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Trying to resolve 9/11

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posted on Mar, 27 2024 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
Good luck in dealing with your animal. Don't look like you are doing too well so far.

Funny from the person that can’t answer to two simple items.

Do you have evidence of cut columns during collapse by planted pyrotechnics.

You literally have Richard Gage pushing pictures of columns clearly cut during clean up as pictures of columns cut during collapse which is a clear con job by Gage.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 06:27 AM

Do you have evidence of cut columns during collapse by planted pyrotechnics.

In looking for why you don't want to know. comes across that you are in on this crime and trying to cover it up. I have seen a lot of links get deleted over the years. Is that all you are doing in wanting me to show you more links to delete?

With your discourse, a very psyop, gas lit vibe. You don't want to know, you just want to preserve the official story.

I don't know what is going on in your head with what I have seen so far, I don't want to know either with how deep these holes get.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: kwaka

Do you have evidence of cut columns during collapse by planted pyrotechnics.

In looking for why you don't want to know. comes across that you are in on this crime and trying to cover it up. I have seen a lot of links get deleted over the years. Is that all you are doing in wanting me to show you more links to delete?

With your discourse, a very psyop, gas lit vibe. You don't want to know, you just want to preserve the official story.

I don't know what is going on in your head with what I have seen so far, I don't want to know either with how deep these holes get.


Since you will not engage in actual debate of the WTC facts and ignore Richard Gauge lies.

Let’s shift to the pentagon, and expose more of the truth movement lies.

What caused this.

What flew across the lawn into the pentagon.

This blinked image pair shows the motion of the plane between the two camera views using the corrected images. The images have been positioned so the background features on the horizon align. Based on the dimensions of the plane and motion relative to background markers, the plane moved about 115 ft between the two exposures. Using the FDR speed measurement of 556 mi/hr, we can compute that the two cameras were out of sync by about 0.14 sec. (I don't believe this time offset has been measured before.)

Note that when barrel distortion is eliminated, the image compression near the edge of the field is eliminated, so the plane appears longer, with proportions resembling a 757. (Remember, the plane is also moving toward us at about a 45 degree angle.)

One feature of the plane image helps us identify it as an American Airlines plane. Note the purple stripe along the side of the plane. American Airlines planes have parallel red and blue stripes. At the small scale of the original image it is quite likely that this purple stripe is a merger of the color information from a red and a blue stripe.


NEW: Wayne Coste's analysis of the security camera videos extends what I have shown on this page. The blink comparator images below establish that a large plane approached the Pentagon. Wayne's analysis supports the authenticity of the videos and provides an independent assessment of the speed of the plane based on the security camera footage.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

Let’s shift to the pentagon, and expose more of the truth movement lies.

Have you tried doing a pixel count of those warped pentagon images? It results in a plane 3x longer if the south approach is true.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 09:10 AM
With what hit the wall of the Pentagon is the best measure. Some contestation on the angle of approach, likely south, not beyond reasonable doubt. Not a 737, was still a large craft with an explosive impact.

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

Let’s shift to the pentagon, and expose more of the truth movement lies.

Have you tried doing a pixel count of those warped pentagon images? It results in a plane 3x longer if the south approach is true.

I quoted otherwise once certain distortions were taken in account..

From what I cited…

“Note that when barrel distortion is eliminated, the image compression near the edge of the field is eliminated, so the plane appears longer, with proportions resembling a 757. (Remember, the plane is also moving toward us at about a 45 degree angle.)”

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: kwaka
With what hit the wall of the Pentagon is the best measure. Some contestation on the angle of approach, likely south, not beyond reasonable doubt. Not a 737, was still a large craft with an explosive impact.

False assertions by you with no actual citing of facts.

The fuselage of the jet in question was 12 feet in diameter. The fuselage punched about a 18 feet diameter hole where the wings under the 18 feet diameter hole left a hole about 96 feet wide. Makes sense the wing tips couldn’t punch through. The wingspan was 124 feet. About 14 feet of wing tip on each end disintegrated before it could punch through the wall.

Pieces of flight 77 were left on the lawn. Left in the Pentagon.

edit on 12-4-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2024 by Lazy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Lazy88

About 14 feet of wing tip on each end disintegrated before it could punch through the wall.

Experience on what happens when planes hit buildings is limited. None of this kind of theory is present when watching houw the planes hit the WTC towers. With the momentum and forces involves, the façade has no chance on impact.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 08:04 AM
Saudis Accused of Masterminding 9/11 in Bombshell Court Filing

Saudi Arabia’s involvement in 9/11 has been public information for decades, with numerous sources documenting how Saudi officials Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi allegedly assisted at least two of the hijackers ahead of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

But were Thumairy and Bayoumi rogue criminal religious zealots, or were they operating under the direction of the Saudi Arabian government?

A bombshell court filing in a long-running 9/11 lawsuit makes the case for the latter argument. Families of 9/11 victims argued in a 71-page brief filed on May 7 that Thumairy and Bayoumi operated under the directions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“The evidence is clear that Saudi Arabia deployed its officials and agents to serve in an illegal government enterprise that was extensively intertwined with terrorism, so that the agents were acting within their core mission when they helped integrate the hijackers into the United States,” plaintiffs said in their May 7 brief, which is in response to Saudi Arabia’s motion to dismiss.

“The evidence also shows that Bayoumi and Thumairy acted at all times in accordance with the directives of more senior Saudi officials, which separately establishes that they were acting within the scope of their agencies and employment.”

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: Lazy88

About 14 feet of wing tip on each end disintegrated before it could punch through the wall.

Experience on what happens when planes hit buildings is limited. None of this kind of theory is present when watching houw the planes hit the WTC towers. With the momentum and forces involves, the façade has no chance on impact.

Which as nothing to do with there no evidence other than a jet impact.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Where some Saudis involved, maybe? Some of the Bin Laden family flying out during a no fly zone was one popular report at the time. Did it stop there? Cannot see how they done WTC7 and got away with it.
edit on 23-5-2024 by kwaka because: spelling

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: MetalThunder

Where some Saudis involved, maybe? Some of the Bin Laden family flying out during a no fly zone was one popular report at the time. Did it stop there? Cannot see how they done WTC7 and got away with it.

There was no controlled demolition of WTC 7. It was a building made cheap and fast as possible with some odd angles at the structure joints that had crapy fire insulation that was hit by one of the falling towers with debris that stated a fire with no water to fight the fire where the building stated to deform that ultimately succumbed to unchecked fires and the structural steel expanding and contraction at different rates over various areas.

There is no evidence of WTC 7 planted pyrotechnics.


posted on May, 23 2024 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: kwaka

Building struck by aircraft

Empire State Building 1945 - B 25

40 Wall Street 1946 - C 45

Pirelli Building Milan Italy 2002 Rockwell Commander

Tampa Florida 2002 - Cessna 172

Amount of damage done to building is dependent on

1) Size of aircraft

2) Speed of aircraft

3) Fuel load

4( Age of building Before 1960 buildings usually had a masonry exterior shell which limited damage

World Trade Center 1/2 were struck by large jet airliners with full fuel loads traveling 500 mph

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