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Multi-Symptom Inflammation Syndrome (MIS-A): What COVID is Really About

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posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: VulcanWerks

The point is that the SARS-COVID-2 component is not the real issue. It’s what it allows into the body that’s the issue.

So far the evidence is that MIS-A isn't something that's being "allowed into the body", it's a series of side effects caused by covid through a mechanism that's still open to interpretation. It's not a separate thing.

It's also so uncommon that it's not really possible to determine how common it really is with any accuracy. It's a thing, yes, but it's a side story at best.
here is your side story Bub..

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Several doctors have claimed that Covid is not a respiratory illness, it is an inflammatory illness

It's a respiratory virus because it embeds itself in the lungs, and it's primary means of transmission is on exhaled water droplets.

It's similar so SARS-COV, except that it's more transmissible through inhalation, and less through surface transmission.

Inflammation is a common effect of viral infection.

Actually, it imbeds in the nasal cavity but can get into the lungs:

The new study published in the journal Cell suggests that the virus first tends to firmly establish itself in the nasal cavity, but it can then be aspirated into the lungs -- where it wreaks havoc and can lead to pneumonia.

Yes, it is airborne.

Yes, inflammation is a symptom of viral infection.

But now I’m kind of scratching my head. In fact, your point on inflammation and my point kind of couldn’t exist without one another. You need the SARS-COVID-2 vision that as know as “COVID” to be what transmits the virus. To your point, a virus, like a SARS-Covid-2 virus, may cause some degree of inflammation - like any other virus.

However, the inflammation impacts that have been seen since early 2020 far exceed what you could expect in terms of inflammation (think intubators) that reared their head with this virus. Consider one of the primary side effects of the vax is myocarditis. Consider that autoimmune issues have arisen.

What I’m getting at is, COVID makes a lot more inflammation happen than other viruses. That’s the “novel” component of COVID 19. MIS-A is the “side effect” that explains the inflammation.

But, what I’m saying is, MIS-A is not a side effect, it’s the virus. The SARS component is delivery. It’s a virus inside a virus - to the point of it being artificial.

Some people get MIS-A right away - ala ventilators - and some get it up to 6 weeks post COVID recovery. It just depends on the person and their health history as to when or if they’ll “get it” to a degree it kills them.

So, we actually have a SARS-COVID-2-MISA, or something like that. One does the entry and transmission work, the other does the killing and chopping away with inflammation and burning out the immune system - or attacking organs.

At least that still remains my best educated guess on we’re actually dealing with that explains the “why” for all that has gone on.

Now I’m just not sure where we’re going.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Actually, it imbeds in the nasal cavity but can get into the lungs:

It doesn't imbed in the nasal cavities, it merely is able to survive in them. The difference is based on what it does in regards to the tissue lining.

. In fact, your point on inflammation and my point kind of couldn’t exist without one another.

Covid is the virus, inflammation is something that the virus causes. Not the other way around.

Consider one of the primary side effects of the vax is myocarditis. Consider that autoimmune issues have arisen.

It's actually a relatively common response to any form of viral infection. In this regard Covid isn't particularly unusual.

What I’m getting at is, COVID makes a lot more inflammation happen than other viruses.

Because it's able to embed itself into the deep lung tissue. No mystery here.

MIS-A is not a side effect, it’s the virus. The SARS component is delivery. It’s a virus inside a virus - to the point of it being artificial.

I think that you've misunderstood, MIS-A is just an umbrella term given to a particular set of side-effects that the virus causes in some people. Like Long Covid, it's not a thing by itself.

We've sequenced the DNA of Covid, if there were such a thing as a virus within the virus we'd have its DNA and it would be evident that it was there.

So, we actually have a SARS-COVID-2-MISA, or something like that. One does the entry and transmission work, the other does the killing and chopping away with inflammation and burning out the immune system - or attacking organs.

It's nowhere near as complicated as that. In some people covid gets deeper into the lung tissue and so A) does more damager and B) is harder to fight. There's obviously a lot more too it than this, but that's the short version.

People who are obsess, have renal failure, hypertension, lung disease and so on are more vulnerable to things link Covid-caused inflammation. Again, there's a lot more to it, but this is the short version

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

The cure( VAXX) is far more dangerous than the actual illness. It was hyped up to derail the economy and to cost Trump re election( he still won although the phony mail in ballots that gave it to Biden were thanks to the Covid lockdowns).
People say they hate Trump. Well they got #ed over big time and got played for suckers to get them to hate Trump and to want him out of office.
If you said the best way to get Trump out of office was to slam their hand in a car door, you'd be amazed at how many would do it.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

That is not correct. They all help big time with arthritis.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: MPoling
a reply to: AaarghZombies

That is not correct. They all help big time with arthritis.

Thank you for this.

I marked for RA after the vax, and my body hurt to the point I couldn’t get out of bed.

All of the points I listed (which you noted do help arthritis/RA) are 100% beneficial to resolving arthritic issues.

As in, so beneficial, I am in zero pain as of the time of this writing, and can once again get down and play with my toddler son whenever I want.

It works - and I accomplished it pharma free.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Did I miss this part?
How do they test for MIS?
Is it really what we lay people are calling "long Covid"...onset of which tends to be 4-12 weeks after the initial Covid has resolved?

Great thread, VW!

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

All of a sudden, low dose aspirin, NAC, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and many other common supplements are being demonized, with "studies" claiming ill or no effects from them.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Several doctors have claimed that Covid is not a respiratory illness, it is an inflammatory illness. That is why early treatment was so vital and so needed.

The virus had 4 different mechanisms of action, in other words, it could attack the body through 4 different cellular pathways that made it an engineering marvel. Ace-2, GRP-78, Furyn cleavage, and CD-147 cells are all susceptible to the original variant. No naturally occurring virus in history has ever had such a broad range of ways to attack human anatomy.

Except that this isn't true, it's a normal function of the coronavirus family.

Do you have a source for that claim?

While I have heard that ANY virus [not just a corona] can occasionally cause this attack on other organs, what people are calling "long covid", it is far more common---I have read that something like 60% of those who had SARS-Cov2 report some symptom[s] of "long covid"

This wide prevalence of MIS or long covid or whatever you want to call it makes me believe this novel virus has been GOFd.
Pure evil.

edit on Fri Dec 16 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2022 @ 11:50 PM
Interesting update here:

If you’re not aware, China is having a hell of a time with COVID right now.

Interestingly, they are reporting very few COVID deaths. That low count is, in my mind, due to the below change in how COVID deaths are counted:

The notice by China's pandemic task force gave medical institutions 24 hours to ascertain that COVID—not underlying conditions that may have been exacerbated by the virus—was the cause of death, Caixin said. Previously, patients who died, but had tested positive for the virus were added to the official count.

I read that change as an important one.

In essence, they are tracking how may people die from the respiratory aspect of the illness - the flu. That is the official number, since it’s a respiratory virus and that’s if - which is the narrative.

They then create a second bucket for people who died of an underlying condition that is exacerbated by COVID.

This could account for how the article claims that official death counts are low, but how crematoriums are running 24/7 to process all the dead. People are dying from the MIS-A component of the virus - and perhaps rapidly. You have people who have been locked down for years, haven’t had a cold, super weak immune systems - all getting hit by the most transmissible version.

That inflammatory response could be real strong in some people and cause a lot of problems. It’s like seeing Italy in 2020 all over again only on a much grander scale. China would only be able to hide this for so long. I wonder to what extent China will share their observations, or discuss MIS-A.

China is in for a very dark period of time I suspect, sadly.

posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: GenerationGap

I think it’s the opposite bud. I see vacc constantly getting sick over and over again. Probably from immune deficiency.

It wouldn't make sense to wipe out the compliant, fascism destroys deviants.

I'm not saying the vax is with out its perils, but I am saying SARS-CoV-3 has been sitting in a lab for 5 years, and it will have a steep mortality rate. And if folks don't get vaxxed regularly they will be culled.

I am and will remain unvaxed. Should I be right, and am culled for being a deviant, it pisses me right off but to be honest I'd rather be dead than surrounded by chemically dependent slaves for any length of time.

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 11:47 AM
i have dealt with long haul for years, cayenne pepper 90k+ only and lysine are major helpers in the sickness. still working on completely getting rid of it. i get hit every week or 2 with joint pain and fatigue. the cayenne pepper takes it away super fast.

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: GenerationGap

100% I always thought of that exact same thing. vax cures it but probably underliningly gives you sicknesses for the rest of your life that you need pills for. but cures you of covid.

If you didnt get vaxxed they probably release a virus every week it seems that attacks you.

compliant people will live and the unvaxxed the non compliant will be killed off slowly
edit on 2-5-2023 by azure1121 because: added more info

posted on May, 2 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

They found a fly on the wall reporting for duty
fly gives life to benefit science

edit on (5/2/2323 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

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