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Are You Ready for the Era of Co-Creation With AI?

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posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 11:36 PM
Written byNick Babich Published on Mar. 07, 2023

Even though AI isn’t ready to replace humans in creative fields, we can already see its influence. Incorporating these tools into your workflow now will make you a more versatile, smarter worker.

This article is very nuts and bolts and a straightforward quick synopsis of the leading AI tech and some useful impressions that are very spot on in my view. I research this area quite a lot as you might imagine given my moniker here on ATS. It is a quick read with lots of useful resources.

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

It's being marketed as an important tool for the future, but everything has a dark side-as we've seen with the internet and smart phones.
The possibilities seem endless.

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 11:44 PM
Sure it looks cool and all, but there was a YouTube thing where AI created a monster for each of the 50 states. Yes, they were all different, but thematically or maybe stylistically might be better, they were also all similar too.

If too many people get on board the AI train, that style is going to pervade everything. AI will color it all. True individuality will run the risk of being lost because every piece with an AI partner is going to have that similar style to it - the AI is going to be the same and a thematic undercurrent to it all.

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

It has changed my writing style very noticeably over the past several months. I have been messing with various systems as well as exploring some of my own. I have noticed some changes mimetically in my writing patterns. I have worked on mine for years and have established servers in distributed locations. I doubt I will ever try and commercialize my work as it is kind of become personalized and specialized for my research work.

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

It is easy to pick up stylistic flourishes.

I have noticed that mine will shift in phrasing depending on which author I happen to be reading at the time. So I have no doubt that a heavy use of AI would be influential whether I would want it to be or not, and since I work closely with language professionally, I also have no doubt that I'd see that influence in the writing of others too.

It would be a bit like having an in-house style that has to be followed except everyone in the world has that same style, and it would make the programmer/developer of the AI enormously powerful in terms of control over speech and language and by extension, thought.

posted on Mar, 12 2023 @ 12:00 AM
I should punch into one of my song lyrics and see what corrections it will make. ?
but for some reason I can't log into it any more

posted on Mar, 12 2023 @ 05:22 AM
There was a south park episode about the latest AI fad recently, and it got home because I'm watching people in my field of work get promoted to higher paying jobs because they're offloading their research to these programs.
I can only hope that in the end there's a situation where these kids who outsource their work are eventually put in a corner where those of us who actually know what we're doing are called upon to keep things running

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