posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 01:21 AM
Nature and reality are congruent words, nature is reality, reality is nature. All that exists is real, and all that is real exists. Everything that
is real is governed by nature, it is nature. From every dimension, to every black hole, hypernova, solar flare and gravity. If something does not
exist, it is not real. Therefore if it exists, it becomes part of reality, ergo nature.
So if something "supernatural," were to exist, by its own definition is illogical and non-existant, it would no longer be "supernatural," merely
natural. That which does not exist is intangible [I.e. A concept] It cannot exist, being logically impossible.
Reality = A / Nature = B | Ergo: A = B, B = A
In order for somthing to cause itself, it must preceed itself. Nothing preceeds itself. Therefore, it is illogical for somthing to cause itself.
If God exists, that means that it is part of nature. If it's part of nature, it is not supernatural. Also, as something which exists, it cannot be
inconsistent. There is nothing that is tangible that is inconsistent.
For example, A being which is omnipotent must be illogical. Can a God make a rock bigger than he can lift? If so, then he would be unable to lift
it. If not, he wouldnt be able to create one bigger than he could not lift.
Therefore god would be bound by the laws of logic. I.e., God is a natural entity which had a beginning and cannot do the impossible. A "God" that
had a beginning, could not do the impossible, sounds alot like me, a human being. Nor would this God be omniscient, omnipresent... God(s) Can only
exist as a concept, like invisible pink unicorns.
Through all of the contradictions in the bibles, and illogical claims, such as Jesus rising from the dead, meaning millions of people worship a 2,000
year old jew zombie nailed to two peices of wood... Magical trees, talking snakes, etc... God simply does not exist.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
Why would anyone worship a deity that supposedly has the power to stop 40,000 children from dying of starvation every day, yet doesnt?
It was a picture of a black woman in Northern Africa. They were experiencing a devastating drought. And she was holding her dead baby in her arms and
looking up to heaven with the most forlorn expression. I looked at it and thought, "Is it possible to believe that there is a loving or caring
Creator when all this woman needed was rain?" [Charles Templeton, former evangelist, referring to a picture in Time Magazine, when asked by Lee
Strobel when he realized he lost his faith]
Think of how many people have died for an "all loving" deity... Just in the christian religion alone! The holocaust, the inquisition, crusades,
waco texas, salem witch trials, massacre of wounded knee, trail of tears, cortes and montezumo, the list goes on and on.
Were any deities listening to the prayers of a small boy asking for help while he was being molested by a priest?
You must consider that since a casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith proves nothing. It proves everything equally, from 2+2=5 to
"God exists because I have faith." It's an inane concept without justification. Two hands working do more than an infinite amount clasped in
Wake up people, Gods dont exist!