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Is covid and 5G related?

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posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 10:47 AM

For those who understand science-speak, is this government-produced study saying 5G radio waves are triggering, or fostering Covid-19?

Published 9-2021:

IF so, this thread should be REMOVED from Skunkworks and placed in the appropriate higher-profile forum. (imo)

originally posted by: payta
Hey there!

Okay, so I don't know how much of a thing this is, but I stumbled upon a book called "The invisible Rainbow".
I made a quick search and I couldn't find anything here, and there are few websites were you can find some info about it, abut shady to say the least.

It is weird, because ATS used to be that place were to find alternative narratives, today, not so much. All I've seen is people discussing if Covid is a scam or of its really killing people. Well, I believe it's a matter worth looking into, could there be a link between 5G and Covid?

Well, a friend of mine pointed me to the 5g-Covid bond, as if there might be something there. I was skeptic at first, I still am, actually, yet a glance at the book "The Invisible Rainbow" might raise some eyebrows here and there.
The main outtake of the whole read is the effect electricity has on our environment and ourselves, and it does point to quite a few intriguing findings. The constant fevers of Marconi, the findings of Chandra Bose, the negative effects of wavelengths on bees populations.

The point of this thread is to gather some of the ideas and information you might have on this matter, and if it can be somehow related to Covid.
What's the actual evidence we have on 5g and Covid? Can we be on to something here?

Herer is a brief summary of the book I mentioned The Invisible Rainbow

The Freiburg appeal on EMF effect on health h ere

5g on Wuhan

A large scale 5G network engineering program will be piloted in Wuhan to accelerate the deployment of this new technology and to hopefully upgrade the IT industry, as was reported at the conference on 5G networks planning and engineering in early April.

Now that Wuhan as a pilot city to build 5G telecoms has been approved by the central government, 3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations will soon be constructed.

By the end of 2018, the trial use of the technology will start in various pilot areas; it is expected to be accessible to users at the Military World Games in 2019.

By 2020, 5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.


Accesible by 2019 and "By 2020, 5G network will cover every corber of the city", well, the dates do add up.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 06:31 AM
"Is Covid 5G related"?, asks the OP.

Answer - only if you are a fantasist.

Sorry, some people have such regressive, ill-informed and anti-science views that one wonders whether they went to school, or not.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: ZapBrannigan3030

I mean, we NEED faster data rates

Do you?

I don't need anything faster, why should you? Are you going to DIE if you have to wait five seconds instead of one?

Also, 'rate' can be higher or lower, not 'faster'.

You mean higher bandwidth, higher-SPEED connections, faster transmissions, etc.?

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