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The FInal Captsone- Revelation of The Devil Her Name is Alice Part 3

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posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

To be honest, I think you've gone off the conspiracy theory deep end.. It happens to the best of us.

I don't get why you would be so trusting of the bible though? I mean, as conspiracy theorists aren't we supposed to question things? There is so much about the bible that is suspect. For one, many of the myths are simply older myths the Hebrews appropriated for themselves.

Are you a follower of Yahweh or just Jesus? If so, why? He's a terrible personality. Don't you feel like there might be something to the Gnostic perspective? I mean, Yahweh does behave like a devil himself. I think Richard Dawkins description is quite accurate:

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

Also, you claim you heard God speaking to you. How do you know this was God? And how familiar are you with mystical matters? In my opinion it would be very naive to believe everything you're told just because some spirit told you. Have you any idea of how easily manipulated our senses are by certain entities? They can not only influence our thoughts but also our emotions. If you want to be especially cynical all of our sensory input is subject to their influence.

I'm also somewhat worried that you would call this Jonathan person a prophet. Do you honestly believe this person is a prophet? Some guy on youtube making videos?

I don't know.. I've been involved with spirits any number of years now.. they often give you information, they try to make you feel special, like you have insider knowledge. They're mostly full of it though. Are you aware of this layer of deception? It felt like I saw a few warning signals skimming through this thread, you seem so utterly convinced, even borderline hostile. Almost like you're trying to convince yourself. Are you in contact with entities that present themselves in a certain way? And are they feeding you information?

I'm not saying this to be an asshole.. I'm saying this because I've experienced it, and because it is very common.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

I don't get why you would be so trusting of the bible though?

For a long time I didn't. Until I noticed that the things happening in the world today is actually described in that book perfectly and eerily. I had dismissed the bible for many years because i thought it was only fiction. But I was wrong on that, and also became angry when I saw a documentary talking about bible versions and the corruptions done to it by people in power. I stick with the King James, because it describes Babylon in more detail & clarity.

These two documentaries changed by views on Christianity. If everyone watched these two Documentaries, there would be a revolution in a day. And yes there is a big conspiracy, bigger than people imagine.

Are you a follower of Yahweh or just Jesus?

Both Yeshua & the Father. However, I will say this, I am not so sure about Yahweh do to other information found. To avoid contacting anything Unwanted I just refer to the creator as the Father, or God almighty.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

The God I believe in is Just, moral, but strictly natural. God never punishes, he created natural law to do that. Natural Law is what grants us the illusion of "freewill" however it is also karma. What we do is what we get. It is cause & effect. Sometimes it is instant, sometimes it takes years. But we all reap what we sew.

Ever heard this famous saying:
"And the angel said, stop hitting yourself?"

But Man blames God anyways instead of taking responsibility for his own actions.

Also, you claim you heard God speaking to you.

I didnt "hear" him. Its a bit complicated to explain and it involves synchronicity, visions, dreams. However synchronicity is a tricky thing because as you yourself said , you'd never know if some other spirit will influence you.

Why do you think I know how to discern the devil? because when i first started experiencing synchronicity years ago I was naive and it lead me into the New age movement. From there I experienced hell. But I wont describe the whole of that experience due to it being too painful. (So Ill skip that story). But as I slowly became aware, and my eyes opened, I realized the devil was always around for far longer, influencing thoughts, emotions. You actually hit the nail on that one.

However, it is tricky because sometimes emotions lets you know something is wrong, so its hard to tell in that regards. But while I was experiencing this negative force, there were times I experienced something totally different. I cant even describe the feeling I had during the presence of the second force. It felt good, protected...warm, it felt like home. but there was other feelings that I cant really describe it. I never felt that before, but it was better than the torment.

This unknown force, has an opposite vibe to the devil. But it rarely communicates directly, mostly in forms of riddles for you to solve. I believe this is the father. because I have been trying to align to him through Natural law,. ( To be the example.) certain lucid visions also confirmed many things. I did research based on those visions and which lead me to the answers of many questions I had. At the time I was suffering from information overload so my mind was in chaos back then. But something clicked one day, and that chaos became order. It was as if many puzzle pieces armed all by themselves and formed a big picture. That is also when I found those documentaries as well.

It is difficult to discern at first, but you will know the difference simply by the feeling & vibe. The Devil makes you feel dead. God Makes you feel alive.

but aye, I am very much aware of the layer of deception. Already experienced it. Sometimes you have to fall in order to learn that lesson, even if its the hard way.

I'm also somewhat worried that you would call this Jonathan person a prophet. Do you honestly believe this person is a prophet? Some guy on youtube making videos?

Remember that part of synchronicity I mentioned? Before I encountered Jonathan, I was studying the Elijah story and researching on him. Yeshua had prophecized that Elijah would return before the great and "dreadful day" to restore all things. I had studied his personality according to scriptures and what he went through. he also exposed the Devil in a similar way Jonathan did.

You see Elijah has been forogotten by the majority on his role as a prophet. So many false prophets will most likely pretend to be yeshua. So this helped with discernment. While I was watching Jonathans video, the thought came to me of Elijah. That is when I randomly opened the bible to read this verse:

Mathew 10:14
And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.

(Try to picture my face in that moment of shock. ) I believe this was one of those moments God spoke to me. Just not in forms of audible language. (Worry if you actually do hear something.)

yes I am familiar with occult knowledge. I unfortunately fell into that trap, so in a sense I experienced both sides, and lived to tell the tale. But the tricky part has always been discernment.

I dont like explaining these things because it becomes paranormal, and the paranormal is often extremely difficult to explain. i still can't explain half the things (paranormal wise) that occurred around me.

One of them was a very profound punch to my back while I was sleeping. Noone else was in my room, and I could still feel the throbbing pain even after waking up, so I know it wasn't a dream. I asked my mother if she had entered my room, but she too was asleep at the time, so for awhile it was a big mystery until very recently I saw this video on Ghost Attacks:

That is exactly what happened to me. And I reacted in the same way.

But the rest of my experiences remains a mystery. But I still search for answers on them till this day.

edit on th2016000000Tuesdayth000000Tue, 14 Jun 2016 16:21:52 -0500fAmerica/ChicagoTue, 14 Jun 2016 16:21:52 -0500 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

Hmmm.. I see.

I think this God and Devil dichotomy is a false one, don't get me wrong. I believe in God too, but I don't really worship him and I don't think he needs me to either. He is all that is, what need is there of worship?

It's just.. kind of limiting to me, to think that everything negative is the cause of the devil like this. I find it somewhat suspicious, I'm not even sure the devil is one specific being. Those negative experiences could easily have been the work of any number of negative entities. And likewise those positive experiences could have been the work of positive beings that are involved in your life. Now, you could say this was the work of God and you would be right, but then again everything that exists is the work of God.

I do know there is a big conspiracy, I do know there's a negative hierarchy of beings that are at least partially in control of this planet. But I don't see the need to limit myself to the Christian tradition. All esoteric traditions describe the same reality and personally as far as spiritual evolution go I find Buddhism quite superior. The corpus of teachings of the Diamond Vehicle is the most complete collection of teachings that I know of. Christianity is more eschatological though, so I agree there. It is more occupied with the end times, I'm not aware of any other major tradition that is as specific as Christianity is.

I wonder though, do you shun all other traditions? If so, I would advise you to broaden your horizons. There's so much baggage and superstition that comes with Christianity. Jesus may be a Buddha, but he's not the only one.

Ha! Yeah.. I've seen the picture with that caption(stop hitting yourself), but I never interpreted saw it that way. What a novel way to see it..

Responsibility is the key word here I think. Do you believe in spiritual evolution at all? And if not, why do you believe that all other esoteric traditions are in the wrong and Christianity is in the right? They have all had their great sages and they all spoke of the same thing. The thing is, most Christians want to, think they can believe in Jesus and then that's it - heaven for all eternity. If it were only that simple.. Jesus is a guide, but the work has to be done by people themselves, that is responsibility.

This experience with the New Age movement, now I don't care too much for channeled material or that kind of stuff myself but eclecticism and exploring the "perennial philosophy" and its manifestation in different traditions, I don't see that as a negative thing. What hell is it that you actually experienced? Are you sure you're not confusing correlation with causation? Sometimes spirits do this kind of thing, like attacking people that try to project their consciousness. This could potentially be another manipulation.

I won't tell you your experiences weren't genuine, that's for you to decide. But synchronicity told you of this Jonathan character. It may be true, what do I know? But is it necessarily true? You told me you knew synchronicity can be artificial and used by negative entities. But it may just as well be true, maybe it is and maybe your destiny is connected to him, only time will tell.

Why do you believe that occult knowledge is a trap when in fact it is the key? Don't you think Jesus was positively brimming with occult knowledge? Hidden knowledge? Occult traditions are mostly concerned with spiritual evolution, adepts try to walk the same path that Jesus walked. To me this view of the occult reeks of Christian fundamentalism. I don't think it stands up to scrutiny either. Occult knowledge is neutral, it may be used in positive or a negative fashion.

Where did you pick up this view from, did it come from these spirits? If that is the case I would be incredibly suspicious of their intentions.

I think a Muslim friend recommended this video a few times, the one with 77 parts. Does it have something to do with Islam or am I confusing it with some other video? I'm sure there were many, many parts of it.

By the way, do you like Mark Passio?

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

The problem with the world today are primarily due to a lack of resources in relation to both mineral resources and food.

The earth in reality was not designed to feed 7.4 billion people ( 5 billion at most). With respect to iron and so on we really cannot as well provide jobs to every person on the planet either. Resolving the problem means we need to spread out and in context begin colonizing our solar system. With current technology this is actually possible though it will in all probability take 150 to 300 years realistically to make such an endeavor possible.

To be honest I feel that the human condition in relation to God relates to symbiosis. In that there is an inherent connection that is also reflected biologically in matters that are beyond current scientific understanding

The human condition is such that that we really should not apply any consideration related to reality as a whole as absolute because we understand so little as to our surroundings. If anything our comprehension to such matters constitutes more symbolism than actual objective expressions.

In my opinion our attachment to God is inherent and related with Biological Processes, beyond current scientific comprehension. It relates to matter and its inherent Interconnectedness to all energy created at the same time.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

He is all that is, what need is there of worship?

To be fair, it is not really worship. It is more like the respect you would have to your father. In this case, the father of all.

It's just.. kind of limiting to me, to think that everything negative is the cause of the devil like this. I find it somewhat suspicious, I'm not even sure the devil is one specific being.

Think about it this way. Imagine the all seeing eye with billions of tentacles attached to every single human being on earth and this eye belongs to lilith which is linked to the reptilian brain along the pineal gland. Now, imagine a different force kinda like circuitry but invincible flow attached to all life, time, space matter and existence/non existence. One force is inferior to the other. The third eye may give you visions, but it is limited to only a small source. Compared to God, the father, this force is an ant, and a tiny prison. Christians who are aware of the Jezebels tentacles can block it because of yeshua. There is power in self sacrifice and selflessness for the good of all because of one reason. Love

corpus of teachings of the Diamond Vehicle

You mean lilith's third eye. Diamond energies, my ex used to work with that along with "goddess vortex". She became lost after. Today she no longer cares who she hurts as long as she gets her way.

I wonder though, do you shun all other traditions?

Only the ones that leads to lilith & hell. However, you have the option to choose between the devils teachings vs God's teachings. Just remember you live in a Universe of Cause & Effect, your choices do have consequences. My job is mostly to warn you, which in the end, only you can choose that path.

Many christians forget that yeshua clearly stated to dust their feet and leave the home of the person that rejects them. It means: "I gave you the warning, therefore I wash my hands on the situation, because it is no longer my responsibility after i deliver the message." However, religious folks tend to try and force it instead of just delivering the message and move on. But you need to understand, that the crusade was the Catholics doing, not the Christians.

What hell is it that you actually experienced?

I will save that story for a time when I am really really drunk.

Are you sure you're not confusing correlation with causation?

I am pretty sure of my experience. But I have some good news, because it happened so much, something has clicked in me the past few days. Its as if a part of me died and it no longer hurts like it used to nor does it phase me. I no longer fear the devil, more like bored of it. Sometimes the trauma gets to a point where something "snaps" . Luckily it wasn't a snap that lead to madness, it is more of a snap that I finally accepted that things will go the way of my visions and no longer fighting it.

I think I made peace with my final fate, along with mans fate. I did all I could under whatever power I had left. You see, I am a broken man, shattered into pieces. But somehow within those pieces i was born again. Can't explain it, it is like a serenity. However, I am not sure if that is a good thing. I am still vigilant, but unphased and non emotional. Its weird, its as if changes have been alchemizing within me. However, causation if you mean in terms of Cause & Effect, then yes I am aware I attracted this experience because of karma. karma is a real ****** but luckily i survived it.

But synchronicity told you of this Jonathan character. It may be true, what do I know? But is it necessarily true?

I am not about to question it. because it was a profound experience.

Why do you believe that occult knowledge is a trap when in fact it is the key?

A key to hell, however, you are at liberty to find out for yourself, im not gonna stop you. By all means you can travel that path if you wish. My only duty was to warn you. I am the guy walking past coming from that direction telling you "hey, spoiler, Lilith is there. Hope you make it back in one piece.". But maybe im the bad one for spoiling your story, so by all means , choose what you wish. Just be aware of cause & effect, and also be anchored under Natural Law. Otherwise, you will not get out of that abyss.

adepts try to walk the same path that Jesus walked.

Why do you think they failed? It isn't about secret knowledge at all. It is about love, morality, care community, the church (we the people). Love is the essence of the father & the holy spirit. It is also what gives us courage, honor, care, morality, selflessness, service to others. These rare traits you barely see them in the world, because people have fallen into immorality, war, and hurting eachother.

Society's version of love is actually lust, Yeshua knew real love, which had to do with mutual respect. I believe those traits yeshua taught was the true form of spiritual evolution because to be moral is also to be godlike. (or like God the father.).

Where did you pick up this view from, did it come from these spirits?

No, it came from experience, shadow work (psychological analysis is actually shadow work.) Visiting past experiences on where I went wrong, and that is also where something hit me. I was seeing in the world what i was also despising within myself. We are all connected in more than just one way. That is why we have the angel vs demon on our shoulders.

However, I made these conclusions through discernment & studying discernment along with what I discerned on what really was behind each synchronicity. But that took tremendous amounts of work and nonstop research and analysis.

For awhile I was much like "Max" in the movie pi, obsessed with finding the answers.

I think a Muslim friend recommended this video a few times, the one with 77 parts. Does it have something to do with Islam or am I confusing it with some other video? I'm sure there were many, many parts of it.

If he is a muslim, I doubt he would recommend that video because it exposes the truth behind islam, freemasonry, the crusades, the Illuminati, the Jesuit order, and much much more. the list of topics is a very long one.

By the way, do you like Mark Passio?

HAH, he was the one that pulled me out of the new age. He also taught the law which I heavily agreed on. However, he was not the first to bring up the law to me. He also exposes what is going on in detail, along with the order of the black sun which belongs to lilith (which is also Kali, and many other names, the bible calls her the Jezebel).

However, I agree with half the things he says, but learned to discern from the rest by applying my own experience. Would you go back to the very thing that hurt you?

he exposes the unholy feminine, feminism etc, (which is part of Lilith), however, one of the things I frown on Mark Passio is that he uses an "ISIS" logo on a t shirt he is selling like this one:

which made me turn away from Mark in the end but remain with Natural law. if he took out the "ISIS" influence from his t-shirt then maybe I would trust him more. But the way I see it, he is still leading people towards lilith, even if it is subconcious

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer have an interesting take on things. One thing I notice though is it appears you have gone, from a perspective "eyes of a fundie christian" from one extreme to the other. By that I mean you studied and practised certain arts and appeared to have attracted attacks. In leaving these and swinging over to christianity you now proclaim that Reiki and "occult" are the dark side etc

On Lillith

Vilifying? She always been the villain. Her name alone is vilifying.

If we are descendant of the Nephilim why is it that Lillith is not elevated but kept hidden, why is it that your god jehovah often uses temptation to test his people. Why is it that jehovah the all knowing couldn't see Adam being tempted and why place the 2 trees in Eden within reach to begin with.

I am a Judeo -christian. I follow the commandments of the old testament as I do the

How can one soul make such a big difference when we are all sinners until redeemed?

This is dark side thinking, thinking that we have sinned through adam. Why does your god need "blood sacrifice" if its a god of love.

My understanding is that all religions are the dark side; you might like to read the Gods Of Eden by William Bramley.
On another note I noticed you mentioned that you sometimes drink to excess - Thats not a good sign if you wish to battle these entities that attach themselves to you.

A dark rabbit hole, nevertheless an interesting thread. Each must make their own minds up. Each is on a different level of spiritual awakening.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

Think about it this way. Imagine the all seeing eye with billions of tentacles attached to every single human being on earth and this eye belongs to lilith which is linked to the reptilian brain along the pineal gland. Now, imagine a different force kinda like circuitry but invincible flow attached to all life, time, space matter and existence/non existence. One force is inferior to the other. The third eye may give you visions, but it is limited to only a small source. Compared to God, the father, this force is an ant, and a tiny prison. Christians who are aware of the Jezebels tentacles can block it because of yeshua. There is power in self sacrifice and selflessness for the good of all because of one reason. Love

You sure give her a lot of credit.. You castigate Lilith but you follow the actually demonic god of the Old Testament. That is very curious.

Matthew 6:22

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

You mean lilith's third eye. Diamond energies, my ex used to work with that along with "goddess vortex". She became lost after. Today she no longer cares who she hurts as long as she gets her way.

No, I mean Tibetan Buddhism. The Diamond Vehicle. A superior vehicle of spiritual evolution compared to Christianity.

I said nothing of diamond energies.

Only the ones that leads to lilith & hell. However, you have the option to choose between the devils teachings vs God's teachings.

You're sounding more and more like a Christian fundamentalist by the minute. I take it Christianity and maybe Judaism is the only tradition that doesn't lead to Lilith and hell?

I am not about to question it. because it was a profound experience.

Profound experiences have been known to be false.. there's any number of examples out there.

A key to hell, however, you are at liberty to find out for yourself, im not gonna stop you. By all means you can travel that path if you wish. My only duty was to warn you. I am the guy walking past coming from that direction telling you "hey, spoiler, Lilith is there. Hope you make it back in one piece.". But maybe im the bad one for spoiling your story, so by all means , choose what you wish. Just be aware of cause & effect, and also be anchored under Natural Law. Otherwise, you will not get out of that abyss.

No, you're the guy that had some freaky experience became a Christian fundamentalist and then decided that everything else was tainted by Lilith.

See, to believe in this you would have to ignore all other spiritual traditions wherein great men attained enlightenment and did similar things to Jesus. How do you account for this cognitive dissonance? You would have to ignore it and call it demonic. That's not honest and you know it.

Why do you think they failed? It isn't about secret knowledge at all. It is about love, morality, care community, the church (we the people). Love is the essence of the father & the holy spirit. It is also what gives us courage, honor, care, morality, selflessness, service to others. These rare traits you barely see them in the world, because people have fallen into immorality, war, and hurting eachother.

They didn't fail.. you made that up yourself. Choose your pick, from Krishna to Buddha to Milarepa.

HAH, he was the one that pulled me out of the new age. He also taught the law which I heavily agreed on. However, he was not the first to bring up the law to me. He also exposes what is going on in detail, along with the order of the black sun which belongs to lilith (which is also Kali, and many other names, the bible calls her the Jezebel).

I figured so because of the use of "IGNORE-ance"..

When you say law you mean "natural law" right?

Are you saying that Mark Passio says that The Order of the Black Sun belongs to Lilith or is that conjecture on your part? If so could you point me in the right direction.

It's almost pathological how you credit everything to Lilith.. obsessive. I wonder what is really going on here because I seriously doubt your perspective. Mainly because it rhymes so perfectly with the incredibly limited perspective of Christian fundamentalists..

You think all you have to do is accept Jesus and that'll be it. I'm sorry but that's not how things work.. there's personal responsibility. You'll have to make it on your own, he can't save you.. but that's a good thing, because you don't need to be saved from hell.

John 10:34-35: “We are not stoning you for any of these,” replied the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are gods?’”

John 14:12: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

There's so much that you would have to ignore to keep this view of yours intact.. the manipulation of scripture by authorities, the Christian authorities choosing to ignore certain books that weren't politically expedient. The fact that the male god of the Jews used to have a female counterpart. The fact that Jewish myths were appropriated from other cultures, that other gods and goddesses were vilified.

How can you ignore so much?
edit on 29-6-2016 by TheLaughingGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

I ran out of space..

What is most interesting is the fact that in the Zohar Lilith even replaced Shekina at the side of God. What do you make of that?

The Zohar continues such an explanation with the theme of the quaternion marriage. God and Shekina were above and Samael and Lilith were below. But it is alleged that following the destruction of the temple Shekhina descended to follow in the footsteps of her flock, and Lilith, her handmaiden, ascended becoming God's consort, thus showing her importance.

The Zohar's description of this quaternion marriage is important. First it indicates that the Jews believed their God possessed a female element named Shekina. This might also be referred to as his spirit. In Hebrew the word for spirit was ruah having a feminine gender, only after Greek Biblical writing did the word spirit become pneuma with a neuter gender. This would indicate, according to the Kabbalists, the Hebrew God Jehovah was not believed to be all male.

Second, the name Shekina did not occur randomly; it directly corresponds to Shakti, term for the feminine animation or soul for man or God. The Kabbalists believed God could not be perfect unless he was united with Shekina, for without her all evils came about. In Hebrew Sh'kina meant 'dwelling place,' a hint that God had no home without her. Shekina also meant animation or power, thus his creative ability. In prehistorical times of Hinduism one finds the association of Shakti with Lord Shiva. This period was greatly influenced by the worship of the Mother Goddess and nature. Shekina would appear to be a carry over among the Kabbalists.

Third, when indicating that following the destruction of the temple that Shekina left God and Lilith joined him replacing her would seem to emphasize two things according to the Kabbalists: God cannot be without his female element or spirit, and without it evil comes forth. This is the reason according to Kabbalistic tradition the Qlippoth of Lilith represents worldly pleasures. God also needs his feminine element for creativity. This divine creativity by some is thought to be the fiery lower part of Lilith, the permanence or sexuality without which the physical world could not exist. Just as man requires his Shekina for enlightenment, so God requires his Shekina for wisdom and creativity.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

How would you know for sure what that Jesus character said? You think you know what he said but you only read old texts that have been translated many many times by people you don't know. How could you be so sure they didn't make a mistake and all the times he says 'father', it meant mother? Or something else completly?

posted on Jun, 18 2023 @ 05:02 AM
Im trying to get some information on watchmen. Can you help me?
a reply to: SoulSurfer

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