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Scientists directly image planets orbiting star

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posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:07 PM
For what it's worth - this is my first post, after years of behind the scenes reading.

This is ... amazing!

For many, many years, I've looked at all the pictures, read all the theories, learned the science (as best I can) and been fascinated to think of what's out there. It an amazing thing to think of the worlds that might just be out there. The civilizations that may/might/must exist. The idea that somewhere out there, some 'alien' is doing the same, and looking back at OUR world with the same thoughts. Probably have their own version of Star Trek! Now this - an actual 'picture' of another star system. Goldilocks zone or not, those are planets. Those are worlds. For the first time in my many years of these thoughts and seeking the truth to it all...there it is. A picture of what truely is; a picture of the reality I've 'lived' in my mind for years.


posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: Greenbandit77
For what it's worth - this is my first post, after years of behind the scenes reading.

This is ... amazing!

For many, many years, I've looked at all the pictures, read all the theories, learned the science (as best I can) and been fascinated to think of what's out there. It an amazing thing to think of the worlds that might just be out there. The civilizations that may/might/must exist. The idea that somewhere out there, some 'alien' is doing the same, and looking back at OUR world with the same thoughts. Probably have their own version of Star Trek! Now this - an actual 'picture' of another star system. Goldilocks zone or not, those are planets. Those are worlds. For the first time in my many years of these thoughts and seeking the truth to it all...there it is. A picture of what truely is; a picture of the reality I've 'lived' in my mind for years.


Think with as many stars as there are how many planets we'll eventually catalog.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

originally posted by: Greenbandit77
For what it's worth - this is my first post, after years of behind the scenes reading.

This is ... amazing!

For many, many years, I've looked at all the pictures, read all the theories, learned the science (as best I can) and been fascinated to think of what's out there. It an amazing thing to think of the worlds that might just be out there. The civilizations that may/might/must exist. The idea that somewhere out there, some 'alien' is doing the same, and looking back at OUR world with the same thoughts. Probably have their own version of Star Trek! Now this - an actual 'picture' of another star system. Goldilocks zone or not, those are planets. Those are worlds. For the first time in my many years of these thoughts and seeking the truth to it all...there it is. A picture of what truely is; a picture of the reality I've 'lived' in my mind for years.


Think with as many stars as there are how many planets we'll eventually catalog.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 07:53 PM
originally posted by: Greenbandit77

For what it's worth - this is my first post, after years of behind the scenes reading.

This is ... amazing!

For many, many years, I've looked at all the pictures, read all the theories, learned the science (as best I can) and been fascinated to think of what's out there. It an amazing thing to think of the worlds that might just be out there. The civilizations that may/might/must exist. The idea that somewhere out there, some 'alien' is doing the same, and looking back at OUR world with the same thoughts. Probably have their own version of Star Trek! Now this - an actual 'picture' of another star system. Goldilocks zone or not, those are planets. Those are worlds. For the first time in my many years of these thoughts and seeking the truth to it all...there it is. A picture of what truely is; a picture of the reality I've 'lived' in my mind for years.


Think with as many stars as there are how many planets we'll eventually catalog.

I used to do bitcoin mining and have a super Pc with 3 -AMD 7970's in crossfire. VIewing those video's on a 4k large monitor with this system is the most astounding presentation of the heavens I have ever seen. Thanks for those clips, absolutely mind boggling how fluid it is, and the detail is breathtaking. The fans of the GPU's were spinning so fast, it started to drown out the music!
edit on 31-1-2017 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

edit on 31-1-2017 by charlyv because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
VIewing those video's on a 4k large monitor with this system is the most astounding presentation of the heavens I have ever seen.

And think ... it's real. =)

No matter how beautiful games like Elite: Dangerous might be. The real thing is always better.

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 04:17 AM
Except the real thing... as presented in all these pictures and video, however beautiful, are false colour renderings. It isn't to say the colour isn't there, its more like in reality the nebulae wouldn't appear brilliant greens as seen through your eyes.

These images or reconstructed after taking several monochrome shots viewed through filters. The mix is often exaggerated because we humans love pretty colours

posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: ErosA433
Except the real thing... as presented in all these pictures and video, however beautiful, are false colour renderings. It isn't to say the colour isn't there, its more like in reality the nebulae wouldn't appear brilliant greens as seen through your eyes.

Wait till we are all walking around with HoloLens glasses on.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the killer apps is something that allows people to visualize the world in infrared, xray, microwave, or radio.

False colors are really just a way to visualize something we can't see normally. There's no reason that has to be a permanent limitation.

edit on 8-2-2017 by ThingsThatDontMakeSense because: (no reason given)

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