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The Meaning Behind it All?

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:11 AM
I hope this is the appropriate section for this. I have been thinking about a theory that makes sense (to me) regarding a lot of common concepts that spring to mind when thinking about the innate meaning of life and the possible purpose behind it all as I have theorized. I have come up with this based on a lot of existential thinking, empirical observations, and quite a bit of research and thought on religions, the hereafter.

The views I have encountered most often regarding the meaning and purpose of it all have been:

a. To worship/praise or be the play things of god(s).
b. To experience.

I have mixed views on a. in that I think we are not here to worship or praise god(s) as I don't find anything empirical about life it self to suggest this. I do see it as a possibility that we could be the play things of a or multiple gods but I have my thoughts that even if that was the case there is more to it based on a theory I have about the difference between what people define as "God" and the actual source of us all, the actual Alpha and Omega. The foundations of my views are stacked on a lot of research and thinking of which have taken way too many pages to put in a post but the basics of this perspective is that the actual alpha and omega is what we and everything else is composed of which is non-sentient energy. I currently hold the belief based off of various accounts of “Gods” that if they exist(ed) even as a fraction of what is commonly presented that they seem all too human. I have previously attributed the human characteristics of gods to humans fabricating the concept of gods for various reasons but after other research into what else might exist beyond this mortal experience have decided if they did/do exist they are no different from us.

"Knowledge is power" I'm sure you've heard it before and I think that is what it would boil down to in regard to the difference between what we consider as human and what some people consider “God”. Ultimately we and the “God(s)” would be composed of the same thing, we are conscious energy and therefor while not equal in power (read: knowledge) we are equal as conscious entities and if someone were to impose on us that we are here to praise it would not be an innate meaning to life but a impression forced on us by someone/something with greater power. I've written extensively on the notions of why a lot of the reasons people say we are here in relation to God, why I think what humans define as god is a matter of knowledge, and what I currently think is the true nature of creation/sentience but I hope this is enough of a summery in regard to a god and how it might factor into our innate purpose (read: doesn’t factor into our purpose).

I see b. fairly often now a days and I don't think it's a terrible reason but it's not much of a reason at all in itself. What usually follows when I probe the root cause of why people think we are here to experience is so we can return to either "Oneness" or "The Source" which is no real answer at all and usually when I try to probe more I'm met with blank stares or a repeated circular explanation. Aside from what science says is the motivation of these lives one could certainly empirically form the view that we are here to experience as that is what we do but it doesn't actually answer a "root why" so much as being an observation of what it is we do. This view is often tied into reincarnation as well which always makes me groan because when probed I once again always get the circular argument regarding the reason which ends as no reason at all (It seems people who dogmatically believe reincarnation often have a problem saying “I don’t know”).

That said, so why do I think we are here and how does it relate to these two things I brought up? I current hold the belief that the metaphysical reason we are here is the same as the empirically derived biological reason that is often attributed to the things we do, which is to simply continue/create life (said by science if I'm not mistaken as the drive to pass on our DNA). I believe there is simply a drive for consciousness and life to create more consciousness and life (drives can be ignored). This general purpose as it relates to/for our existence may sound cold and clinical but I do not think that it is, as it exists as a basic drive separate from the conscious human reasons we find for our existence (which is left up to us as I subjectively believe there is no inherent purpose in that way).

Where does God fit in? Assuming we persist as conscious entities (based off of my research I believe we do) I hope I don’t sound too pretentious when I say this but I think we are destined to become like the concept people think of when they think of God(s); I think with enough knowledge we can learn to manipulate our environment (read: energy) much in the same way we utilize science to manipulate the resources our environment provides to create what we want. In this way life would continuously bring about more conscious energy, which would bring about more conscious energy much in the same way we grow like a vicious cancer on earth but without the negative effects (as far as I can currently figure).

Reincarnation? This is just new speculation and really a product of my mind spinning as such I have not probed it too much for holes but I believe if it exists it’s a process possibly made up by other conscious entities to do the same thing some may consciously do which is to once again continue/create life. In researching the afterlife I have come across a few times supposed accounts from the other side which indicate that reincarnation may happen, but not as we think it does or is not the simplified version which we know. Reincarnation may very well be a process where an alternate reality is created just as real as ours from what the entities know. Why would someone have to do something like that if we can do it on our own? I believe not everyone possesses a perspective conducive to consciously creating a working “machine” that creates more conscious energy. In this model reincarnation would exist as a possible authoritive construct of entities that may have been around longer and know more as a way for other entities to continue that may not know how to continue as they are. This would even account for other concepts I have distaste for like soul-groups/destiny/etc. All that said I still hope it doesn’t exist.

That’s it summarized as well as I could compress it. I hope it’s coherent as the majority of it was fueled by late night scotch. It’s all just a theory somewhat based on other theories I have come up with. The other theories are more rooted in what I can deduce more surely with this being more speculative which is uncomfortable for me but I figured I’d make a post out of it anyway.

-Thanks for reading and feel free to take it apart

edit on 18-1-2014 by Strayed because: Spelling.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:01 AM
HI there, good topic and thread! S/F

So - you say the idea of "Reincarnation" makes you groan - but, you also (for now) believe our consciousness is eternal....
is that correct? Can you expound on that a bit? If you believe our consciousness is eternal - from where did it come, and where does it go after our bodies die?

Do you see any merit to the concept that we are all 'connected'?

As for a and b
I think a

a. To worship/praise or be the play things of god(s).

is preposterous. I don't for one minute believe we are here to be 'slaves' to some invisible, thinking, 'overseer' that will never TRULY make its presence known "in human terms".

But, we see the 'creation' - the universe, and all the things on the planet....
and we (perhaps of all sentient creatures) know that we will die.
My question is: What else do we do with knowing we will die??

(btw, I'm happy to say "I don't know" when I don't know)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:28 AM
I personally would go with option B. I believe that we reincarnate to experience more so that our souls will eventually become gods. I think of it as being similar to life as we know it here - we all go through different grades of schooling and education, from our mothers teaching us the basics of communication and mobility, to becoming experts in whatever field we choose.

"God," if a real entity, would be just another soul who studied everything long enough to reach that level. But instead of our 7-8 years of college to become a doctor in this life, "his" was spent learning over infinite lifetimes. As souls, we all have the ability to eventually become gods ourselves, should we choose to go that route. Perhaps some of us are more interested in becoming guardian angels or spirit guides, or more mischievous souls are more interested in spooking people and playing pranks. We all have choices in the afterlife and I feel that the personalities we were born with are a true reflection of what our souls actually are. What drives us in life (whether with work, hobbies, or what entertains us) is a reflection of our souls' personal goals in the ether.

Continuing on the idea of souls having options, while I'm spilling out thoughts I wouldn't dare speak to others in person, I also feel that to some degree each religion has it right. You chose the life you're living before being born, including what religion you would be born into or raised with. This one is more difficult to put into words but I think of it as souls who have hit god level campaigning like politicians to be "president" of our world. Maybe we're born into a lineage that aligns with that particular soul on purpose, for whatever reason trying to carry on his/her ideals.

But in my opinion, our souls are all equal and the idea of worshipping an equal is silly.

I really hope this post makes sense. It's been rolling around in my head for the past couple weeks and the first time trying to explain in words.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:49 AM
Wouldn't it be fair to assume that what we percieve with our five senses is just fraction of what true reality is? Plato's "Parable of the Cave" is a good analogy.

The story is about three prisoners chained up inside of a cave since birth. They are chained in a way, which makes them unable to move. A fire lit behind the prisoners, casts shadows on a wall to their front. Over time, the prisoners give names to the different shadows. This constitutes the prisoner's only reality and they percieve it as all that exists.

One day, one of the prisoners is released. He turns around and sees the fire, which hurts his eyes, at first. When his eyes adjust, he climbs out of the cave and everything looks very bright and all that is seen are shadows. When his eyes adjust again, he is able to witness the splendor of reality as a whole, the brightness of the sun, trees, mountains and their reflections upon the waters. After seeing the sun, he percieves it as being the cause of all things. He percieves the truth behind all things.

This is just a parable but does provide a rationalization of what reality is from a material standpoint and what reality is as a whole.

edit on 18-1-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Strayed

Option A

"Knowledge is power"

Knowledge is more like eternal survival.

You either have faith in Jesus Christ and get written into the Book of Life, or you will end up with nothing. No paradise, no warmth, no love, no life, just emptiness for the rest of eternity.

Take your pick as the world falls into the 7 Year Tribulation.

Reincarnation is true because sinning spirits never learn and always repeat the same mistakes they made in their previous lives.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Strayed

The views I have encountered most often regarding the meaning and purpose of it all have been:

a. To worship/praise or be the play things of god(s).
b. To experience.

b. seems to be self-evident. Whether it is intentional or not, our "purpose", our "structure" is to experience life.
a. also seems to make sense, that's why people who are appreciative tend to be happier.

worship/praise is another form of appreciation. When you appreciate that the creator created the creation, you see the value in all things (or at least in most of it) and life looks meaningful. Even if you don't believe in a "creator", being appreciative will still make you a happier person.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Strayed

You know, I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I have to agree that (most) of the reason we are here, it to experience. One of the things that always irked me about most overtly aggressive religious people, is they DEMAND you praise God, they DEMAND you worship. Or they threaten. You should believe because you have God in your heart, not because some slimy dude in a new suit told you that you HAD to. I spent a few years in a youth group, and all I got for it was an interesting look at all the hypocrites that fill churches. I didn't find God through a church, or even a man. I found him through science.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:07 PM

HI there, good topic and thread! S/F

So - you say the idea of "Reincarnation" makes you groan - but, you also (for now) believe our consciousness is eternal....
is that correct? Can you expound on that a bit? If you believe our consciousness is eternal - from where did it come, and where does it go after our bodies die?

Do you see any merit to the concept that we are all 'connected'?

As for a and b
I think a

a. To worship/praise or be the play things of god(s).

is preposterous. I don't for one minute believe we are here to be 'slaves' to some invisible, thinking, 'overseer' that will never TRULY make its presence known "in human terms".

But, we see the 'creation' - the universe, and all the things on the planet....
and we (perhaps of all sentient creatures) know that we will die.
My question is: What else do we do with knowing we will die??

(btw, I'm happy to say "I don't know" when I don't know)

Hi and thank you,

I've researched and written quite a lot about both the notions of reincarnation as it relates to an individual as we know them as well as consciousness it self a lot.

In regard to where consciousness comes from I had written this as a possibility: Could what we think is intelligence/sentience be a perception of the interaction between matter/energy in different states of frequency that we see in what we simply classify as "alive"? The evolution of sentience, happens when previously formed connections of energy from one state interacts with/influences the energy from another possibly? Humans have evolved to a point contradictory to Darwinism or differently than what we see in the reflexive nature of "wild things" thought of as the sentience of animals I think because of the advantage of the potential complexity of the interactions that may exist in our species as we know it. (What we call intelligence…. Though what is that but the ability to make connections... and connections from what to what?)

Compared to many forms of life humans start out as relatively very helpless things; The life forms that we seem to perceive as more complex/intelligent seem to have this in common. Why did we evolve that way? Darwinism favors adaptability... Which sometimes is rooted in basic strength/resilience but in our case we are empirically through perspective able to survive through intelligence. What is intelligence but the ability to make connections resulting in choices which influences our decisions/actions... The question is… connections from what to what? It’s my theory that the actual “we” that develops is rooted in the energy that interacts with us; That energy is given form/shape that we call life through… connections like a circuit or collected like a capacitor through interactions between the high and low frequency energy and that connection/circuit is us… and the us that develops persists as high frequency energy when the conduit ceases to be viable to conductivity. The higher frequency counter part/soul if you will maintains the form/connections that are formed and interacts with/influences things of like nature in the form of reflexes and past that furthering what we perceive as the complexity of life/intelligence as “thoughts”.

If this isn't clear this does support evolution and explains life at a basic level... a matter of perception of interaction of what we perceive as physical matter (slow low frequency energy) with matter of "the ether" (fast high frequency energy). Through this process the "we" that develops may be a reaction at a basic level from the ether, which affects what we perceive as the physical world… Given this would be the case this would make things which we call living the transceivers I mentioned earlier… the physical body providing the higher frequency energy a conduit which to interact with.

As an example: As all things are energy, perception is related to the interaction of energy… The world that we see is an interaction of reflected light energy being absorbed by our eyes and translated by our brains… I propose that further interaction happens between this process and another connected to us (from our dimension to another and back) that we reference as a “reflex” or past that “thought” and possibly thought to “reflex”.

Though all of this may sound dispassionate it doesn’t take a damn thing away from who the “we” that develops forms are or the values we establish; We are still the people we are this simply proposes a possible explanation for the phenomenon of “life” as I think I know it. We still have the same form/shape/connections Values... Passion… Love… Hate… Lust… the soul. Though the evolution of our development may be influenced by the higher frequency energy of those before us we form ourselves through will, we choose.

Sorry if that was a bit rough but I haven't finished it yet, that said while it could account for consciousness; Another entity could have put this in place but it doesn't require one, it only requires energy to behave like energy. Under this idea I actually have a theory of creation-how it all possibly came to be that doesn't rely on a god or a big bang with a questionable origin.

In regard to where it goes when we die, I've studied this ad nauseum and have currently settled on that it doesn't go anywhere per say so much as is released from being bound to this dimension by our capacitor (body). This would equate dying to instead of waking up to the reality we know to waking up to a reality similar to one of a dream (but not a dream as we know them). Where my search took me and where I left off was non cultural specific shamanism. The basics of shamanism when stripped of cultural paint has existed as one of the oldest beliefs of man across many cultures though out the world. The basics being we have a spirt body/soul (some cultures believe many souls) and a physical body and when the physical body can no longer sustain life the spirit body continues in the world of the spirt.

I don't believe we are all connected in the same way that some believe we are all "one" in a relevant way. To be honest being very much the individual and valuing individualism over that type of oneness I find the idea to be repugnant, though that said it can be true in many ways. We are all composed of the same thing so in that way we would all be connected along with the other social ways related to perspective but I don't find that type of connection relevant to anything (since relevance is a product of perspective when not based on need).

I've always seen a. as pretty ridiculous too, even as a child. In regard to what we do knowing we will die? Find and try to hold onto what makes you happy until it happens, find or create a yourself that you're happy with and be it. Past that it boils down to what you have found to be true of what comes next; I personally after all my reserach do not believe death is final so it doesn't bother me too much but if I was wrong and it was I wouldn't exist to care. I hope I didn't miss anything and thanks for your comment.
edit on 18-1-2014 by Strayed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:39 PM

I personally would go with option B. I believe that we reincarnate to experience more so that our souls will eventually become gods. I think of it as being similar to life as we know it here - we all go through different grades of schooling and education, from our mothers teaching us the basics of communication and mobility, to becoming experts in whatever field we choose.

"God," if a real entity, would be just another soul who studied everything long enough to reach that level. But instead of our 7-8 years of college to become a doctor in this life, "his" was spent learning over infinite lifetimes. As souls, we all have the ability to eventually become gods ourselves, should we choose to go that route. Perhaps some of us are more interested in becoming guardian angels or spirit guides, or more mischievous souls are more interested in spooking people and playing pranks. We all have choices in the afterlife and I feel that the personalities we were born with are a true reflection of what our souls actually are. What drives us in life (whether with work, hobbies, or what entertains us) is a reflection of our souls' personal goals in the ether.

Continuing on the idea of souls having options, while I'm spilling out thoughts I wouldn't dare speak to others in person, I also feel that to some degree each religion has it right. You chose the life you're living before being born, including what religion you would be born into or raised with. This one is more difficult to put into words but I think of it as souls who have hit god level campaigning like politicians to be "president" of our world. Maybe we're born into a lineage that aligns with that particular soul on purpose, for whatever reason trying to carry on his/her ideals.

But in my opinion, our souls are all equal and the idea of worshipping an equal is silly.

I really hope this post makes sense. It's been rolling around in my head for the past couple weeks and the first time trying to explain in words.

I side with B. as well but I intended to paint it as not a reason at all as typically presented. I don't think we all have to reincarnate to progress per say but believe it may be available to those who may be more limited in perspective. Happy to see someone else who may see any personified entity claiming to be God as questionable; I cannot say I've encountered the view before in that way from anyone else, especially so with a rationale behind it. I think the mormons think in a some what similar way but their view seems less refined, possibly because it's still bound by doctrine?

That is an interesting belief in regard to our personalities being a reflection of our soul's goals. I personally believe we are what we are, and are souls are us vs. the souls being a controller separate from us that will simply collect the experience. Though with your belief that we choose the life we live your view would certainly make sense. I don't have the belief that we all choose the life we live outside of the choices we make once born; I concede reincarnation as a possibility but I have the belief that new life, is new life.

In regard to God… I left it as God(s) because many accounts even things taken from the monotheistic religion which is Christianity slips and seems to points to there possibly being more than one. In regard to it needing to take lifetimes to achieve what might be required to fit the description? I don't think so; Development takes time for sure, multiple separate lifetimes with no relevant memory of the last? Not so much.

It made plenty of sense, thanks for allowing your thoughts to spill out; I got a laugh out of you saying you wouldn't dare speak them to others.
edit on 18-1-2014 by Strayed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:44 PM

Wouldn't it be fair to assume that what we percieve with our five senses is just fraction of what true reality is? Plato's "Parable of the Cave" is a good analogy.

The story is about three prisoners chained up inside of a cave since birth. They are chained in a way, which makes them unable to move. A fire lit behind the prisoners, casts shadows on a wall to their front. Over time, the prisoners give names to the different shadows. This constitutes the prisoner's only reality and they percieve it as all that exists.

One day, one of the prisoners is released. He turns around and sees the fire, which hurts his eyes, at first. When his eyes adjust, he climbs out of the cave and everything looks very bright and all that is seen are shadows. When his eyes adjust again, he is able to witness the splendor of reality as a whole, the brightness of the sun, trees, mountains and their reflections upon the waters. After seeing the sun, he percieves it as being the cause of all things. He percieves the truth behind all things.

This is just a parable but does provide a rationalization of what reality is from a material standpoint and what reality is as a whole.

edit on 18-1-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

Not only fair but very true even now, there are many things we cannot perceive with our five senses that we know to exist even now. When it comes to speculation though, we can only go on what we know and an insatiably curious mind doesn't stop because of the possibly of limited perspective.
edit on 18-1-2014 by Strayed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:54 PM

reply to post by Strayed

Option A

"Knowledge is power"

Knowledge is more like eternal survival.

You either have faith in Jesus Christ and get written into the Book of Life, or you will end up with nothing. No paradise, no warmth, no love, no life, just emptiness for the rest of eternity.

Take your pick as the world falls into the 7 Year Tribulation.

Reincarnation is true because sinning spirits never learn and always repeat the same mistakes they made in their previous lives.

Heh, friend you seem to be speaking in dogmatic indoctrination; Knowledge is knowledge. In regard to your Jesus, I'd rather have faith in myself and those who have personally shown me reason to have faith in them. If Jesus does exist, he is no different than any other stranger to me. I'll do my best to be what I find to be a good person and if that isn't good enough for some "God" well then I probably wouldn't enjoy their nor their followers company anyway.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:01 PM

reply to post by Strayed

The views I have encountered most often regarding the meaning and purpose of it all have been:

a. To worship/praise or be the play things of god(s).
b. To experience.

b. seems to be self-evident. Whether it is intentional or not, our "purpose", our "structure" is to experience life.
a. also seems to make sense, that's why people who are appreciative tend to be happier.

worship/praise is another form of appreciation. When you appreciate that the creator created the creation, you see the value in all things (or at least in most of it) and life looks meaningful. Even if you don't believe in a "creator", being appreciative will still make you a happier person.

Right b. seems to be empirically what we do but doesn't suggest much of a root reason past that. I believe a. makes people happy because a. is comparatively easy. Personally I don't know a creator other than my parents; I appreciate that they did their best to raise me; Despite not attributing any appreciation to any creator of all things I still see value in everyone, in many things, and diversity in general. In regard to a humanistic meaningfulness, it's subjective; Humanistic life experience has whatever meaning you decide. To attribute it all to a creator and making your life about worshipping said creator is easier than walking your own path.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:09 PM

reply to post by Strayed

You know, I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I have to agree that (most) of the reason we are here, it to experience. One of the things that always irked me about most overtly aggressive religious people, is they DEMAND you praise God, they DEMAND you worship. Or they threaten. You should believe because you have God in your heart, not because some slimy dude in a new suit told you that you HAD to. I spent a few years in a youth group, and all I got for it was an interesting look at all the hypocrites that fill churches. I didn't find God through a church, or even a man. I found him through science.

It always struck me as odd that a God (as was presented to me when I was younger) would even care if we praised them or not; The idea of that seemed so rooted in insecurity and human to me even as a child. I wondered why an all powerful being who doesn't actively as far as we know take part in our lives would even care? Heh, I agree with many of your sentiments and that is an interesting place to have found God.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:16 PM
Everyone hates this but too bad.

We're not here for ourselves. We're tools and all are used. The collective of all finites (lifeforms) over eternity, that have dwelled in their consciousness of nothingness ( our nothing box) is absorbed so infinite All can possess absolute non-existence. This completes the definition of omnipresence that now God is true to that definition by existing even inside of absolute non-existence. We are nothingness generators to have that absorbed from us.

In return we have to opportunity to possess the current path of evermore newness and expansion of consciousness because that Door through which our nothingness is taken from us, permits two way Communion. It's a Door seated half as infinite and half as finite, never to be either in full measure. I wonder how He got that job as in the Cross between the realms. I bet you always thought dying on Earth was the sacrifice. Pfft.
edit on 18-1-2014 by tkwasny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Strayed

this is not my opinion, but definite fact.

the meaning of life is the "thrill".

the thrill is this....

we are collectively the "all". "god" .. whatever.
..this being can do anything.. .and there is no challenge, no thrill in anything.
so it spits itself into many separate versions of itself... in MORTAL VULNERABLE form...

then eventually after enough incarnations and evolution... these separate versions all become imbued with more and more abilities like super heroes.. "gods"..

there is no value in being the only being in the universe.... that can do anything. and i mean the ONLY one.. meanign that the only being existing is YOUthe powerfull one.. at one time..... nobody else.

you have to become powerLESS.. .then FORGET that you can become powerful again...

you have to forget it sooo much that it sounds like the most ridiculous idea in the world... you have to FICTIONALIZE it in myths and media.... until when it happens... it is so unbelievable... it is the biggest THRILL in the universe...

its quite simple.

anything is possible... ANYTHING... even being a GOD.
so in order to make that enjoyable, you have to experience the exact opposite contrast for thousands of years.

that's the meaning of life.

it's to become a god.
edit on 1/18/2014 by prevenge because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:26 PM

Everyone hates this but too bad.

We're not here for ourselves. We're tools and all are used. The collective of all finites (lifeforms) over eternity, that have dwelled in their consciousness of nothingness ( our nothing box) is absorbed so infinite All can possess absolute non-existence. This completes the definition of omnipresence that now God is true to that definition by existing even inside of absolute non-existence. We are nothingness generators to have that absorbed from us.

In return we have to opportunity to possess the current path of evermore newness and expansion of consciousness because that Door through which our nothingness is taken from us, permits two way Communion. It's a Door seated half as infinite and half as finite, never to be either in full measure. I wonder how He got that job as in the Cross between the realms. I bet you always thought dying on Earth was the sacrifice. Pfft.
edit on 18-1-2014 by tkwasny because: (no reason given)

I don't hate it and think it's a unique take, but what is it's foundation? What is that based upon?

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:34 PM

reply to post by Strayed

this is not my opinion, but definite fact.

the meaning of life is the "thrill".

the thrill is this....

we are collectively the "all". "god" .. whatever.
..this being can do anything.. .and there is no challenge, no thrill in anything.
so it spits itself into many separate versions of itself... in MORTAL VULNERABLE form...

then eventually after enough incarnations and evolution... these separate versions all become imbued with more and more abilities like super heroes.. "gods"..

there is no value in being the only being in the universe.... that can do anything. and i mean the ONLY one.. meanign that the only being existing is YOUthe powerfull one.. at one time..... nobody else.

you have to become powerLESS.. .then FORGET that you can become powerful again...

you have to forget it sooo much that it sounds like the most ridiculous idea in the world... you have to FICTIONALIZE it in myths and media.... until when it happens... it is so unbelievable... it is the biggest THRILL in the universe...

its quite simple.

anything is possible... ANYTHING... even being a GOD.
so in order to make that enjoyable, you have to experience the exact opposite contrast for thousands of years.

that's the meaning of life.

it's to become a god.
edit on 1/18/2014 by prevenge because: (no reason given)

I have been all about thrill however to reduce the complexity of human experience down to such a thing I'd say it's subjective. Your reasoning of "the thrill" is the humanistic rooted perspective. The reason I was referencing was a basic drive/purpose, the metaphysical equivalent of the basic biological drive if you will… a root drive.

Regarding not being opinion but being fact… I'm glad you can believe so strongly in something; What do you base this fact on? Regarding no challenge or fun in being god… of course you could create challenges. Are you familiar with the all power god paradox regarding if god can create an immovable object? Given a god can create an environment that they are not all powerful in and subject themselves to it there is no reason to remove it's memory of itself, such would be a useless sacrifice and if I can figure such a thing out one would think an omnipotent being would as well.

I do believe in infinite possibility and the potential to become a god like being is rooted in my above theory as is but I don't see the rational behind accepting your theory as fact as you put it.

-Thanks for it all the same
edit on 23-1-2014 by Strayed because: (no reason given)

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