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EMF Reduction Technology- Does it really work?

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posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: TOMFROMOZ
Anything inside is free to continue emmitting those frequencies unchecked and bounce around unable to leave.

This didn't sound logical to me as I imagined the emf would be absorbed by the faraday cage, but sure enough, in this biomedical experiment shows that specially engineered "absorbents" must be added to the cage for this to occur.

The anechoic chamber simulation emulates an ideal free space because it is observed that there are no reflection
areas because the waves are absorbed when interacting with the material. In the other hand, a Faraday cage without
absorbents simulations emulates an ideal free space where reflections and interferences were noticed that modified
the radiation pattern. In addition, the areas with the lowest current density were found in this simulation, these areas
imply that they are suitable for carrying out electromagnetic compatibility studies.

subject I know very little about

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: DirtWasher
This didn't sound logical to me as I imagined the emf would be absorbed by the faraday cage, but sure enough, in this biomedical experiment shows that specially engineered "absorbents" must be added to the cage for this to occur.
You can also think of a microwave oven as something of a Faraday cage though they can leak a little within specified regulatory limits. The microwaves can bounce around inside the microwave oven until they encounter food containing water, which absorbs the microwaves.

Is your Microwave a Faraday Cage?

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

What science has to say: Mainstream science has largely dismissed EHS as a probable psychosomatic illness, thanks to a lack of definitive evidence linking it to electromagnetic fields.

Is this the same kind of science Fauci goes on about as industry has a lot of money at stake? When events like this go on, the word probable is used very loosely:

Telecommun ications engineer destroys six mobile phone towers with a tank due to radiation poisoning

Regulated EMF limits have been pushed out as the practicality of the technology cannot get below the limits of biological impact.

Despite the road being a hazardous place, it is one we accept due to the convenience it provides. We can see and measure the health impacts the road toll has a lot better than what the effects of EMF are. Sure there will be some cases where ones beliefs impacts the results, there are also other cases where people just don't know what is causing their illness, but they are still ill.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 06:32 PM

So, I've been on a Bezos kick lately. Ingesting all his speeches an such. Well, there was one where he briefly shows a series of photos of himself and I believe his brother in a cave. He begins a new topic of convo, but not before saying "yeah..there are no radio waves down there" referring to the cave. That's was really interesting to me. Perhaps relocating underground would suffice. Wouldn't recommend it however. USL is a crazy rabbit hole, as are the subterranean troops.

Unclassified Subterranean Lifeforms.

Here's the interview. Skip to 47:12 for the comment on radio waves.


a reply to: TOMFROMOZ

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 08:42 PM
Magnetic shielding is an interesting topic from a material science point of view. EMF falls into a similar pocket. Some materials absorb or shield electromagnetic fields better than others. I will talk about magnetism in this context but what ill mention is basically the same kinds of material that can be used for EMF shielding.

So when building the dark matter detector i was involved with, one problem we face is that we use Photomuliplier tubes, the performance of which depends upon the local magnetic field. Specifically the direction of the field in relation to the axis of the PMT. The detector we built is spherical and is surrounded by PMTs looking inward. In order to create a more uniform PMT response under influence of the Earths magnetic field, the whole detector is surrounded by compensation coils which do just attempt to mitigate the Earths field, as much as it can (its not huge so, its basically just a bunch of coils)

So where the shielding comes in is that we wrapped each PMT in a material marketed at the time as FINEMET, which as nano-crystaline material that is magnetically ultra soft. It will absorb and allow the flux of the magnetic field to flow within it, so, you can in effect wrap an object in the material and create a volume inside it which i will be shielded from outside fields.

This stuff works and is in effect the high tech solution to the 'tin foil hat' Another i think cheaper material is MuMetal.

The shielded clothing market is larely using FINEMET if im not mistaken. Conversations with the sales people where quite funny in that they did say the two groups of people who buy their stuff are, "People making tin-foil hats, and scientists"

Thats no longer strictly true as this stuff goes into shielding MRIs for example too

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