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Just the beginning Over fishing in the oceans are real

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posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero

Planning ahead was never china's strong point.

For decades they threw female infants in the garbage to downplay their population problem, without ever considering the adult male surplus they were creating.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 10:58 PM
The cod up around England is getting way over fished, the yields are getting lower and the price is rising here. We like Cod, so we usually stock about ten meals in the freezer minimum, vacuum packed. Buying on sale is essential to getting a reasonable cost for the meal. We also stock about fifteen meals of whitefish in the fall and a meal or two of sockeye salmon filets. By spring we are pretty much out of whitefish, but actually during lent we stock back up on Cod, we have a meal of fish every week, most times on Friday to keep our days of the week straight. If we have it on Sunday, our sense of day of the week is all off...we are both retired, we need things to keep us knowing what day of the week it is now. Monday is Garbage day, if we have cod on sunday, we forget to put the garbage out until after dark a lot of times, dragging that cart a couple hundred feet down the driveway in the dark in the winter can get you a twisted ankle.

Too much fish is wasted in this country, I think it is a sin to waste food. I try not to waste because a life is taken for us to live most times we eat, and whether it is an animal or a plant that dies, we should respect the life that was lost, not toss it in the garbage.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

All due respect, but Japan is one of the worst offenders of illegal over-fishing per capita than any other country. Other countries may net more tonnage, but per capita Japan is one of the worst.

Global warming / climage change has little, if anything, to do with Japan's fishing woes, but Japan's over-fishing has everything to do with it. Over-fishing was an issue for Japan long before Algore even invented the Interwebz. Climate change is just an EXCUSE to raise prices and sing the blues. One only needs to look at Japan's per capita fish consumption to see the issue. It's like 10x that of most other countries. Fish is one of the main staples in Japan, and it's no wonder Japan has had to resort to traveling tens of thousands of miles from the Japanese mainlaind to support their fish consumption needs.

Japan, of all people, shouldn't be the ones singing the blues to the World over dwindling fish populations! First, Japan might try taking a look in the mirror! I'm a big fan of Japan, but when it comes to fishing and seafood they've got a lot of nerve to be calling the kettle black...when they're the pot!

Sorry, but that's the truth of the matter!

edit on 1/19/2022 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: lordcomac

Nor was it Japan's!!

Japan is the pot calling the kettle black on this subject!!

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: musicismagic

All due respect, but Japan is one of the worst offenders of illegal over-fishing per capita than any other country. Other countries may net more tonnage, but per capita Japan is one of the worst.

Global warming / climage change has little, if anything, to do with Japan's fishing woes, but Japan's over-fishing has everything to do with it. Over-fishing was an issue for Japan long before Algore even invented the Interwebz. Climate change is just an EXCUSE to raise prices and sing the blues. One only needs to look at Japan's per capita fish consumption to see the issue. It's like 10x that of most other countries. Fish is one of the main staples in Japan, and it's no wonder Japan has had to resort to traveling tens of thousands of miles from the Japanese mainlaind to support their fish consumption needs.

Japan, of all people, shouldn't be the ones singing the blues to the World over dwindling fish populations! First, Japan might try taking a look in the mirror! I'm a big fan of Japan, but when it comes to fishing and seafood they've got a lot of nerve to be calling the kettle black...when they're the pot!

Sorry, but that's the truth of the matter!

Actually our schools here are like trade schools. The schools ( high school) which are few teach the students about the fishing industry, we also have high schools for the farming industry.
We also have academic schools for the kids can TRY to pass the examination to go to Tokyo University.

We actually have fishing farms in the oceans. I don't know anything about fishing ponds in Japan for commercial use like in Thailand, India and China.
We have all types of ocean farms in the ocean for ocean fish.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:45 PM
Every fisherman I speak to says If you don’t fish the fishing ground the fish go away.

a reply to: Ravenwatcher

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:06 PM

A Greenpeace investigation found that Chinese fishing vessels operating in West Africa misreport the size of their vessels by as much as 60 percent. This practice enables fishing companies to dramatically increase their catches while fishing in areas reserved for smaller vessels. In Guinea-Bissau, foreign fishing vessels are known to collude with small-scale African fishers to access waters reserved for artisanal fishing. The small-scale fishers catch and then simply unload the fish onto the main “mothership” without the larger, foreign-owned vessel ever requiring a fishing license.

more Chinese exploitation of Africa.
the pay a fee to the powers of the local nations. the average African gets little or nothing out of this.

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