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Fire at key US Natural Gas export terminal

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posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 09:48 PM
European natural gas prices soar by almost 40% after fire at key US export terminal

Really? For fsake can the economic downturn ever take a break from this race to the bottom? I am often called a conspiracy nut because I can observe the world with discernment, knowledge of history, and awareness of the influence of evil. I think this evidences more of the same bad actors on the world stage are at it again.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

Is it dangerous over the long term to act in bad faith with the soul purpose of forcing the market to price fossil fuel energy out of reach from consumers?

There is no gracious solution to this mess.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 10:25 PM
It must be a coincidence. There's no connection between all these fires at key points all of a sudden.
a reply to: machineintelligence

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:17 PM
Russia can't even sign a longer term agreement with India to sell to them because their reserves are dwindling because they are selling so much to China, India, and Asian countries.

This next article explains things well. Actually there is little shortage of oil in the world, since China is buying so much less of the Saudi oil now because it is cheaper to buy it from Russia.

So, Europe did not really hurt Russia that much, but it hurt the European citizens quite a bit because the embargos raised the price of oil way up in the west....again there is not much of a shortage being created like they want us to believe.

But there is definitely a fertilizer shortage now, but China and India are still buying that from Russia too and they are getting a decent price on that yet too. These countries will be able to get more for their exported food at just a little increase in price because there are shortages all over Europe. Asian countries are doing all right. So are the Saudi's. The fertilizer that India and China aren't buying from the west will help to curb shortages a bit in the west.

So all that the west did was hurt their own people, they did not hurt Russia that much economically.

posted on Jun, 9 2022 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

To much sh@@ happening at the same time for it to be just a cowinky dink.
I don't believe much in cowinky dinks.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

This was never about hurting Russia. It was always about helping China. With Europe effectively shut off from Russia economically, China's major competition for Russian oil and gas is gone. Now they have an uninterruptable connection for all the oil they want... cheap, to boot.

China has always been in a precarious position for energy. Before Russia became a major energy supplier, China had to buy oil from the Middle East or refined fuel from the US. Oil from the Middle East had to travel by tanker ship (very susceptible to attack if in a time of war) around the cape of India (which does not like China one little bit anyway), through the Indonesian Island chain (which is filled with US allies and strategic US military bases) and then north to a Chinese port. In a wartime scenario, that is an extremely weak link. And remember that a modern military runs on its fuel.

That is precisely why China has not been a major player in any recent wars. They were supportive of North Korea during the Korean War, and they were not considered friendly to the US in Vietnam, but China did not take an active role. They knew better. They were vulnerable.

No more. China is about to become the greatest military superpower on the planet. They have the energy they need; they have a massive manufacturing infrastructure; they have the largest population on the planet to draw soldiers from; they have the rare earths for modern high-tech; and they produce the chips that the US military (the only force that could possibly stand up to them) depends on.

All China needs now is a reason. Think about that.


posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

China is having a disceplene problem with its youths these days. Many are spoiled even beyond the gangs in Chicago.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
I wasn't aware of their roundabout oil issue. That fills in a little more for me on BRICS and the flow of things there.

China has been being nice essentially, because they had to to some degree. They aren't going to stay nice once that obligation is removed. One would like to think they'll be more rational in administering world affairs than the US has been, but I doubt it. They'll remain insecure and belligerent.

How painful it'll be for us will probably have a lot to do with how western leaders adapt to China having more sway. They more they try to leverage dollar hegemony, the more I think we suffer domestically. I see no reason to hope they'll change tactics and Russian sanctions were just a preview of what happens when their BRICS payment rails open for business.

The leverage the dollar gives is starting to wane against the devaluation of printing. New product offerings are only got to further weaken it. Many nations will have to make purely financial decisions on which side they prefer, but many will also consider future security.

Either serious lack of foresight or deliberate planning. It's hard to reconcile that this level of incompetence could reach the top of Western leadership, but I have few other viable ideas. Who am I kidding really? There's very little I should be surprised by at this point.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: TheRedneck
I wasn't aware of their roundabout oil issue. That fills in a little more for me on BRICS and the flow of things there.

China has been being nice essentially, because they had to to some degree. They aren't going to stay nice once that obligation is removed. One would like to think they'll be more rational in administering world affairs than the US has been, but I doubt it. They'll remain insecure and belligerent.

How painful it'll be for us will probably have a lot to do with how western leaders adapt to China having more sway. They more they try to leverage dollar hegemony, the more I think we suffer domestically. I see no reason to hope they'll change tactics and Russian sanctions were just a preview of what happens when their BRICS payment rails open for business.

The leverage the dollar gives is starting to wane against the devaluation of printing. New product offerings are only got to further weaken it. Many nations will have to make purely financial decisions on which side they prefer, but many will also consider future security.

Either serious lack of foresight or deliberate planning. It's hard to reconcile that this level of incompetence could reach the top of Western leadership, but I have few other viable ideas. Who am I kidding really? There's very little I should be surprised by at this point.

this cannot be excused away by ineptitude. It's by design and for a purpose. No clue what the endgame is, but eventually, we will all see it.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: network dude

I don't think we'll see the endgame that is expected. I have this feeling what we wind up seeing will be much, much worse.

Eyes on Romania and stay out of Minnesota.


posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I have friends in Minnesota. Is the situation there alarming? Should I talk to friends there?

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

Let's just say I wouldn't be there.


posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: machineintelligence

Let's just say I wouldn't be there.


Way too vague even for me.

Come on Red, you're better served being direct than coy in this regard.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: network dude

I don't think we'll see the endgame that is expected. I have this feeling what we wind up seeing will be much, much worse.

Eyes on Romania and stay out of Minnesota.


Why reference Minnesota specifically? Seems like an odd state to call out directly.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Gotta stay vague on this one. Sorry. Just know that at some point in the near future, Minnesota will not be a nice place to be.


edit on 6/11/2022 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: TheRedneckOne of my oldest friends on the planet and one of the best mentors I have ever trained with has a training facility out in the boonies in Minnesota and I am due to visit with them this summer for additional training a heads up would be great if there’s an issue I should be aware of you can private message me if Needed with regard to info sec I have Wikr Pro installed.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 05:39 AM
Hmm. Over 3,000 students from "greater China" at the University of Minnesota alone.

How many have hip pocket orders from the PLA in the event of "difficulties" between the USA and the PRC?


posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: machineintelligence

No need to PM. If you see unrest in Romania, get out of Minnesota.


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