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Voting system for the top threads on front page?

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posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: mysterioustranger
Actually there is an official "front page", found by clicking on the ATS icon top left. But if people haven't found it, that shows how unimportant it is.

I was thinking the same thing it's always been my landing page, but then I hit "new" and or just hit the forums. It isn't rocket science, is it?

I'd suggest if you are starting a thread and it isn't a current event that has happened in the last 2 years, do a search on that topic Id almost guarantee somebody covered it before.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: mammothtank

Yes but that would require said person sitting there day in day out authoring threads.

Why ?

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

So that it changes which topics start to appear on the front page.

I was going to post separately about this but i'll explain. When someone arrives here from google they come to which appears to display if that is the front page every man and their dog will be seeing whatever is popping up there. Some of the topics just browsing over it now appear quite controversial and lets say someone involved in law enforcement was to take a look i think they'd be quite interested. Now i respect this forum is very open and certain sub sections allow a great degree of freedom but what im seeing is some of the best threads worth reading are becoming buried and instead creating potential problems by rant threads or threads discussing what certain people in power and other areas are doing. If this was a closed forum where you could only view by logging in would be a different matter and not so potential for issues. Anyway there has been some good comments on this thread and i think its a good question as to exactly where the home page is. With a forum as big as ATS is drama is unavoidable but admins and web designers utilizing tools and being smart in how the site works can help alot. Take it or leave it, i started the ball rolling if my suggestion comes to nothing fine by me.

Hopefully some people understand what im saying, particularly referring to how ATS has been mentioned in the news. If there's little to draw attention not much would happen.

In my head i was thinking of how an email could be sent out to all members semi regularly asking to vote on the top threads a bit like how has yearly mods of the year votes.

Also whats good martini recipe haha
edit on 15-9-2022 by mammothtank because: (no reason given)

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