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Media acclimatizing us to the idea that Ghislaine Maxwell is going to be freed

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posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush
No, because that is what he supposedly said in the interview "Then I'll be free".

Why would they have to foreshadow anything? By the way that is a goalpost shift from the "acclimatizing" claimed in the title of the thread.

edit on 18-11-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: AfterTheGoldRush
Scoffing to distract from the actions of a certain evil leaning occult group that have these celebrities under their thumb. I would offer my opinion as someone who has practiced Thelema and wicca for many years, but hey why bother.... a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Good for you.

She is still going down.

Don't bother with your amatuer witchiness. Keep practicing. One day you might achieve something. Doubt it. I know experts who would laugh in your face.

posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 04:31 PM
Because there will be an outcry, and the Powers that Be do like rubbing our noses in their power. Come on, with the other Maxwell fighting a huge case in the near future, a headline like this is more than suspect. It's ok, you just go back to sleep..I will never understand these people who close the curtains and try and continually make things out to be nothing. It is how the evil gets away with it all. reply to: daskakik

(post by AfterTheGoldRush removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush
There would not be much of an outcry, this "headline" isn't all that widespread. I wouldn't have known about it if you didn't bring it up.

Just because some people make this out to be nothing doesn't mean they continually make everything out to be nothing. That is just you trying to sling mud because you can't make a good argument for your weak dot connections.

posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Now the stretch got even bigger...

posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 07:07 PM
Professional occultism is disgusting - financially benefitting from magick is never a good plan. I don't take the left hand path. Proud to say I am an amateur - meaning of course that I have never profited financially. I am about spiritual gains and protecting people from those who worship things which promise luxury, like the Moloch worshippers that have caused so much suffering. The black eye bunch can laugh at me if they like. I am not scared of them, not one jot. Keep on going, carpy...I see you. I see you just fine.. a reply to: Oldcarpy2

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

I saw a headline "Man found dead in his home".

I don't know if that was a warning, but I've been living on my lawn since then and I'm still alive.

Well IF your last name were Man and you were an important world wide criminal involved in child rape, I guess that would make sense.

Even if those things were true, sleeping on my lawn having seen that headline would still make absolutely no sense. There is no way to make this make sense. There's no need to prepare people for her going free. It was a forgone conclusion to us here that if she got any punishment it would be nothing near what she deserves and most people outside this sphere probably don't ever even think about it.

I don't care what weird conspiracy theories people have. I enjoy much of the weird stuff, but it offends me when people take it so far it damages the credibility of serious people that have done serious work on child welfare and sex trafficking. This behavior gives ample excuse for people to laugh it all away as insane conspiracy. So, I mocked the OP a little. I think we should. We should reject this behavior.

Many aren't going to like hearing this, but fake pedo-crusaders are no different than fake environmentalists. They don't do anything to actually help or protect the one thing they claim to be focused on. It's all self-aggrandizing nonsense that makes them feel good while doing jack squat for the mission. That offends me. They can circle-jerk all they want, but don't pretend it's some critical aspect of solving this crisis. It's an unhealthy delusion about the realities of the situation. Elite pedophiles are a tiny part of the equation and are probably a negligible contributor to it globally. There are millions of kids right now likely suffering unimaginably more than any Epstein Island survivor. Millions and millions suffering and we're discussing THIS nonsense?

We don't need evidence of a conspiracy or proof. What we need is for children to be safe. A single hour a week working with at-risk kids will do more good ending trafficking than an entire lifetime peddling bs theories on the Internet. If kids are spending their time with quality adults they aren't on the streets getting groomed into the sex trade.

If you already do real things to help that's great. If not, then you should consider it. It's rewarding and time is the one thing that every person has that can make a difference in the life of a child. Even if you don't ever actively help, at a minimum we should be calling out behavior that is harmful to the cause.

a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush
I didn't catch this comment in the reply. The above should clear up my stance on it. Instead of implying I don't care, you should prove that you do by stopping this now that I've pointed out the obvious harm it does.
edit on 11/19/21 by Ksihkehe because: Added reply

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: AfterTheGoldRush
Oh dear...did I hit a sore spot. It would appear that you are missing a soul, sweetie. a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Hardly. She is in solitary and on suicide watch.

She is not having a nice time in there, interesting article here:

I am missing a soul for pointing out that this disgusting wretch of a woman is going down?

I see.....and welcome to ATS.

You'll fit right in, I'm sure.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 05:59 PM
If she is sentenced to more than five years i will be surprised. I bet she gets time served.
Why? Because she is protected by somebody or she would already be dead.
I think she’s the brain and used Jeffery for the muscle. She was the one mingling with the rich and famous, he was with her, not her with him.
Jeffery was silenced, he was the weakest link, he would have talked and exposed who they were working for, probably did, so he had to go.

She knows she will have to do some time, but it won’t be much. They will make it look like Epstein was the main person and she was in fear of him. He’s out of the way so it is her story to paint however she decides.

posted on Nov, 19 2021 @ 06:16 PM
How on earth did you get from my posts that I support her? I hope she is going down, but I am concerned that she won't, because justice is unlikely to be done. a reply to: Oldcarpy2

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: AfterTheGoldRush
Yes Seaworthy, that is exactly what I am saying. The headline taken by itself in their 'trending' box, merely says "Maxwell is finally free", putting the suggestion into the readers mind that the more famous Maxwell is going to be freed. reply to: SeaWorthy

I do believe you are correct, your average individual will simply read the headline and continue scrolling.

The seed that they are trying to implant in the subconscious mine has been planted unless they are able to use their awareness to reject it.

This is the kind of evidence that will be covered...

edit on America/ChicagoSaturdayAmerica/Chicago11America/Chicago1130pmSaturday3 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:42 PM

edit on 20-11-2021 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: AfterTheGoldRush

Does Ghislaine Maxwell know about those +200 videos of important people engaging in underage sex acts, the FBI recovered from Jeffrey Epstein's properties?

If so, can she still use those as leverage to get herself out of prison?

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