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Cuban national baseball team plays game in Miami for first time since 1959

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posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 10:32 AM
Found this interesting baseball game-related news here:

I remember when Barack Obama was criticized for inviting Raul Castro to a baseball game in Havana's stadium hosted by the Tampa Bay Rays in March 2016 just because the US and Cuba share a love of baseball, but the baseball match that Cuba's national baseball team played against Team USA in Miami is quite remarkable not just because it was the first baseball match between the Cuban national baseball team and an American team in Miami since 1959 but also because the Cubans in Miami recognize Fidel Castro as an evil tyrant and enemy of the United States, even the ones who supported Barack Obama's normalization of relations with Cuba. Also note that Joe Biden since taking office has reversed most of Donald Trump's clampdowns on US commerce with and travel to Cuba while drastically toning down the tough talk despite criticizing Havana's silencing of anti-government protests in July 2021, so the baseball match between the Cuban national baseball team and Team USA could have been made possible by the fact that Biden, like Obama, has no appetite for regime change in Cuba.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Potlatch

Fidel was the devil incarnate on this planet. But luckily enough he's dead. Raul is an even worse murderer than Fidel ever was. Fidel had to tell Raul to cool it because he was murder whole families at a time. And let's be honest. The last time the United States tried regime change with the Bay of Pigs. They screwed up big time. No President is going to try that again.

You don't have any idea of how bad things are in Cuba. A friend of mine went to Cuba and snuck out from the hotel. He's part Cuban so he met with and spoke to the people down there. He said that the army patrols the city. And the residents live in fear of them. The people he was with were visibly shaking when they walked by. They need regime change. But it has to be something that they do themselves. A Cuban spring.
edit on 23-3-2023 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Potlatch

Fidel was the devil incarnate on this planet. But luckily enough he's dead. Raul is an even worse murderer than Fidel ever was. Fidel had to tell Raul to cool it because he was murder whole families at a time. And let's be honest. The last time the United States tried regime change with the Bay of Pigs. They screwed up big time. No President is going to try that again.

You don't have any idea of how bad things are in Cuba. A friend of mine went to Cuba and snuck out from the hotel. He's part Cuban so he met with and spoke to the people down there. He said that the army patrols the city. And the residents live in fear of them. The people he was with were visibly shaking when they walked by. They need regime change. But it has to be something that they do themselves. A Cuban spring.

The vast majority of Cuban exile veterans of the Bay of Pigs Invasion blame JFK for bungling the invasion by calling off an extra round of airstrikes which they say would have increased the chances of toppling Fidel Castro. However, the invasion came at the wrong time for the US because Fidel Castro launched the Literacy Campaign to eradicate illiteracy to rural parts of Cuba, and even if the CIA hadn't called off the airstrikes, Fidel still would have been too heavily popular with the masses to be toppled.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Potlatch
a reply to: grey580
The vast majority of Cuban exile veterans of the Bay of Pigs Invasion blame JFK for bungling the invasion by calling off an extra round of airstrikes which they say would have increased the chances of toppling Fidel Castro.

Yeah, except JFK didn't call anything off. In fact, this was precisely why JFK got so furious at the CIA, because it was someone high up with them that called off the air support at the last minute. That is precisely when and why that he started talking about 'splinter(ing) the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter(ing) it into the winds'.

...and even if the CIA hadn't called off the airstrikes, Fidel still would have been too heavily popular with the masses to be toppled.

So, you knew that it wasn't JFK that called it off? So why'd ya say he did?

posted on Nov, 18 2023 @ 01:15 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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