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Falcons & Eagles

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posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:16 PM
Once there was a falcon who lived alone,hunted alone and spent most of his time away from all the other birds. Who lived in a cow pasture with a very social Eagle. She was beautiful, intimidating, and very kind. Her name was Impy now don't let her name fool you she was all that her name wasn't. Big gracious and admired.

All the animals in the pasture loved her. She was a goddess among monkeys. Now as you might expect the Falcon had much adoration for her.

And she did him aswell. She watched him hunt and loved his techniques. He was a master of his craft atleast to her. She never understood why he never came and talked to her. One day she went to watch him from afar with her other bird friends and tried to give him the opportunity to come and potentially mate with her.

But he wanted it to be between him and her. He wanted her to come to him as a sign of acceptance and choosing. If she came to him on her own free will and talked to him to his face without any subliminal messaging then he knew it was meant to be.

When they were young chicks still learning how to fly in flight school she had chose him. She looked right at him with a look and told him in so many ways that he was hers.

But he could not sit and dwell on past events I mean they were older now and had many years between them that didn't include each other in life. Every night he would sing his bird song for her and she never answered.

It saddened him almost killing his confidence. As he did his best to sing the most desirable beautiful bird song his little throat could muster.

His calls were not all for not. She heard them every night and loved them many times she tried to come to him and let him know she loved him. But she could not. She was intimidated and afraid he would reject her.

He was built for speed and she was big and built for power. Maybe she felt like he would not find her desirable.

And neither Falcon nor Eagle ever bred with one another in the pasture.

The End.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

These cryptic animal tales make my head hurt

Oh well, I bet these will be better than the speech Obama is going to give tonight.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

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