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Sovereign funds: The companies nobody talks about

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posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened

Marxists..are U.S. allies. You're going to need to elaborate on that.

The only ones that want to destroy the U.S. are the members of the fascist/islamist conspiracy, all the attacks that your country has suffered since 1945 and before have been committed by nazi/jihadist terrorist, the only ones plotting to destroy your country are the jihadist nazis infiltrated in the top levels of your political, business, entertainment and religious segments of your society. So, when you guys finally figure it out, you will understand Marxist countries (like China and Vietnam) are your best allies to fight your real enemies.

Ok, I’ll bite. Tell us more.

I’d like to know as, frankly, you’re right - the last 100 years of hot conflict for the US has more-less involved one of those two groups in some form or fashion.

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Ok, but how much land, natural resources, real state or shares of strategic companies do these foreign sovereign funds own in the USA, Canada or Australia?

Do you know if there is any way of knowing it, please?

However much government property you can find. That’s what they own.

These are basically giant Trusts. From an investment standpoint, the governments don’t operate a heck of a lot different than individuals - it’s just at massive scale with a whole lot more discipline.

For example, a trust like this can spend literally years trying to find and hire a manager for one sliver of their portfolio.

So, they’ll crunch their numbers (the wealth fund) and decide a certain piece of the portfolio needs to return 7.17% annualized over the next 20 years. They will find a manager who will manage exactly the allocation they want and they will not deviate from that strategy. They will never move to cash, and they will 100% fire a manager for making 7.87% when it should have been 7.17%. Why? More return means more risk. They didn’t sign up for more return. They wanted 7.17%.

These funds own securities. Sure, they diversify across asset classes. But, they tilt towards the private sector or other profit generating entities because the government doesn’t create profit - the thing they tax for their income does - so they get in on that action.

That’s a very rough and short way of saying you’re way, way off base. We’d have a hell of a lot less volatility in the equity markets if people thought like institutions.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

I will, in the nexts days I’m going to write a very important post regarding this subject, in the meantime I highly recommend everyone to read the first six posts I made talking about the reactionary conspiracy in the forum general conspiracies, they aren’t very long and can serve as a very good introduction to this conspiracy. This is the first one: The Reactionary Conspiracy 1. Composition

Additionally, I have written a series of post in the Movies, Television, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Video games and Comics forums recommending a number of artworks I believe are related to the fascist/islamist conspiracy.

And finally, you can see my pinned tweet (and other tweets) on Twitter on my two accounts (@MarxistDebunker and @Just_Free_Opn) where I share more information (and more images) about the conspiracy.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
Ok, I’ll bite. Tell us more.

I’d like to know as, frankly, you’re right - the last 100 years of hot conflict for the US has more-less involved one of those two groups in some form or fashion.

I have posted a very important information regarding this topic here: The Reactionary Conspiracy 6

Pardon the lateness, but I needed some days to rest.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
a reply to: CriticalStinker

You are mixing concepts, I’m talking about sovereign investment funds, not pension funds. And I highly doubt the Federal Reserve helps foreign funds.

I’m saying sovereign investment funds shouldn’t be allowed to buy land, real state nor any other equity from other countries. In socialist countries, foreigners can’t buy land, for example.

Many countries use their sovereign wealth fund to meet pension obligations. You are correct that they are two different concepts in theory. But in practice they are basically the same in a country like Norway. Saudi Arabias is more like the perrsonal hedge fund for the royal family.

The Federal Reserve can help foreign funds although I am not aware of any time it has done so. Central banks do work together to stabilize international financial conditions, usually by lending each other money. If for some reason the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund had to be bailed out I would imagine that the mechanism would be for the Norwegian central bank to lend the fund money and the Federal Reserve and other international central banks might loan the norwegian central bank money (or guarantee loans).

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