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Germany is done. Kaput.

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posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Kenzo

The BW used to be a highly proficient force. In the Cold War, we were impressed by how they could maneuver vehicles en masse into firing positions during gunnery exercises.

German society also has strong cohesion, stronger than other countries I've been in. In the old days, that also translated over to military organizations. Not sure how it is today, Beobachter may have a more up to date view of that.


At that time there was mandatory military service enabled. By that way they found people who didn´t know before that they were born to be soldiers, found people with special abilities etc. Now they are going the US way, luring the poor kids into the BW and you don´t get the "brain elite" by that way but mostly people who don´t have another chance and would do any job. And thats it for them, a job and not a profession. They don´t really care for the defense of Germany or whatever, they simply go to their job every day like a baker, a cashier or whoever does. They are not feeling, not living it. Most of them. Guess that makes a huge difference to what the BW was before it was lead by von der Leyen, the zero. She rather introduced changing rooms in barracks and special female uniforms instead of buying ammo and enough winter clothes for the soldiers.

Fact is, since women were minister of defense in Germany it went straight down with the BW. But i am pretty sure it has not much to do with male and female but with people who never witnessed a soldier "in the wild" and closer than a few kilometers in their life before they were made minister of defense, for whatever reason. Instead of chosing people who at least were soldiers for a few years and know what they talk about when it comes to the BW. Quota seems to be worth more nowadays than experience and abilities, unfortunately.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: ufoorbhunter
Or luring the workforce of eastern Europe to the West where they are paid less than German or French counterparts.

Our nation actually voted them out in Brexit, most left and now there is nobody to do the jobs. Thanks heavens all the asians and africans keep coming here, they maybe illegal immigrants but at least they don't mind a bit of hard work.

That is in opposite to Germany, where arabs, west-asians and africans come too, but not to work. They rather enjoy the welfare system which yields more money the more children one has ... and so they put their energy into that and into clan activities, like drug trade and prostitution.
You are right, Germans young people mainly join universities after school rather than starting vocational education - and when they finish with a degree, they won't like working blue collar jobs. There you will find increasingly workers from Turkey or Balkan or east european countries.

The payment in Germany is, btw, actually exactly the same, no matter where a person comes from (and if they use foreign employers to surround german tariffs, those MUST now pay according to the tariffs in the country where the work is being done - and this is being strictly controlled in the past few years).

edit on 15-9-2022 by carport because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-9-2022 by carport because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
a reply to: DaRAGE
If nothing happens that now looks like it will absolutely happen, then maybe i am really paranoid and should visit a shrink asap after the upcoming winter.

Selbsterkenntnis ist der beste Weg zur Besserung? :-)

I have no idea in which part of Germany you live and what your political affiliations and friends are, but I really, honestly, wonder where you get such a skewed view of the country. I can assure you that there is no dark conspiracy in Germany going on, because the politicians are too clueless for that. In fact, from my many years of being close to politicians, I learned that they are, to the last bit, no better or worse than the average citizen. They reflect all the good and all the bad morals and behaviours, especially vices, of their voters.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo

What is the Bundeswehr status ? was this just one person view , or is there larger issue ?

Stunningly poor analysis

I find the views bit odd, considering that Russia seem to have big issues to get enough man power to Ukraine .

The Bundeswehr? Is there one? They are mainly undermanned and underequipped - it will take many years to prop them up to a serious military force again. As long as the defense minister is rather bragging about a uniform for pregnant soldiers rather than any technical or military grandess, probably even a country like Greenland could successfully invade Germany. The current ministress has, btw, never served herself and is a former lawyer and party soldier. Right before this "job", she was minister for youth, women, seniors and family ... what else could I say. :-)

Concerning the twitter post, there are quite a few generals in Germany who talk in public about their views. And they agree generally on one thing only: that they cannot agree. Oh well ...

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Kenzo

The BW used to be a highly proficient force. In the Cold War, we were impressed by how they could maneuver vehicles en masse into firing positions during gunnery exercises.

That might have been true once, when I had served, a couple of decades ago, it was still fairly good. But after they stopped the mandatory draft and reduced the numbers of soldiers, then reduced the military budget to an absolute minimum (because there was no enemy at the borders anymore), things have changed drastically.
There might still be some good people working there, many join the force to get a (paid) university education and then stay with them for 10 or more years. But I do not see any major development or research taking place anymore.

German society also has strong cohesion, stronger than other countries I've been in. In the old days, that also translated over to military organizations. Not sure how it is today, Beobachter may have a more up to date view of that.

When it comes to native (german-born) Germans, that could well be. However, the percentage of those is shrinking fast, namely in all the bigger town areas. In some regions, it is even now already a minority. You have various parallel societies within the society, which, naturally, prevents from an overall cohesion and fosters instead cohesion clusters of sub-societies with different values and morals.

In my opinion, this is now irreversible and the decade-long goal of re-education of the germans, starting after the war, has finally succeeded: there won't - ever - be a war starting from Germany again, and there won't - ever - be a national conciousness in Germany again.
edit on 15-9-2022 by carport because: spllng

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: carport

In Germany on the 30th squads of soldiers will be patrolling the streets, and masks will be mandatory for the unvaxed. In fact a lot of things seem to be happening on the 30th or the day after. If Germany will use soldiers on the streets it probably won't be long before you see it everywhere else. So is the vax in reality being used to usher in martial law? The only reason they would do this is fear of popular unrest growing for some reason.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Remember the US's Afghanistan withdraw?

So it's propaganda from Mad Vlads own TV channel

Those Ukrankian forces didnt do much fighting compared to the cannon fodder solderers which are the American mercenaries.

They take empty towns or villages, cities that are mostly with old folks that were left behind unfortunately. After the AFU got there.

It was safe enough for your zelensky (panama papers) to do more photo ops and beg for more weapons.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Peeple

They were counting on being further along with their great plan by now.

Seems something to have gotten in the way....

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: carport
In Germany on the 30th squads of soldiers will be patrolling the streets, and masks will be mandatory for the unvaxed. In fact a lot of things seem to be happening on the 30th or the day after. If Germany will use soldiers on the streets it probably won't be long before you see it everywhere else. So is the vax in reality being used to usher in martial law? The only reason they would do this is fear of popular unrest growing for some reason.

The constitution of Germany does not allow soldiers to be deployed within the country, unless they help in a natural desaster or under surveillance of a civilian entity (they cannot help as soldiers, but only as private citizens).
If they tried to put soldiers on the street, all hell would break loose in Germany - and in the EU as a whole.

Yes, the vaccination will cause some restrictions - however, not on the streets, but, if invoked by a state (can only be invoked by a state of Germany, not by the country of Germany itself and will then be valid for this state only), it can affect hospitals and such, public traffic and certain other (covered) places.Then again, the number of people, and even politicians and scientists who do not agree and comply is growing.

In this regard, what you predict, will not happen. :-)

There can, very well, be growing street protests, though, against electricity and gas prices, and this will, if it happens, likely result in some price redcuctions (subsidizing) - however, in the end, state/tax money is people's money and all citizens will, in one way or another, have to pay for it.

It will be interesting, though, to watch what will happen, in which regions it will happen ... and who will be behind the protests.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: carport

In this regard, what you predict, will not happen. :-)

At least in the regard to the vaccination you would be right.

It will be interesting, though, to watch what will happen, in which regions it will happen ... and who will be behind the protests.

The German politicians seem to care about standing with their occupier US on the principle when it comes to Ukr, Rus.

There are those who want to use Urk to break up Rus.
That will not happen.

The sanctions would be hurting Europeans if not Germans more which is unfortunate.

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: carport

It will be interesting, though, to watch what will happen, in which regions it will happen ... and who will be behind the protests.

The German politicians seem to care about standing with their occupier US on the principle when it comes to Ukr, Rus.
There are those who want to use Urk to break up Rus. That will not happen.
The sanctions would be hurting Europeans if not Germans more which is unfortunate.

I do not have the impression that the politicians follow the US. Some might do so, others are convinced about their actions - and the german population still backs the latter up. The funny thing is this: hardly anyone in Germany talks about the US, it is just some interested small political circles and some NGOs who do. Everybody is talking about Russia though, and by far most of them think -and say- that Russia is an aggressor; Russia won't get friendly feelings from Germany for decades to come. The sanctions, yes, many people value their convenience higher than an attack on a country, and I cannot really blame those who are affected heavily by sanctions, but the majority thinks otherwise.

Lastly, what is being used to forgotten is the fact that inflation and rising prices for many commodities started long before the war, in the course of 2021. The war just blew this development up, and then speculators ignited the turbo on it. Even when the war stops tomorrow, the prices won't come down a lot, except maybe for some energy types. We pay the price for an era of capitalistic and neoliberal untamed behaviours, which, at least in the beginning, had advantages for every citizen and they got used to it - later on, not so much...
edit on 16-9-2022 by carport because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: DaRAGE

1:58 video of:

The German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck: 'Bakeries, craft businesses, cleaning companies.... they can just stop producing this year, but they don't go insolvent. They don't work into the red.'

He is saying all these small businesses can just stop producing anymore. Stop working. Somehow not declare bankruptcy. Clearly he hasn’t thought it all through.

Looks like Germany is screwed.


Latest update.

HORRIFIC numbers: ices-in-history-of-german-economy/

What's going to happen to the people of Germany? Is this impending melt-down primarily because of Germany's sanctions against Russia?

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 03:19 AM
Observation: Germany preparing to invoke "Martial Law".


posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 03:49 AM

edit on 22-9-2022 by vNex92 because: ..

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: carport

that Russia is an aggressor; Russia won't get friendly feelings from Germany for decades to come

Not surprising that is the fault of the media manipulation that had being occurring in Germany for decades not just towards Russians.

If only half of the population finds out that Russia is not the one to be blamed here.

hardly anyone in Germany talks about the US, it is just some interested small political circles and some NGOs who do

Eventually they will.
The US isn't fighting or doing this for their interests.
edit on 22-9-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Wow, Europe truly sounds like a mess, especially Germany.

Mandatory masks. What a joke!

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE

The worst is yet to come unfortunately now that the US likely very likely took out the Nord Streams pipelines..

20% of what EU would be getting from the new pipes that were announced by Norway/Poland is not going to be the same amount as the Russian gas supplies and dependence.

Now you also US begging/Pressuring Germany/EU to give Ukraine monthly payment for the war..

I doubt the US even has those enough of USD billions.
When considering the US gdp is about to be crashed.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: carport

that Russia is an aggressor; Russia won't get friendly feelings from Germany for decades to come

Not surprising that is the fault of the media manipulation that had being occurring in Germany for decades not just towards Russians.
If only half of the population finds out that Russia is not the one to be blamed here.

Hmmm - no. The Russians have never been considered "friends" in the western areas of Germany. And they have not been either in the east (just a bit more than in the west). The Germans were just lead to believe that the Russian were friends after theipush for the German reunification. But ... that was a long time ago.

hardly anyone in Germany talks about the US, it is just some interested small political circles and some NGOs who do

Eventually they will. The US isn't fighting or doing this for their interests.
You could be right, but, nevertheless, people wouldn't talk about the US either. France, Italy and GB are much closer and sit in the same boat. :-)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: DaRAGE

The worst is yet to come unfortunately now that the US likely very likely took out the Nord Streams pipelines..

20% of what EU would be getting from the new pipes that were announced by Norway/Poland is not going to be the same amount as the Russian gas supplies and dependence.

Now you also US begging/Pressuring Germany/EU to give Ukraine monthly payment for the war..

I doubt the US even has those enough of USD billions.
When considering the US gdp is about to be crashed.

Actually, the new pipe goes from Norway to Poland (actually, it is a branch of the Norway/Germany line) and it is meant to replace the amount of gas that Poland currently is getting from Germany.
As for Germany being pressed to send money - the german population, by a vast majority, _wants_ to support the Ukraine - so there is no pressing needed. :-)

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