, or something that causes a person to drop dead and die within 5 minutes, find me 55 out of 100 that were vaccinated with the Covid Jabs, and I will log off this site forever"

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: Whiskermegistus

We are controlled by the consequences of our actions. It is also called Karma If you work for the general good and walk the line, and do the right thing even if it isn't the easiest thing. Your burden wont be too heavy. But if you choose to take an easy option which causes a Karmic debt you will have to pay it at some stage to have the balance returned. Having to pay a debt you need not have incurred is stupid, but we make these mistakes so as to learn. These people look sad and stupid now but they have paid.

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