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The very definition of Posse Comitatus - we must unite in order to defend the people.

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posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 08:19 PM
Mistrust anyone with a cause. No way would I sign on to a 'community organizer.'

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 09:23 AM
Totally agree.

I would only add, be sure to have your passport up to date.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: oddscreenname

That's a fair point. I was issuing a call to organise in the real world, not to actually start discussing who will join up here on ATS, that would indeed be foolish.

Apologies tht I didn't clarify that.

Furthermore, this post was written in the heat of anger after reading a load of stuff about the evil # these psychopaths in charge are demanding of us, such as: Eating bugs, living in smart cities, giving up property, accepting a litany of new reasons why people are dying suddenly at a young age from strokes & heart attacks (hint: it's NOT the jabs, apparently).

The stuff these tyrants are doing is so abominably disgraceful, I won't apologise for my anger, I won't apologise for wanting to see their nefarious # stopped once & for all.

But no, I'm not asking for volunteers on ATS, certainly not.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I think my social credit score is already at -10,000 based on my contributions over the years on ATS. I fully expect to be arrested or eliminated when the # really begins to hit the fan.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Thank you for your comments, I agree with your general assessment of the US situation particularly.

Getting in involved with your local community is a good start. Church, meetings, protests, coffee, whatever works for you. If things do start to get a bit shaky, having some people you know nearby can help with things. Know who your neighbors are. Times have gotten tough in the past and will continue too in the future. Humans having a strong community foundation, it has help build the world we have today.

This is stellar advice, I agree with you 110%, as for me & my house, we will be serving the LORD when the # gets crazy. I'm already beginning to develop a network of a variety of folks here in the North West of England, but especially locally, because you're absolutely right.. Having a netowrk of close contacts & friends nearby when things get wild is the best way to survive, and even to thrive. Here in the UK our energy bills are going up to over £3000 per year from the start of October, and from January we'll be looking at over £5,000 a year. This is being done deliberately, they are beginning to hit the self-destruct button on the existing patterns & modes of operation in modern society, preparing us for the grand collapse prior to their 'build back better' 'great reset' plan, whereby they will offer us the 'solution' if we will accept their punitive terms & social credit contract

It is my hope & prayer that we here in the UK (& you guys in the US) staunchly refuse their deceptive 'Nouveau-Vichy' turncoat regime, and that if they have the gall to deliberately implode society, that we will have the balls to fight back & take control of all their assets & territories, taking from the rich & providing dignity for the poor & disadvantaged. Because that's all they want - DIGNITY. In terms of a social contract, the working class will be happy with the general essentials, and the opportunity to earn a few luxuries, as they work for them. They want the opportunity to truly 'level up' if they have the ingenuity to develop a business plan which has the potential of real success. That's all they want, and it is NOT difficult to deliver that, in terms of a legitimate social contract which can be implemented, in a truly libertarian society. But the rich have been determined to destroy the poor's chances of health, success & happiness for generations, and it has only gotten worse in recent decades as they become ever more insanely wealthy, determined to keep everything for themselves, lacking any vision for a truly egalitarian solution, capable only of Dickensian fantasies of a thieving underclass who deserve the Hell they exist within. And now they're coming for the middle class as well, the blood-sucking fiends.

1% - You can take the trash materialist hyper-sexualised refined sugar Hollyweird Satanic nightmare culture & flush it down the toilet where it belongs. We can & should be intent on constructing a new culture, holding fast to what is good & getting rid of all the perverse, gluttonous crap which has been deliberately inculcated to overwhelm & poison our Western societies since the 80's. Rising up from the ashes of the egregious & monstrous 'culture' which has poisoned our youth for decades.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Okay, so I buy your suggestion that they are not panicking, I can see that they've been developing their plans for a very long time, indeed there seems to be a suggestion in the symbolism of the opening ceremony of the '92 Olympics that COVID & the weird vaccine ingredients would be a thing, it's damn creepy to watch. Makes you wonder just how #ing organised they actually are, how long they've spent executing the fine details & the occult shenanigans which enable their goals to come to fruition.

But I still believe that the release of this barely veiled threat to the conspiracy theorist community is being done at a moment strategically selected because we are having an impact now on the global population - those of us who are at least somewhat awakened to the truth of what's happening are being seen as a threat of some measure, and they are electing to challenge us openly in this way, to intimidate us into shutting down our channels of communication to the masses. We have an influence, and we should utilise our platforms in order to spread as much certain truth to the masses as we possibly can.

I'm thinking that this signals we have to dial back on our speculations, and stick to what we can prove, or what seems to have the weight of common sense & circumstantial evidence behind it. If we speculate to broadly (I am guilty of this at times) then we are putting ourselves in the crosshairs. If we dial it back & keep to that information which is easily, intuitively understood & either verified or appraised as 'likely to be true' by the masses when they are starting to awaken, then that is what we should do.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: sputniksteve

I agree with you that my post was stupid with hindsight. Definitely fell into the trap of self-delusion. Which means I'm totally on every list going & I can expect to be *redacted* myself when the # hits the fan. Doesn't mean I agree with the # they'll be flinging though, so I might as well keep talking while I still can (though I will tread more carefully until then).

And I will give myself a 'time our' before posting anything at all after reading information that makes me angry about what the evil #ers are actually doing.

Please don't lose sight of the fact that my anger is justified.

I was just foolish to fling my rage at the keyboard in the way that I did.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

I'm glad to hear that there is some hope in the works. I asked myself the question this very day, as to whether there might be something ongoing which is operating in silence, and if there is then I thank God & pray for their success. Thanks for being optimistic!

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I'm thinking that this signals we have to dial back on our speculations, and stick to what we can prove, or what seems to have the weight of common sense & circumstantial evidence behind it. If we speculate to broadly (I am guilty of this at times) then we are putting ourselves in the crosshairs[/exnews

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