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Breweries told to stop making BEER Germany could cancel Oktoberfest

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posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

As far as i know it´s only the guys on the island who drink pi$$warm beer and like it. 

That's called Bitter and it's mostly drunk by old geezers because it's cheap. Also, it's usually served at cellar temperature which is still cold, it just isn't chilled.

Most of us drink ice cold Continental Lager.

edit on 282022 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck
Imo this has nothing to do with beer or 'climate change' or Putin . It's 100% about controlling people, see how far they can be pushed , how much they will take before they start rebelling. They also want us miserable and to feel hopeless

I don't drink beer (disgusting) , but this has to be absolutely maddening to those who do , and to those who love Oktoberfest

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

The German government is redirecting supplies from non essential business to make sure that the common man has enough?

You can be damn sure that the 'elites' will always have enough. Remember "you will own nothing and be happy "

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 10:55 AM
Oktoberfest starts on September 17. Festbier can take anywhere up to three months to cellar before it's ready. I can guarantee you all of the beer for Oktoberfest has already been brewed and the festival is not at risk due to lack of beer.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 11:28 AM
Spent a lot for time in EU and I never really got into Pilsner style beers even ours in America, so living in the NW with 400 breweries within a short drive I'm good.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I was quite a fan of wheat beers back in the day. Unfortunately, my guts, over the long term, didn't agree with me!


posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 11:56 AM
Man i would be really Pissed if i were still over there.
Nothing Compares to German Beer.
i shure drank my share when i was there.

a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck
No problem, that is what we are here for also, to learn from each other.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:45 PM
All I know about German Beer was I was handed this bottle with a red devil on it that tasted for all the world like a Red Creme creme soda. Except there was a whole lot of alcohol in that bottle because I caught a little bit of the numb nose which would be about two shots of bourbon.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Hitting the public where it hurts.

They will be banning floodlights next.

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:39 PM
But the Oktoberfest has been going since 1810:

Oktoberfest, annual festival in Munich, Germany, held over a two-week period and ending on the first Sunday in October. The festival originated on October 12, 1810, in celebration of the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria, who later became King Louis I, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The festival concluded five days later with a horse race held in an open area that came to be called Theresienwiese (“Therese’s green”).

That was before Russian gas pipelines, or even most of the Industrial Revolution.
Surely whatever has been contributed (that includes "natural methane" or other gasses) since then can be done away with, for a more traditional approach?

posted on Aug, 3 2022 @ 08:04 AM
The science , how far man can go to prevent beer splash

Stabilizing arm for your beer.

posted on Aug, 3 2022 @ 10:01 PM
Here is an article that thankfully lays to rest any fear I may have had about my favorite craft brews disappearing. No need to hoard the craft and micro brews unless things get much worse. We do export many of our local Michigan craft beers, maybe we can help the Germans out when it gets rough over there.

Visualizing America's Brewery Boom Tyler Durden's Photo by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Aug 03, 2022 - 10:00 PM

Like many other businesses, America's breweries were desperately trying to stay afloat in the sea of economic devastation brought along by the Covid-19 pandemic. Shuttered restaurants and pubs hit sales hard, taproom transactions evaporated and the distribution of kegs ceased. A Daily Beast article from May 2020 warned that 3,600 of America's breweries could go out of business and that coronavirus could kill craft beer. However, as Statista's Martin Armstrong reports, fast-forward to 2021 though, and it seems reports of craft beer's demise have been greatly exaggerated.

While the Brewers Association's midyear report for 2020 did indeed show that the U.S. beer scene was facing an unprecedented challenge, it certainly wasn't the doomsday scenario some were expecting. Volumes declined 10 percent during the first six months of the year compared to 2019 while the brewery count grew by 737. That is slower than the 1,000 new breweries added by mid-year 2019 but still an impressive performance given the situation. The latest figures, for 2021, reveal a more subdued but still healthy rate of growth: "Overall U.S. beer volume sales were up 1 percent in 2021, while craft brewer volume sales grew 8 percent, raising small and independent brewers’ share of the U.S. beer market by volume to 13.1 percent".

edit on 3-8-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Aug, 4 2022 @ 10:24 PM
Beer is cheaper than water in Germany. a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Aug, 5 2022 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: halfoldman
But the Oktoberfest has been going since 1810:

Oktoberfest, annual festival in Munich, Germany, held over a two-week period and ending on the first Sunday in October. The festival originated on October 12, 1810, in celebration of the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria, who later became King Louis I, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The festival concluded five days later with a horse race held in an open area that came to be called Theresienwiese (“Therese’s green”).

That was before Russian gas pipelines, or even most of the Industrial Revolution.
Surely whatever has been contributed (that includes "natural methane" or other gasses) since then can be done away with, for a more traditional approach?

Mead. Works for me.


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