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Advisor Klaus Schwab boasts: 'Dictators could only dream of this'

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posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 05:39 AM

English video:

The privacy versus security debate is as old as civilization, historian and writer Yuval Noah Harari said recently at the Athens Democracy Forum, an annual international conference in Athens. While he said that, internet and privacy expert Marietje Schaake (D66) nodded in agreement. “But there is now something new: for the first time in history it is possible to completely eliminate privacy,” said Harari, advisor to Klaus Schwab. Schaake once again wholeheartedly agreed with him.

"That wasn't possible before," said Harari, while Schaake continued to nod. “It is now possible. A fundamental change has taken place. Dictators could only dream of eliminating privacy completely: monitoring everyone at all times, knowing what you're doing, knowing what you're thinking, what you're feeling.” Whether it was a tyrant in ancient Greece or Stalin; they could only dream of it, but they could never realize it because it was technically impossible. Now it's possible, Harari told New York Times moderator Liz Alderman.

Mr Harari has some ideas that doesn't seem pleasant to me. They want us to be sheeps, nice little sheeps. Humans 1.0 think to much, knows to much so they want version 2.0 with no feelings, no emotions, no love, just sheeps.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 07:33 AM
He is right.

Is it being done through the jab? Lots of strange stuff found under the microscope.

To get it under the skin of everyone, most will refuse when looking at the terms and conditions. A pandemic to use fear and cohesion is one way to increase the uptake.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 09:34 AM
Naaa most people don’t read any of the conditions they agree to for almost anything. they are more likely to sign away their rights and privacy by agreeing to a streaming service or by playing a game online.

I agree with you with the possibility of a vaccine based vector but disagree that most people are intelligent enough to read the fine print that’s just not true. Most people are just a shade above simian beast.

a reply to: kwakakev

edit on 24-4-2022 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

Well, he's not wrong. Seems like he's just pointing out how in the wrong hands it can be a used for sinister means.
I guess we need to make sure technology works for us, not against us.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 09:40 AM
World Economic Forum unveils its new agents of influence - focus on 2022 digital ministries

04/23/2022 | World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab is proud of the "penetration" of governments, especially Canada's. With the 2022 class of Young Global Leaders, the Forum adds another Canadian minister and as many as six ministers of digitization to its list of agents of influence. In Germany, the foreign minister has been one of the apprentices of the big-corporate lobby since 2020.

The World Economic Forum proudly announced its selection of Young Global Leaders this year on April 22:

These young global leaders are creating a sustainable and inclusive future."

If I counted correctly, there are 109 new elite Forum trainees this year, 20 from North America, 18 from Europe (including Ukraine), 16 from the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, 11 from the rest of Africa, and 12 from "Greater China."

Each year, a very well-funded World Economic Forum foundation selects successful individuals under 40 from the political, corporate, cultural and media sectors to be trained as top leaders in a multi-year program, including a special 10-day course at Harvard University and joint meetings with the political elite of the U.S. and other countries. Perhaps more importantly, they will be networked, among themselves and with other key Forum influencers in governments, corporations and the media.

Arguably, not only because of their superior qualities, but also thanks to the protection afforded by the Forum and its large and highly influential network, those selected can expect their status and influence to receive another powerful boost. The network consists of 1400 current and former Young Global Leaders in 120 countries, most of them in influential positions.

Angela Merkel, for example, was elected as a fresh-faced family minister and went on to become German chancellor for 16 years. Similarly, current French President Emmanuel Macron and many other former heads of government. Annalena Baerbock, chosen in 2020, became her party's candidate for chancellor and is now foreign minister.

In a panel discussion at Harvard University, available as a Youtube video, probably from 2017, Klaus Schwab boasts:

I have to say, now when I mention names, like Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin and so on, they were all Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But, what we are particularly proud of today, this young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina and so on: we are pushing through (penetrate) the cabinets. Yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau. And I know that actually half his cabinet, more than half his cabinet, is made up of Young Global Leaders from the World Economic Forum."

His Harvard interlocutor interjects that this is also the case in Argentina, and Schwab agrees:

Yes, it's also true in Argentina, and also in France, I mean, with the president, with the Young Global Leader. But what is important for me is that these Young Global Leaders get the opportunity to come here (Harvard). And we already set up a course a few years ago. I think this collaboration has a tremendous impact, being here for a week really creates a strong community."

He also talks about how the Forum has also been seeking out and promoting even younger leadership material for some time now:

In addition to the Young Global Leaders, we now have the Global Shapers in 450 cities around the world. I wonder, is there a Global Shaper here?"

Guinea Pig Canada ...
To the already particularly long list of Forum influencers in the Canadian government is added "the Class of 2022" Sean Fraser, the current Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.

In addition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, among others, is a Young Leader plant of the World Economic Forum and a member of its Foundation Board to boot.

During the trucker protests against the rigid Corona measures in Canada, she and her prime minister launched a successful trial run for the repressive control society for which the World Economic Forum and its cooperation partners have been working out the concepts for some time. Trudeau declared a state of emergency and suspended civil liberties. The protesters and those who had donated money to them, even small sums, had their bank accounts frozen. Many also lost their jobs, especially if they were employed in the public sector. In a video, Freeland enthusiastically explained these decidedly anti-freedom measures.

It was a very successful experiment, if the aim was to see whether an openly repressive surveillance and control regime could be introduced without the international media running riot and denying the government its allegiance to the values of the West. Nothing of the sort happened.

At the Canadian Ministry of Labor, a research institute is working on a pet project of the Forum, computer-controlled man-machines or machine-humans. Quote:

New human bodies and a new concept of identity could emerge as convergence progresses. (...) By learning to better understand and control the mechanisms underlying biology, we could see a shift away from vitalism, from the idea that living and artificial organisms are something fundamentally different."

Team members include Kristel Van der Elst, former head of Strategic Foresight at the World Economic Forum. She also advises the EU Commission. Another team member is Nicholas Davis, who was a member of the World Economic Forum's Executive Committee until 2019. Together with Forum chief Klaus Schwab, Davis published the book "Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Guide to Building a Better World" in 2018.

This is the kind of thing that happens when the Forum successfully penetrates a Cabinet.

... and Ukraine
The "Class of 2022" of Young Global Leaders includes Mykhailo Fedorov. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The most important project he is pushing ahead with, or at least was pushing ahead with until the Russian troops invaded, is the "state in a smartphone." According to this, by 2025 at the latest, all state identity documents, together with banking data and biometric identification, will be available on every citizen's smartphone, using the so-called Diia app.

In an article for the Atlantic Council, Fedorov wrote in April 2021:

Ukraine is part of the global digitization process that includes the development of e-passports and the increasing use of other forms of electronic identification around the world."

In December 2021, the ePidtrymka program launched. Users who proved via Diia app that the had received at least two vaccination doses were given vouchers worth 1000 hryvnia, the equivalent of about 30 euros, and half again more if they had a booster vaccination. Since March, aid for war-affected people has apparently also been handed out via the app.

The "State in a Smartphone" project is funded by the governments of the United States, Great Britain and Switzerland.

It's no wonder that the World Economic Forum is proud of its Ukrainian digitization protégé, as it has combined elements of the Forum's favorite projects - digital basic income, digital ID and social credit system - into one app.


posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 09:42 AM
Money industry dominates
It is remarkable that even the prosecutor of Rio de Janeiro is not afraid to go into executive apprenticeship with large corporations. This other hopeful from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the Forum's closest partners, is of course not to be missed in the Class of 2022.

Alongside the digitization ministers, the focus is clearly on the financial sector. From North America, for example, there are people from Blackrock, Paypal, Blackstone, Merrill Lynch, HSBC and CFI Partners. Among the new Young Global Leaders from the other regions of the world, a great many also work in the money and insurance industry. This is fitting because, on the one hand, this industry is, along with the IT industry, the most important private-sector projector of geopolitical power for the USA and the World Economic Forum; on the other hand, a reorganization of the monetary system is pending in order to support the transition to a neo-feudalist system, as I describe it in "Endgame of Capitalism," and thus still prevent the collapse or at least secure the elites' hold on power.
Translated with (free version)
Link (german)

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Mind blown.

The new Illuminati don't even hide themselves now.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Mind blown.

The new Illuminati don't even hide themselves now.

They don´t need anymore. Because the majority of the earth population is distracted by the "actual thing" (right now: corrupt Ukraine good, corrupt Russia bad...), distracted by their spyPhones, by the MSM propaganda bombardment 24/7. Stupid enough to still believe this is all just a conspiracy theory made up by some tin foil hats. While every needed peace of evidence is out there, available for everybody with internet access. Or even without internet access, you can even buy their books about their anti-democratic, anti-human plans on Amazon. To make them a bit richer of course.

I start to think that if the majority of the earth population is simply too stupid to see the reality with their own eyes, or simply is not interested in seeing the reality, then maybe it´s best if this part of the earth population gets what it´s asking for.

A boot stamping on their faces, for ever. Till they maybe realize that not the tin foil hats are the idiots in this game but those that call everything a crude conspiracy theory because it´s more comfortable for them than dealing with the reality.
edit on 24 4 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I think the main factor allowing this obvious agenda to flourish is that the middle-class aren't quite feeling the pinch yet.

When they do it will be too late.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 01:55 PM
it's thread like this that can add a my reply anyways

their psychological narrowing in on what they perceive as issues to address
is in part due to "group think"
where i used to wonder how they don't shut down free speech realms it becomes apparent
that they source from them and pat themselves on their backs

haht....putin was an acclaimed success of if
with his KGB background surely his psyche included an internal study of this upcoming "WEF"
and they praised him

so yeah it just may be me
but i don't like to offer up much insight via replies to such as i see it
they source from sites and open discussions

thanks for posting this OP

edit on 24-4-2022 by lasvegasteddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

It's already happening. Why do you think populist and nationalist movements are becoming so wide spread?

I can bet full on fascist movements will start to become a thing soon.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

It's already happening. Why do you think populist and nationalist movements are becoming so wide spread?

I can bet full on fascist movements will start to become a thing soon.

A thing i think since a while about:

They destroyed everything that was known as left decades ago (workers rights, social rights etc), told us that everything most people hate would be left (for example the green new deal, that save the climate BS for the profits of the corporations of greedy moneybags), they make the majority of people slowly hate all that allegedly left BS ( i call it the fake US plastic left) with it´s gender BS, that fridays for future/extinction rebellion sh!t and all that robber baron capitalistic crap to fool the lemmings and fulfill the Great reset/Green New Deal.

They slowly make people hate everything that is only one half step away from the extreme so called right, the fascist so called right. So people will even beg for so called right wing fascism and dictatorship in near future because the so called "left harmed the people only". While the modern extreme so called right dreams of a copy of Mao-China. They make the people want fascism.

But that trick works only for the lemmings who don´t realize that there is no more left and right but only a top (them) and a bottom (us).

edit on 24 4 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Perhaps more importantly, they will be networked, among themselves and with other key Forum influencers in governments, corporations and the media.

I don't think the majority of people in the YGL program are inherently evil; they just want to tackle major problems and make the world a better place. What I am seeing is a rise to the top of YGL who seem to have a 'my way or the highway' mentality, like Trudeau. That has me wondering if the graduates go through some sort of 'placement' testing after graduation; one which assesses their potential, while clandestinely evaluating their potential to go to any lengths to rise to the top. Kind of a 'highest level' security test to determine who can rise to the next inner circle level, having access to deeper plans for society.
The WEF was actually created in 1919.

Just as Klaus Schwab was never his own man, having been trained by his mentors Maurice Strong (co-founder of the WEF) [1] and his Harvard mentor Henry Kissinger, so too were Klaus’ Young Leaders merely a modern version of an older practice that has been at play for over 114 years. This older institution is the Rhodes Scholarship system and the associated Round Table Movement, which created both Chatham House in 1919 and its American branch, dubbed “The Council on Foreign Relations,” in 1921.

The history of social engineering goes back 100+ years; the information in the link makes it pretty easy to understand how everything happening today has been planned and directed for decades. Plans are constantly being revisited and adjusted to compensate for current social climate with meetings like Davos, Bilderberg, etc.

Here's the newest surveillance system coming on board that will compile data from exact locations every 12 hours, and can highlight the image of a toaster from space. Of course, it's for our own good, to monitor things like:

Called Pelican, the fleet will monitor such things as political conflicts, natural disasters, and the ongoing effects of climate change.


It's always struck me how things like this are presented as 'good' and the majority goes along with it. Some may have misgivings, but let it slide, hoping it won't be used in any negative ways. If you put every 'advancement' sold as being to protect citizens and make us all safer together, you can't help but see how all of the bottom tier of society- the majority- are being boxed into a corner, with the upper tier having exemption.
edit on 700000033America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 02:56 PM
I have said it before and I will say it again. Klaus Schwabb is the new Hitler. The antichrist if you believe in that.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 03:04 PM

monitoring everyone at all times, knowing what you're doing, knowing what you're thinking, what you're feeling

Is it really all thar ominous when its the people themselves who are posting what they are doing, thinking and feeling all the time on social media?

The people who participate must find value in this arrangement.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

It's already happening. Why do you think populist and nationalist movements are becoming so wide spread?

I can bet full on fascist movements will start to become a thing soon.

Did someone hack your account?

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Yup, people in Germany wanted fascism before they even knew it. And when they realized it was too late, what do you do?
The demagogue Hitler took control of the weakness of the nation.

Nu - left or, just whining liberals as I call them have just given the elites in power fuel to allow for media and such to gaslight the 'right', and vice a versa, and make them fall for the divide and conquer. Then again, this new branch of lefty thinking is kind of doing it to themselves as well.

a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Nope. Why?

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I think I misunderstood your previous post.

I get what you're saying now. There is a slippery slope and people are sliding down it without even realising where they are.

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