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Valentine's Day could really suck in 2046

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posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

Or at least Chicago...


posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: M5xaz

Or at least Chicago...


Oh !

I thought that that last ass-through-notical event called Mayor Beetle-Juice had already levelled that city....

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

Nah, it just made it worse.

A little trivia: Chicago was named for the Chicago River where is was founded. The river was called that because of the native Algonquin tribe who had named it "shikaakwa" for the the plants that grew wild in abundance there. "Shikaakwa" was their word for a very smelly onion-like plant was absolutely repulsive; so much so that the natives tried to avoid the area whenever possible. It literally translates as "skunk plant."

So Chicago is named for a stinky, repulsive onion that grew in a stinky, repulsive swamp. Appropriate.


posted on Mar, 13 2023 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
I'm a bit surprised this hasn't already hit the boards.

Seems NASA has discovered a NEA (Near-Earth Asteroid) named 2023DW which has a 1 in 607 chance of impacting the planet on Valentine's Day 2046. Now, given, this is over two decades out, and a 1 in 607 chance is much lower than any surgery I have had, but compared to other NEAs discovered, 1 in 607 is pretty high. Plus, the article goes on to say that additional impacts could occur between 2047 and 2051. So there are multiple impact scenarios, each one with its own probability.

Now, I'm not one for doom and gloom, and a rock the size of a swimming pool is far, far from an ELE... but it does bear watching. If this asteroid is indeed aiming for the Earth, we only have 23 years to divert it. If nothing else, the reaction to this asteroid should be a decent gauge to how exactly well-prepared we are. After all, we spent how many months just trying to get Artemis 1 off the launch pad? That, again, does not give me a lot of confidence in present technology.

NASA is still studying the trajectory and I am sure they will have some updates as time goes by... the difference between catastrophe and complete safety is literally unnoticeable. But hey, while we're all waiting for WWIII to blow up, I thought it would be something to talk about. If nothing else, I'm curious as to how large a catastrophe would be from this thing.

Apophis will be here sooner . It will pass between Earth & the obits of our satellites.
JPL has been crunching numbers on this scenario for 20 years already. Apophis is the size of a football field & if it hits it would cause big problems for 1/4 of the world in the immediate as well disrupt the whole world for a while . It will be 19,000 miles close according to the egg heads & that is 10X closer than our moon . It has a very good possibility of knocking a bunch of satellites around & that could be extremely dangerous down here in satellite dependent land. 2029 is it’s arrival & is calculated as of now to have a 3% chance of hitting earth . It will visit earth again in 2036 with an even higher chance of swatting earth according to most space rock goons .
Japan & Russia are more alarmed about it’s path than the Americans, so who knows ?
The greatest secrets held or would be held from the masses would be an inevitable asteroid strike .
Could you imagine the chaos ?
Maybe all the bunkers the elites are building in New Zealand are for Apophis & not nuclear war , because nuclear war is extremely unpredictable as an attack of that sort would be a surprise as well making travel to your far flung bunker in a foreign country extremely difficult ?
Im not worried about any if it , because mankind is worse than an asteroid in it’s discrimination.

edit on 13-3-2023 by SecrettoSociety because: V

edit on 13-3-2023 by SecrettoSociety because: ?

posted on Mar, 13 2023 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: M5xaz

Nah, it just made it worse.

A little trivia: Chicago was named for the Chicago River where is was founded. The river was called that because of the native Algonquin tribe who had named it "shikaakwa" for the the plants that grew wild in abundance there. "Shikaakwa" was their word for a very smelly onion-like plant was absolutely repulsive; so much so that the natives tried to avoid the area whenever possible. It literally translates as "skunk plant."

So Chicago is named for a stinky, repulsive onion that grew in a stinky, repulsive swamp. Appropriate.

Trivia: Kentucky was named after a plant the natives called Cant Talkie . The plant could not speak or read properly.

posted on Mar, 13 2023 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: M5xaz

Nah, it just made it worse.

A little trivia: Chicago was named for the Chicago River where is was founded. The river was called that because of the native Algonquin tribe who had named it "shikaakwa" for the the plants that grew wild in abundance there. "Shikaakwa" was their word for a very smelly onion-like plant was absolutely repulsive; so much so that the natives tried to avoid the area whenever possible. It literally translates as "skunk plant."

So Chicago is named for a stinky, repulsive onion that grew in a stinky, repulsive swamp. Appropriate.


Oh man that's just too funny.

Notice how that native word very coincidentally resembles shi* -caca as well.

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