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Conan Exiles.

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posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 01:26 PM
Any Gamers out there on Steam playing Conan Exiles?

I picked this game up two weeks ago after watching a few videos on youtube. It's out on early access so had few problems to begin with but the majority of them were fixed in the first few days. it's similar to a few other games doing the rounds in the open world/survival genre like rust and ark but set in the Conan universe.

You start off naked, which caused a lot of controversy and laughter on some game websites as you can alter certain "parameters" of your extremities and have to gather enough resources to clothe and arm yourself, eventually building a base and capturing thralls, upgrading armour, weapons and base materials.

I really enjoyed it after finding a decent server as the official ones are hard to get on. I then decided to rent my own with a few friends so as not to have my online possessions stolen every few days. So if any ATSers fancy a meet up look out for me on Kages Rage (server name).

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 02:05 PM
better than Ark?

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

The wife and I ordered new computers recently, and one of the games I'm going to be playing will be Conan Exiles. I built my last PC specifically to play Age of Conan, so it's kind of amusing that another Conan game was released shortly before I thought my new one.

I don't mind waiting a bit longer, though, because I don't like buying EA games a bit too early. Funcom is known for having majorly buggy products(AoC was baaaaaadddd), so I may wait a few more months while it's "in the oven", so to speak.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 02:52 PM
Saw this and have it on my list, if it is around 10 Euros on a steam sale, i will buy it. If it is ever finished(early access disease), i maybe would pay 15 or 20, but never more for any games anymore. Gaming industry went down the drain(robber baron capitalism), so games aren´t worth more than 10 or 20 Euros nowadays.

I love such games since i played Stranded2, a decade or longer ago(which btw was and is for free, also look for a game called Raft). And i wondered why it took a decade or longer since such games were created again(Rust was first, if i remember right).

Bought too much of that so called survival early access tech demos. I own around 15 or 20 of them, and worth to play is atm maybe Empyrion(unfortunately a space/future theme)? Rust went to a PvP only game and never will be finished. 7 Days to Die has boring Zombies and outdated graphics and will never be finished. The other "survival" games are fight any monsters and 24/7 tower defense games, which never will be finished. Or tech demos like Stranded Deep, which make completely no sense and have no progression in development.

Why means survival often to fight any fantasy monsters like cannibals(The Forest), infected ones, Zombies etc? Why comes survival together very often with "horror"? And why is survival meant as survivng a constant monsters/aliens/whatever threat?

Where is the survival in this games/tech demos as i understand the term survival? Wouldn´t predators be enemies enough, in such games, like you meet them in the wild, in reality? Couldn´t be a survival game like the movie Into the Wild, for example. The last one i bought is Subsistence for around 10 euros. Has wolves and bears and NPC hunters that build bases too.

But to be honest, i started an (PW protected) Arma3 Exile server again, with millions of scripts and addons to make it a survival game that has some realism in it. No Zombies/Monsters/Aliens, just other survivors(NPC/AI) that struggle surviving and maybe attack you, or get attacked by you, if you need something they have, like a car maybe...

Sorry for the wall of words, i am in hospital and bored after todays surgery, need to roll a "health and sports cigarette"(best medicine ever)...

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
better than Ark?

Thats not hard, to be honest, ARK is a scam!

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 03:48 PM
Personally I think its better than ARK but I only played the demo and died half a dozen times within a few minutes and got stressed as hell.
When playing Conan as long as you pick up the animal skin water bottle that's on a rock near by when you start its all pretty straight forward. You have a short while to gather rocks, twigs and bushes before you come across predators that can kill. there quite a few videos on youtube showing the different animals, NPCs and monsters plus some of the buildings people have made.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: Necrobile

One of the people I'm playing Conan Exiles with had to come round to my house and have a go before he would even contemplate getting the game has he also had a bad experience with AoC. He played for 15 minutes and went home and downloaded it but still wont say anything nice about funcom!

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I hope you're feeling better after your hospital visit and surgery and you are on the mend

The game is a lot of fun, but I've only been playing for two weeks and its only been out for just over that so I'm hoping the promises are fulfilled but to be honest for an early release game it seems pretty good and not that buggy at all

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 04:13 PM
Conan online has been out for quite some time. What I played of it was pretty decent, not easy by any means though, and campers are rampant.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Necrobile

One of the people I'm playing Conan Exiles with had to come round to my house and have a go before he would even contemplate getting the game has he also had a bad experience with AoC. He played for 15 minutes and went home and downloaded it but still wont say anything nice about funcom!

That's actually very fair. Even though I read great things about it, I still haven't even tried The Secret World because of Funcom themselves. When AoC was first coming out I was in the later parts of the beta, and I remember reading a lot of people talking down about Funcom. They've had a bad reputation for awhile, but somehow get ahold of some decent properties.

Hearing how your friend liked it really helps a lot, so I appreciate the feedback. If this game ends up being really bad in the long run, or another EA cash grab, it'll pretty much tell me to avoid anything Funcom related again. I really hope it does great in the long run, because I love the Conan universe.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Necrobile

That's exactly how I feel, been stung to many times on early access. there's not much wrong with Conan Exiles to be fair but if the promises they've made about adding different bio domes/terrain and stuff like magic doesn't appear then I will stay away from early access.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 01:13 PM
Thought i'd update any Conan players, I've got the sever running now and so I've had a few players join, well there's 3 soon to be 4 of us.
It's now called Kages Exiles so if any of you ATS guys feel like joining then mention ATS (I'm Kurokage in game) and I'll give you some basic armour and weapons!!
edit on 11-3-2017 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

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