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Homophobia Doesn't Exist

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posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Lingweenie

Phobia does not mean just fear, it also includes aversion.

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Lingweenie

i have to disagree in that i have different views on fear, and believe that opposition is out of fear. it may not be so direct that you feel the emotion.. but many ideas, stances, point of views, perspectives, etc, can stand on many different emotions.

like, it just does not seem logical in my mind to be in opposition without fear.

kind of like how i was puzzled when i first saw the phrase "deny ignorance"
it literally does not make sense to me, because it's a paradox from my perspective.
however, i can understand it from a figurative sense, "deny" as "to remove"

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 04:28 PM

The first thing you can do to promote equality, is simply treat other people like people. Throughout my life I've met people from all races, creeds, colours and of many different orientations. But the only ones I remember for their "label" are the ones that let that define them.

Exactly. I've had gay friends who were great people who just happened to be gay. Their identity included many things and they expected to be treated as a regular person. Then I've met those whose entire identity was centered around their sexual preference. I think this is a sign of a deeper seated personality flaw or mental issue. I came to the conclusion that these are generally very boring and shallow people, because "Gay!™"

There is also heterophobia.. cause god knows if you're a white, straight male you're an intolerant, bigoted, chauvinistic pig!

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 06:15 PM
I think Morgan Freeman said it best when he tweeted:

"I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole."

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 06:33 PM



Dude, did you just really trademark "Gay"?

posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Metallicus

People who think that "homophobia" is a misnomer just aren't clear on what a phobia is. A phobia is an irrational aversion or fear of something. It also includes inexplicable and intense dislike for whatever precedes the suffix of "phobia".

Every homophobic person I know either hates, intensely dislikes, avoids, or actually fears gay people. I think it fits.
edit on 13-2-2014 by Cuervo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 05:43 AM
Homophobia does exist. You are merely focusing on semantics.

Genuine Homophobia is:
- having an irrational fear or aversion to homosexuality and homosexual individuals
- causing violence or harm to another individual because they identify as homosexual
- having an intense dislike/hatred for somebody because they identify as homosexual
edit on 14/2/2014 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Metallicus

Well if you oppose it, it's because you have a 'fear' of what it may end up doing.

People oppose gay marriage, because they fear it may invalidate their marriage or lead to 'worse things'.

People oppose gay people, because they fear if everyone was gay there would be no next generation.

These are the two most common arguments I hear against homosexuality, and it does describe "homophobia" perfectly.

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by zazen

I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole

So wouldnt that imply that Morgan is setting the homophobics up as "fair game" on 2 levels

"asshole" quick boys there's some loose hole ready for the plucking


"fair game" (Scientology)

term is used to describe policies and practices carried out by the Church of Scientology towards people and groups it perceives as its enemies. Founder L. Ron Hubbard established the policy in the 1960s, in response to criticism both from within and outside his organization.[1][2] Individuals or groups who are "Fair Game" are judged to be a threat to the Church and, according to the policy, can be punished and harassed using any and all means possible.[1][2][3] In 1968, Hubbard officially canceled use of the term "Fair Game" because of negative public relations it caused, although the Church's aggressive response to criticism continued

I suffer from

Pentheraphobia-Fear of mother-in-law,
Phallophobia-Fear of a penis, esp erect (not really only when chased by naked men-yuk)
Felinophobia- Fear of cats
Peniaphobia- Fear of poverty
Ergophobia- Fear of work.
Theophobia- Fear of gods or religion (esp ATS creationists -who hold 6000 years age of earth created in 7 days worldview)
Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets
Politicophobia- Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
Chuckie-phobia (Friday 13th Movie-gross!)
Phobophobia- Fear of phobias.
Negrophobia (Fear of black people who preach from the pulpit of TV- ie Morgan Freeman)

I find it VERY TELLING that there isnt a phobia specifically dealing with fear of Psychaitrists...
( they label, make the list, dispense the pill and work hand in hand with the State in mental incarceration)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

"You are merely focusing on semantics."

Genuine Homophobia is: - having an irrational fear or aversion to homosexuality and homosexual individuals
causing violence or harm to another individual because they identify as homosexual -
having an intense dislike/hatred for somebody because they identify as homosexual

"causing violence"
hmm I see what you did there. Why not just leave it as violence against an other human?

"Genuine debate" attempts to see all sides of the story

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by TheConstruKctionofLight

Sorry, but I don't quite follow.

Can you please elaborate on what you said before?

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:02 AM
Same with xenophobia, neither is actually a fear, more an ignorant, bigoted opinion or vew.
There are a few more but this is how they've been defined, we all know what they mean,it's no big deal.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 02:53 PM
"Homophobia" is men being afraid of possibly being treated how they treat Women

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 01:28 AM

"Homophobia" is men being afraid of possibly being treated how they treat Women

Come again?

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