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I Dreamt of Binary Code what does it mean?

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posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 12:57 PM
About 5 years ago I suddenly, out of nowhere, started seeing binary code rolling up very fast in front my eyes. I had seen binary code occasionally on TV programs but never gave it a moments thought until this started to happen to me at random times during the day for at least a month. It went so fast that I could not even decipher a pattern. I began to worry why this was happening when it stopped as suddenly as it had started and has never happened since. I was not asleep and it happened when I was in the middle of cleaning the house, cooking or just relaxing - just doing everyday things - there was no rhyme or reason to it.

I am nearly 70 now and I have only ever had two what might be called paranormal experiences.

The first occurred when I was out walking with my two younger sisters. I looked around for them as it had gone quiet and they had gone. I searched the streets and lanes but could not find them and went home in the fear of what I had to tell my mother. However when I got home I discovered that they had both run to the local police station claiming they had seen a UFO. They did not see what happened to me and just ran. I did not see or hear anything - certainly no UFO and I never believed a word they said.

Then about 10 years ago I was with my older sister in the Norfolk countryside where we had gone to view a house she was interested in buying. It was winter and got dark early. By the time we left for home a storm had started with a high wind and heavy rain. We did not know the area at all and on our way home we got hopelessly lost. We were on a desolate coast road when we came to a village. I said to my sister to stop at the first person we came to in order to ask directions. We travelled on and the coast road became fields on our left and just outside the village, on our right, a large church loomed. I spotted three people standing at a farm gate and told my sister to slow down. As we approached them at about 5 miles an hour I noticed they were in period costume; a man with a lantern with a candle in it, a woman in a brilliant white blouse and long black skirt and a child with pigtails and a dress with a petticoat over it. I got a sensation of electricity tingling about me but as the gate was opposite the church I thought there may be a fancy dress event. As we came upon them they did not look at us and the man held the lantern like they were looking for someone. Then I realised with horror that the lantern was not swinging, none of them were wet and their hair and clothes were perfectly still in this almost blizzard weather. My sister put her foot to the metal and we zoomed away. We remained silent for a while and then she asked me if I had seen what she had seen. Of course we had both seen these perfectly dressed people standing in the storm dry and fresh. We went back to retrace our movements a month or so later in the daylight but never even found the village again.

And that is it - my total experience of anything near paranormal. I don't know what it means or if it has anything to me seeing binary code. At the time of the binary code incident I had the feeling that something in me was being fixed like I was not a real person - but I am really clueless.

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