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Proof Orbs Are Not Bugs

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posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 12:51 AM

Some orbs are actually probes connected directly to Crafts and ETs, and involved in taking data, monitoring, interfacing with you, and medical checkups along with taking you for a ride.

So you believe "ETs," material or non-material, traveled light years to do medical checkups on you? I personally think that your experiences are related to demonic spirits, "...taking you for a ride" in the context that they are "pulling your leg," versus taking you for a ride in a UFO.

I recall one day, 2010, November I believe, at our previous home. There was contact, for hours, off and on, was aware that there was a phased craft in our yard, didn't see it with my eyes, telepathic communication, and it was more like awareness given of the experience then being deflected from it, so I was in avoidance.

"Phased craft?" If you feel their presence (most people hear knocking noises), just tell the spirits to go f themselves (that works for me, even worked once when recording an orb on camera). If that doesn't work, ask Christ to get rid of them. There is a Bible story where some guy, who I believe did NOT believe in Jesus, would use the name of Jesus to remove demons / fallen angels from people. Because he abused his God given supernatural power (and was a non believer in Christ), a demonic attack was unleashed onto him. Ask God for protection, but don't abuse it. Use it against spiritual bullies bigger and much smarter than you.

That night, when I laid down, the covers moved, and was kind of worried. But I also remembered that I had forgotten to take my antibiotic before bed, so jumped up quickly, and took this at the sink, the bathroom door was off the kitchen. My older son, say 19 at the time roughly, was in the bathroom and he came out while I was doing this.

Again, they were making their presence known. "Covers moving," "telepathically," however you define it, they are just telling you that they "are there."

Now, going back to the communication earlier that day, was given visual with the contact saw a beautiful woman in a blue form fitting uniform much akin to pictures of pleiadians, and even a bit of humor was used. Can't remember much of this now, its all hazy. However, my son said, Mom, when I came out of the bathroom, you had a huge blue orb behind your back, about 1 meter in circumference, so roughly 3 feet. Then it vanished before his eyes.

Alright, here is where I am interested...

The blue orb, was the "Pleiadian lady" an image within the orb, or was the orb projecting the image? Otherwise, do you think that the blue orb your son saw was possessing you in some way, making you "see" this Pleiadian lady? You did state that you were hazy at the time. I have also heard stories of people who saw an orb, but the person next to them could not. Perhaps these orbs are indeed inter / extra dimensional beings, and therefore people standing in different angels / locations can see different... projections. I could easily test this with the orbs I see outside using different IR cams from different angels, but I am too poor right now to buy a new IR cam. If you saw one thing, and your son saw another thing, then this needs to be tested with the orbs I am seeing.

Please get back to me.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:03 AM

reply to post by SuspendedBelief

The first segment with the two zipping to-from the cars may be a single orb with an extra image created by a "dome within a dome". Some security cameras have an outer plastic dome and an inner one (I recently installed some). I notice that as the orbs move off to the right the distance between them increases but when they come back they come together. I don't see that they are really different so I think the double image is because of the double dome.

So you think the inner dome might be positioned to the left too far, versus the two domes being equally centered?

1.) Watch the "orb shadows / reflections" that the (far back) red arrows point out. One shadow / reflection seems to "drop" out of synch with the others! Explain this phenomenon to me please.

2.) When the two locked orbs come together at the left, they both reflect / push back / block an orb. Explain this please.

3.) Skip to Clip 2, to 2:22, and not 2 seconds later. There are two interlocked orbs. They are locked into position ("diameter wise") for all footage except for the time I mentioned above. At the time I mentioned above they seem to move closer together as they move downwards. With your rationale, that would mean that the inner "security dome" is falling downward, creating the warped effect? If not, explain your rationale please
edit on 21-2-2014 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2014 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:17 AM

reply to post by SuspendedBelief

Your idea of proof is far different from mine. The first viseo is lens glare looks like from headlights of a car driving by your seeing the head lights reflected in the lens itself.

I added the name of the video from youtube at the beginning of my video. Watch Clip 1 in its entirety. There are indeed cars going by, one actually makes reflections alongside the curves of the car that kind of do look like orbs. However, no cars go past the real orbs. Watch and learn. Why do you think I added the sources?

The second clip is a bee...


... and the rest is well misc bugs. Especially the final clip thats what insect do they swarm. So do you have ANY OTHER PROOF BECAUSE ALL YOUR DOING IS CONVINCING PEOPLE THEY ARE BUGS.

Show me. I have looked, but could not find. Show me another video of "bugs" flying like this above treetops when there are streetlights on the other side of my yard. The reason why I recorded only 40 minutes of this was because I too had never seen anything like this before, and dismissed it as just bugs. As I stated in my video, I have not seen anything like this ever since. I'll get to the bottom of this though. Even if I have to eat my own words... again, I will figure this all out.
edit on 21-2-2014 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

The Camera that took the two videos on YouTube was a Samsung Galaxy S3 but as I say I have used various cameras over the years but I do have notes of what makes and models etc and of course there is the exif data in the photo's.

If you or anyone else need some for or all of them they are freely available.

Edit : The Orbs at the Pub are seen very frequently and they seem to be concentrated either in the Restaurant upstairs or generally in the main bar area downstairs. I also have a complete PDF history of the Pub that I researched if anyone is interested ?

edit on 21-2-2014 by excelents because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

You wouldnt see the car it would be to the right or left of the camera to cause refraction.As far as your video why do you think there needs to be a light for insects to smarm? For example ant swarms are often at night and they dont care about light.sorry guy there bugs see bugs move to fast for most cameras and they are to small to focus on meaning you get those streaks.Even professional photographers have to use high speed cameras to get descent pictures without motion blur and streaks.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:20 AM
I have always found this an intriguing subject, and I believe the jury is still out on this one.

A year or two ago a friend of mine's pet dog gave birth to a litter of pups; a day later, he filmed the dogs on his camcorder.

He showed it to me because there were dozens of tiny balls of light hovering over the dogs. I watched it for a few minutes, then the balls came together and began to 'funnel' into the mother's body, as though being sucked down a plug hole.

Yeah I know...fleas? Bugs of some sort? Maybe.

All I know is my friend has taken videos on many, many occasions - before and since - of his dogs, his wife, his friends, in all kinds of light. No orbs.

On the sceptical side, I have to say this whole idea of capturing something on film or photo that wasn't apparent at the time, is something I struggle with.

Why would a camcorder or camera be able to capture something that human eyes at the time couldn't see?

Aren't eyes far more advanced than man-made cameras?

Which causes me to think that orbs may be just photographic anomalies, and not mysterious entities that purport to be objectively real.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:34 AM


Here's my new video...

Description: Shows five video clips of orbs breaking the laws of time and physics, orb shadows / reflections, orb emitting lights, orbs dancing / fighting, and shows that orbs do look like bugs. They are not insects!

I know I will get slammed on this forum for adding my personal clip at the end, but I don't care. I honestly have never seen so many orbs outside in all the nights recording, nor have I ever seen bugs near bright street lights flying like this. The three orbs at the end of "clip 5" are obviously not bugs, so why is it irrational to think the large swarms are bugs?

I look forward to all the replies. I don't have time to respond to all of them, but I do read them all. If I start responding to every comment I never leave this forum.

edit on 18-2-2014 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

None of those broke the laws of time nor physics. The last one was a blurry film of a cloud of gnats.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:44 AM
My orb theory: Orbs are sphereical, quantum (4th-D) holographic (light-energy) Souls. They are not confined by ordinary space-time restrains. Pure consciousness freed of the mortal coil. Some have never had a body to begin with (transcendentals). Another theory of mine, is that you can make a conscious decision to reincarnate or not. If you don't choose to re-inhabit a Earth body, you can do what the Egyptians called starwalking. It's the afterlife ability to transverse the heavens. The Cherokee say that the Earth is surrounded by a dodecahedron. They say that each panel has a hole or hall that leads to another place. My belief is that each hall leads to a significant ancestral birthplace (Lyra, Sirius,Pleiades,Hunab Ku etc...). This is some of the most esoteric knowledge I know of.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

Youre still way out there. But, go ahead and attempt to prove your theory. Because, that's all it can be: a theory. We'll be here waiting....

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

Youre still way out there. But, go ahead and attempt to prove your theory. Because, that's all it can be: a theory. We'll be here waiting....

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

It sure does...I agree with you. And responding to the other post...then as a rocket must be very proud. I think perhaps more study on PROOF is needed. You can say anything. Proof is its own definition: PROOF. And you cant prove that. My point...

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

Seriously you really need to learn a bit about the hardware being used, for a start if you filmed the last clip what are the specs for the camera and settings used?

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

ET is all of the above and more. Anything not from Earth. Corporal ET, is on various realms, levels, picture an infinite extending sky scraper, they're on different floors, but still in bodies. There are many lower denser gravity based ones, often negatives but also they can move up the floors, and there are many higher realm ones, in those cases, they incarnate for work and have missions, and remember alot of who they are. There are the Higher Ups, those caretaking earth, and those watching over us, our guides, that are Family to us. IE. there is no time, so past and present family groups.

Every single one of us is also not from earth, our spirit is cosmic, and some people answer the call from Beyond, from what people call heaven, what I call home mostly.

So, Et is, corporal and spiritual, incarnate like us, entities using manufactured bodies often dna taken in abductions, which can be any frequency, good or bad as we think of it, AND Angel-ETs, or entity/spirit.

I like Higher Self, and Family contact the most. They also are in crafts, and yet can stream in with the sunlight too, such as one of my healing/Higher Self contacts.

People and some higher functioning animals here, come from Trees, like seeds from the Tree, or children of Soul Groups, who watch over us.

Earth is War, Starvation, Homelessness, Slavery and the major problems here are the very lessons we're here for. Overcome lower mind and primitive anger and greed, and help others, gain integrity and grow up.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:06 PM
Yeah, about your videos,

Video 1 is someone pointing a laser pointer or some other small light at the camera and the 'orbs' 'in-synch' are reflections off of the convex camera lens and the convex lens protecting the camera lens . NOTHING in nature moves in that perfect unison, not even orbs which if were real, have as much an erratic behavior as an insect.

Video 2. You can obviously see the reflection of the light from particles in the air as a beam from whatever is emitting the light. Probably a laser. The 'orb' doesn't get any bigger or smaller as an object would as it moves closer or further from the camera. This one is just plain stupid.

Video 3. Bug. The camera, especially night cameras, do not possess the shutter speed to record something clearly that is moving as fast as the bug does.

Video 4. This is a bug. Again, the camera does not have the shutter speed capable of clearly seeing the bug, but, as it moves toward the bottom of the screen, separations can be seen which are wings. It's a bug.

Video 5. This is called a swarm of bugs. Most are the same kind of bug, but, other species are coming into the camera's view. These bugs appear larger, because they are.
edit on 21-2-2014 by hamchuck36 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by excelents

This reply is obviously to excelents post but I hope the OP and unity_99 see this and anyone else on here that believes in orbs!!!

excelents provided a link to a youtube video how ironic is it that this video was featured on the page.

YOUR orb's well a truly DEBUNKED in the first 1:15 seconds.

Learn about the equipment I really believe a vast majority on here that claim to think outside the box etc actually spent there life growing up with their eyes SHUT and they did not see things like this because of that.

These things are just tiny objects dust, fibres and insects outside the DEPTH OF FIELD of the lens of the camera.

For those that don't know depth of field is the range of acceptable focus for a lens depending on the focal length, aperture and now in the digital age the sensor size.
edit on 22-2-2014 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:55 AM

reply to post by SuspendedBelief

The Camera that took the two videos on YouTube was a Samsung Galaxy S3 but as I say I have used various cameras over the years but I do have notes of what makes and models etc and of course there is the exif data in the photo's.

If you or anyone else need some for or all of them they are freely available.

Edit : The Orbs at the Pub are seen very frequently and they seem to be concentrated either in the Restaurant upstairs or generally in the main bar area downstairs. I also have a complete PDF history of the Pub that I researched if anyone is interested ?

edit on 21-2-2014 by excelents because: (no reason given)

In every picture the flash fired in every picture the camera selected a fast aperture f2.8 which means shallow depth of field your orb's are nothing more that out of focus specs of dust illuminated by the camera flash.
edit on 22-2-2014 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 10:57 AM
I think you're confused. You are right, orbs aren't bugs. Usually they are illuminated dust particulates. Rods, however, ARE bugs captured on digital video that causes the wave-like anomaly.

Have a nice day

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 12:03 PM

Okay, not the most spectacular of examples....blink and you'll miss em....but orbs appearing around a troubled woman with debilitating physical and mental problems, and a member of Walthamstow Spiritualist Church in South London.

Of course they could be dust particles, but it is at least a bit of a coincidence that we should see orbs when and where we do.

The above clip is taken from a British TV documentary series about religion, called Revelations.

The episode is called Talking To The Dead.

The prog makers clearly weren't aware that orbs appear on this episode, and no mention of it was made.

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