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Open letter to Adam Larson AKA Caustic Logic

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posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Consider this letter a plea for logic and a friendly reaching out to get you to come over to the light side. I'm quite certain that you see how defending a 757 impact at the Pentagon is getting more and more difficult with all the new information and blatant contradictions that are being revealed. The information we are discussing is too important to let it get muddied in ego driven debates. I do not take you head on in a personal desire to prove you wrong. My first introduction to your existence was your article labeling us and our work "Pentagon sponsored disinformation" which you ultimately took down when confronted so I at least respect you for that. But your stance on the issue hasn't budged and your aggressive behavior in other forums as of late has given me reason to once again address you head on. Between the Citgo witnesses, the anomalous FDR, and the questionable physical damage including the undamaged foundation it's clear the 757 impact hypothesis has serious issues.

I think it would be very effective if you were able to concede that you no longer believe in a 757 impact and even join forces with us if you will.

I believe we could actually work together in a way and help bring light to this extremely important information showing how the Pentagon attack proves a military deception.

Just a thought.


posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 01:52 PM
Great initiative. I hope he accepts. We need the truth to come out about this, because the same people are STILL running the government. And there will be more false flag attacks, trust me. The more people who know the truth about 9/11, the less the shock will be when the next one happens.

This is important, because immediately after another global shock like 9/11, there will be changes to the law being made, and possibly other changes, like Martial Law or whatever. The more people who knows the truth about 9/11 in that sort of situation, the better for the people.

[edit on 29-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 01:59 PM
Surely, the whole problem is, one persons truth is another persons conspiracy theory?.
Truth is relative, unfortunately it isnt an absolute

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton

Truth is relative, unfortunately it isnt an absolute

I beg to differ.

Especially in this case.

If a 757 did not impact the Pentagon the official conspiracy theory has been proven a military deception.

Nothing could be more absolute than that.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 10:54 AM
sure looks like you scared of his threads as they make more sense then the stuff you keep posting about

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 11:24 AM
If any sensible person with normal cognitive abilities examines all of the evidence at hand, it is beyond question that no large aircraft struck the Pentagon. There are so many ' inexplicable anomalies ' associated with the Pentagon event alone, that the odds are beyond astronomical that it was a set up and inside job.

One has to assume, and assume incredible and unproven allegations, to even begin to believe the official story. No luggage, no bodies, over 100 tons of plane disappears and turns into a few handfuls of scrap. We have to believe that the wings forlded up and followed the ' plane ' into the building, where titanium engines weighing 6 TONS each simply disintegrated, burned up from a fuel fire, and made NO holes in the facsade of the building at all. ONE hole, not two holes where the massive engines would have hit. Who can believe such nonsense as the official story purports?

The first network reporter on the scene said that there was NO evidence of any plane crash there. Before the roof collapsed, there was ONE hole about 12 X 10..and THAT is where that huige aircraft was supposed to have went into and disappeared? It staggers the informed mind to contemplate such odds as those needed for that to be true..

There are people who are so desperate to believe that we are really not in the hands of murdering traitors at the highest levels of our government and political strructure, that they will see astronomical odds as merely something to ignore. They CANNOT function in society if they accept the truth, so they deny. Denial is a VERY strong and pervasive element today in our world. When reality gets so scary, so awful, that you have to either face it and deal with the realities that it presents, or hide and ignore and DENY, no matter HOW silly and spurious the excuses are that they must spew in order to maintain their illusions of safety and security.

How ELSE to explain people who deny the obvious? When two reasonably intelligent people look at a set of facts, there should be a consensus as to what the info represents; However, with the people who accept the Official Lie, they see things that are not there, or see things that ARE there as different than what they are. They MUST believe in their version, so they do, no matter what. When you point out that where the wings would have hit, there are unbroken windows and NO WING parts on the ground, they come up with some outlandish excuses to try and justify the belief that the wings MUST have been there, no matter what happened to them.

If you stack all of the ' inexplicable anomalies ' up and look at them, it overwhelms the mind to accept the official story. The people in denial just see a stack of dise issues that have no bearing on their prime goal: To defend the impossible despite the evidence, at all costs, because if they admitted that it was an inside job, it would mean things that these people want to avoid at all costs. The significane of it overwhelms their curiosity and their outrage; They FEAR what may come next, and that fear and worry would make them unable to function, so they just DENY.

One has to imagine a scenario in which the laws of physics and reality went haywire at the Pentagon in order to believe the official lie; one has to use NO imagination to merely examine the massive evidence of a staged attack with no plane to be convinced. Denial is a deeply seated thing, very deep, and many people CANNOT stop denying becauise to do so would mean a paradigm shift in reality, and many people do not want that and cannot handle that, and so they continue to deny despite all the evidence.

Evidence does not matter when accepting it will shake your entire world to its foundations: Many people would rather enter a total state of oblivious denial, than to face their inner demons of fear and worry and uncertainty in a world gone mad. We are in the midst of a transformation in society and the world, and if we do not get 9-11 truth to a boiling point and get the world involved, the same people who pulled 9-11 off will soon come up with another chapter in our destruction: We have a VERY limited window of opportunity to get the perps charged and behind bars. If they get away with this, we are finished, and that knowledge is too much for the people in denial to even think about.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT

Originally posted by Chorlton

Truth is relative, unfortunately it isnt an absolute

I beg to differ.

Especially in this case.

If a 757 did not impact the Pentagon the official conspiracy theory has been proven a military deception.
Nothing could be more absolute than that.

As my dad used to say "If pigs had wings the'yd fly"
You believe a plane did not impact.
I and others believe it did.

Thats the end of it realy isnt it.?.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 04:28 PM
I guess I fell behind here. I'm not even going to dignify this with a response. Oops, too late.

Light side? You and your trippy flashlyte? When I got the friggin' sun over here and always have? Are you daft, man? Do you see me even bothering to try the same back with you? See, I understand you're on a set mission, so there's no point EVER trying to change your mind with logic and evidence. I have proven more flexible - ie I admit I can't PROVE the plane's impact through the prism of the foundation photos available. That's about it. Do not mistake flexible for malleable.

Bottom line, you want to find some kind of proof 9/11 was an inside job, don't look at the Pentagon. All you'll see there is a 757 crash of unknowable origin (human or computer pilot?) and a hell of a lot of twisted disinfo based on 'counter-intuitive' evidence, confused reports, etc., and heavy prior bias The fraud is a multi-year effort of what I guess might be MILITARY DECEPTION. It has sponsors, They recruit. Theories subside and resurface. If you want to be a part of that, go interview controlled Defense Protective Services officers at the controlled scene and read all you want into it.

I do thank you for the factual informaton you have presented. It's very useful to my research. I simply have a different interpretation of the importance of your witnesses' accounts and their rough coreelation with each other.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 04:44 PM
THAT was my initial 'caustic' reaction to the logic of your proposal. But it's tone was friendly enough, so let me also respond to it in this context:

Thanks for the food for thought Craig, but no thank you.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:55 PM
Yeah I figured as much.

You do seem like the type to be more comfortable in the safe haven of Frustrated Fraud mode always perplexed and curious rather than venture out into warrior mode ruthlessly insisting on solutions and closure.

All I have to say is we aren't even close to finished and the information we will be bringing to the table in the coming months will continue to turn your 757 impact conspiracy theory world upside down in ways you couldn't have even imagined.

The offer is always open!

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Wow, I guess if you cannot beat’em ask them to join your team…
Good for you Caustic.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT

If a 757 did not impact the Pentagon the official conspiracy theory has been proven a military deception.


Are you breaking down under the force of reason and logic, Craig?

We all know that you cannot refute the evidence that AA77 hit the Pentagon. You've already acknowledged that, Craig.

To continue ignoring the evidence is just repeatedly shooting yourself in the foot. Give up the silliness, Craig.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
If any sensible person with normal cognitive abilities examines all of the evidence at hand, it is beyond question that no large aircraft struck the Pentagon.

Your so-called "anomalies" are your inventions only. In the real world of forensic evidence, the odds are against you.

You do not know what you don't know. Don't you think you should find out and deal with ALL of the evidence instead of refusing to?

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT

All I have to say is we aren't even close to finished and the information we will be bringing to the table in the coming months will continue to turn your 757 impact conspiracy theory world upside down in ways you couldn't have even imagined.

I hope that will include real evidence this time.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by seanm
I hope that will include real evidence this time.

I would also love to see some real evidence from all the video cameras installed in and around the pentagon.

Six years later and only one inconclusive grainy video.

Go figure who's hiding what

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by etshrtslr

Originally posted by seanm
I hope that will include real evidence this time.

I would also love to see some real evidence from all the video cameras installed in and around the pentagon.

Let me ask you something. Are you claiming that videos are needed in order to prove that AA77 hit the Pentagon?

Six years later and only one inconclusive grainy video.

What if there were NO videos at all? Would you dismiss all of the other evidence, just as Craig has been doing? If so, why?

Go figure who's hiding what

We all know pretty well what Craig is hiding from us.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:00 PM
I will admit the events and Government stories surrounding 9/11 stinks all to hell. I think it would be very hard for a group of people to pull this off and keep it a secret though. There can be many explanations for the lip service we get about what happened that day. I see all the evidence and will buy the government story for now except the one about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania, That was shot down if it was even a passenger jet.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:00 PM
Why is the issue of the Flight 77 passengers never fully addressed by those that believe that no plane hit the Pentagon? Where are they?
Flight 77 Victims

If they were secreted away by the gov't then why was there DNA residue left at the site to test? If that whole issue was a lie then how many people were involved in that aspect of the cover-up?

What about the numerous eyewitness accounts of seeing the plane hit the Pentagon? Were all of these people disinfo agents? How are they all being controlled from speaking the "truth?"
Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts

Craig, these are the things that make it hard for me to believe your view of the events that day at the Pentagon. Were you there that day? Were you at all involved in any of the rescue/clean-up efforts? If the answer is no to these questions, then how can you claim with any certainty that a plane did not hit the Pentagon?

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:02 PM
So there's no confusion, let's look at what the compilation of all the evidence from numerous sources demonstrates in animated form.

It is contrary to what Craig Ranke, alias Lyte Trip, claims.

This is what Craig has to refute - with evidence. Craig cannot go around saying, "well, the wreckage could have been planted", or, "the fact that the foundation doesn't show the damage means a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon." Such assertions do not constitute evidence; instead, they are claims that must be demonstrated factually.

The implication of making unsupported claims is serious. One does not need to think too deeply to figure out all of the conditions that would be required for "wreckage to be planted" both outside and inside the Pentagon.

One does not need to think too deeply about the implications of claiming that there was either NO Flight 77, or that it overflew the Pentagon, never to be seen on the other side of the building and forever missing. Could Craig explain those things to you? Doesn't Craig have a responsibility as the one making the claim that NO 757 hit the Pentagon to explain those things to you?

Ask him.

The original full animation: 911 Case Study: Pentagon Flight 77

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
I will admit the events and Government stories surrounding 9/11 stinks all to hell. I think it would be very hard for a group of people to pull this off and keep it a secret though. There can be many explanations for the lip service we get about what happened that day. I see all the evidence and will buy the government story for now except the one about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania, That was shot down if it was even a passenger jet.

I would ask you to question your assumption that there is some "government story."

Where did all of the evidence of what happened on 9/11 come from? Did it all come from the "government?"

If you think so, please explain.

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