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Adamski's "Scout Ship" identified

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posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:30 AM
Never believed in the Adamski stuff as legit myself, so a nice extra nail in that coffin with this thread. Funny isn't it how the people with the "most evidence" are actually the ones with the least. A recent case in a new UFO Planet episode, a video, clearly a fake - looked like a marble or one of those side of the road mirrors to see round junctions - but the author was more than happy to send more footage, have a proper discussion with the presenter, do an interview, be in the limelight etc.

If Adamski's blobs of things on windows and lamp lids aren't fake enough for the eye to see, just look at anyone with a "catalogue" of evidence, it's usually dubious at best. The best comes from the tidbits... Like I say, nice to see more of the Adamski coffin nailed. It deserves it. Perhaps he did have sightings, but trying to pass off those videos as genuine at a time when people didn't really understand visual effects etc doesn't deserve any credit. S&F for you though, credit where it's really due

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:30 AM
Ill just link this frame by frame analysis by Bob Oechshler- dont know much about him other than he claims to be a 'Physicist and Nasa Mission Specialist' but when you Google him, it seems he comes up more fequently as a 'UFO researcher'. Anyway, whatever we think about him and his analysis, the video shows the distortion we are talking about. Watching it again just reminded me how strange the effect is. Sorry- I dont know how to embed video.

Just let me say again- this does not mean its a Venusian scout ship, just there is a strange phenomenon on the film that I have yet to see explained- remember, film is/was a lot more difficult to manipulate.....

Edit: I thought I recognized the name Bob Oechshler- he was the guy from the early 1990's who allegedly received the package from 'Guardian' which led to the famous/infamous Ontario case of the same name- video of flashing coloured lights in a field- skeptics claim its a pick up truck with lights on, others swear its the real deal.
edit on 17-1-2014 by Thunda because: addition

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 12:15 PM

The following vid delves into the so-called 'Friendship Case' and features some film of a flying object that's a ringer for the Adamski "craft."

These ones seem to be of the 'Mexican hat' variety. I've heard of them being seen outside of the Friendship saga...

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 01:43 PM

...Did you notice the reason, why Allen Dulles would have prevented anyone from testifying in court concerning Adamski's book?

"because maximum security exists concerning the subject of UFOs"

That is quite a bit remarkable, isn't it?

I have to say, that Adamski's story might have gotten it's last nail in the coffin - but that another box just has oppened, if it's true what can be gathered from the informations in this thread.

Because they proof at least one of two things:

Either - that the CIA as early as in the 50ies used Psy-Ops not just to manipulate foreign people, but also people of the US, and as far as I know, the CIA usually is prohibited from doing so (and Menger's account, that his story was a CIA experiment to see how easily and whom specifically could be fooled into believing anything give's someone chills considering topics like "Tonking Incident", "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" and everything else that happened since then and before...).

Or - they had strong reason to test the ground for the people's reaction to the idea of extraterrestrial contact. Because the people's reaction to finally possibly not just the idea might have led to consequences that indeed would have affected national security.


Very interesting and suggestive observation, Peloquin. Thought I'd excerpt and bump it as it deserves to be read again and pondered just in case some glossed over it the first time.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 05:21 PM
I have enjoyed this thread very much. I know that this is not directly related to Adamski's "scout ship", but the way that it seems to be related by design ethos intrigues me very much. The Testor's "Sport Model" plastic model kit released in 1999 and supposedly modeled after Bob Lazar's 'area S4 ship'...

All things in this thread considered, what we are seeing there may as well be the top of a 1952 Sears lantern recreated in plastic 47 years later by the Testor model company.

Man, the story really is breaking down, isn't it?

Adamski is also, I think (right?) responsible for the "Nordic Type" UFO meme that is back in the news.

Thanks OP,

edit on 17-1-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Urantia1111

I thought George Adamski was the standard by which UFO hoaxes were measured. Does anyone besides Timothy Good still believe in this one?

Adamski pulled off a sighting with an orgy of evidence, multiple witnesses, photographs and physical evidence (someone happened to have plaster on hand to cast footprints) and alien symbols or writing! Cool thing is, he was able to do it more than once, as he was in special contact, serving as Earth's ambassador to Venus.

His saucer photos were interesting, showing that space travel is indeed dangerous. The craft showed the same kind of damage you might get bouncing a lantern around a barn. Wear your helmet when you go for a ride with Orthon!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by Bybyots

I'm pretty sure that Lazar's Sports Model was based on Adamski's design, just refined with an modernised update.

Compare Cramp's cut away of the Adamski ship with Lazar's

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by torsion

Adamski did indeed cause a great deal of harm but I wonder was that his intention or was he genuinely trying to hoax the powers that be into peace settlements, He is one whom even those of us whom believe that some UFO sightings are genuine and may have an extra human element (I once saw an object myself 2.30am approx on my way home from work and it was not illuminated at over 200 feet at least in altitude flying silently against gale force winds with a spherical or circular shape and metalic reflective underside - I felt something like a jolt of fear and looked up at it which is how I saw it, near pilkington laboratories in lancashire england, The street lights back then created a lot of light pollution and the clouds at night looked yellowish in the sodium lights not far from liverpool as well and england being as it is the north west is heavily urbanised which added to the street light pollution, these days they have tones them down but you can still see the clouds at night) did not really believe, or if we did have a question mark as to his tales we believe that if there was any voracity to the alien claim then either he was exagerating after his first tales died down or the beings he was claiming to contact where liars, He claimed among other things that venus had a civilisation and as you know the most rugged soviet space vehicle the Venere which was one of the toughest little space vehicles ever built, died a rapid death from pressure and heat, indeed the pressure on the surface of venus is about the same as the bottom of the marrianas trench and the temperature is hot enough to melt lead while the mountains recieve a metallic snow, it rains sulphuric acid which never reaches the ground due to the heat, though indeed it does offer the tantalizing possabillity that it began as an earth like world.
A little like many hoaxers of the 1970's such as Von Danikan these type of people may have began as believers or even have had a genuine experience that triggered the continuation but at some point there train left the tracks and carreered through the countryside as they created elaborat lies to continue there inertia, in von danikans case it was money and a lack of readily available material, he actually discredited a field which may have had some truth through his lies and in Adamskis case the motive may have been his cult status or indeed an agender by which he may have believed he could reach the world powers with his messages (what effect that may have had if any we may never know).
edit on 18-1-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:16 AM

reply to post by Bybyots

I'm pretty sure that Lazar's Sports Model was based on Adamski's design, just refined with an modernised update.

Compare Cramp's cut away of the Adamski ship with Lazar's

Neither of these has the form of an anti gravity propulsion or repulsion system however if the method of spaciel entanglement could be mastered the central columne would appear as the wave emitter and entangler while the supposed AG generators would take on the form of field stabillisers or field envelopment emitters, Basically I am talking about something that today we can only use for communications and are only just starting to explore but which may have far more practical future uses.
Quantum entanglement, take a high energy photon and split it (the process as you know is absorbption and reemission but it does not have to be a photon but can be a quantum field) by then entangling a potential charge in one of these (mirrored photons which act in resonance no matter how far apart they become) photons we can actually disentangle it at the other, now the tube or columne would have the emitter at the center and the entangler at one end with the disentangler at the other (or more mechanically the emitter and entangler at the ends and the disentanglement at the centre) while the three stabillisers may be an electron or wave field encasement structure which would synchronised the object/craft inside a harmonic field, this in turn would then be the entangles charge.
Of course these are only models.
And this would only suggest a primary not secondary means of translocation (propulsion suggests inertia but this method has none) but if you want to travel faster then light at a minimum potential maximum speed of 2 time e (without breaking the laws of relativity) this is the way, it may also provide a way if combined with wormholes to transit time.

edit on 18-1-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:19 AM

reply to post by torsion

Adamski did indeed cause a great deal of harm but I wonder was that his intention or was he genuinely trying to hoax the powers that be into peace settlements... he may have believed he could reach the world powers with his messages (what effect that may have had if any we may never know).

Adamski may have been a "pious fraud," faking a miracle in order to spread the faith. There are claims he got into the business just for the money, but it's probably more complex than that. Looking for a simple description, I'd say he was a flying saucer evangelist.

Our generation's rough equivalent to adamski is Dr. Steven Greer, with his stew of genuine witnesses, spiritualistic hokum, and cult-like CSETI group. Although he tries to present a mainstream image for the press, some major nuttiness is going on behind the circle of his armed guards.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by CardDown

It will always be a matter of contention and I agree but Padre Pio on that site, well I actually believe he was genuine and there are many instances of similar stigmata suffered by devout christians from all denominations, it may well be a form of mental expression through the body, when under hypnosos people have been induced to bleed and have done so but it may also have been more than that and yes there are and have been occurences of charlatains and fraudsters faking stigmata but he was real as far as I am concerned.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:54 AM
It would be interesting to know when the first flying saucer type craft of this type were first reported in modern times. There are photos of disc shaped craft from 1930's Germany, but Kenneth Arnold used the term to describe the movement of the craft he saw ('like a saucer skipping on water') and not the plan-form of the UFO's.

According to wiki (Yes, I know....) "While disc-shaped flying objects have been interpreted as being sporadically recorded since the Middle Ages, the first highly publicized sighting by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947, resulted in the creation of the exact term by U.S. newspapers."

So it would seem the creation of the 'flying saucer' type craft was not an invention of Adamski's, rather it was a term used by the media. Wiki goes on "The term UFO was, in fact, invented in 1952, to try to reflect the wider diversity of shapes being seen. However, unknown saucer-like objects are still reported, such as in the widely publicized 2006 sighting over Chicago-O'Hare airport"

Interestingly, on Adamski's page there is the following quote: "James W. Moseley interviewed German rocket scientist Walther Johannes Riedel (1903–1974), who told him that he had analyzed Adamski's UFO photos and found them to be fakes.[25] Riedel told Moseley that the UFO's "landing struts" were actually 100-watt General Electric light bulbs, and that he had seen the "GE" logo printed on them"

One last observation on Adamski- whilst today he is considered an obvious fraud, some say that in his day he seems to have been incredibly well connected with the rich and famous having allegedly had private audience with the Pope, politicians and Royals from various countries. I suppose he must have come off as an intriguing figure in those more innocent times, and there was also an international UFO 'flap' going on during the time of his fame.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Thunda

The german photos are supposedly from the 1940's and are apparently genuine, see the bell, I would suggest you look for a book called the hunt for Zero point this is a great book that goes over many of the scientific projects of the nazis and what may have been continued after the war by both the allies and the soviets.
The earliest account I know of was from Alexander the macedonians attack on Tyre, the city was impregnable and the Macedonians were near to leaving as the city was supplied by sea and alexander could not break it, suddenly five golden shields flew from the north and struck the walls with lightning allowing the macedonians to enter the breech and take the city.
Later at the river that seperated india from asia the macedonians where held back for a time and there horses spooked by two silver shields that dived at them as they tried to cross the river.

edit on 18-1-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

There are photographs from the 1930's in Germany as well as the 1940's including a well known one of a saucer shaped craft flying over buildings in Hamburg. You may have heard of the Freiburg UFO crash in Schwarzwald (Black Forest) near Freiburg in 1936. Leading up to this event, there had been a whole rash of sightings across Europe, including another alleged crash and retrieval in Italy shortly before WWII. There is a school of thought that suggests that this vehicle may have been recovered and back engineered into the 'Hannebu' craft of the late war. So the 1940's photos could well be back engineered Nazi vehicles.

I was aware of Alexanders encounter and the 'golden shields', but I was wondering in my post about the saucer shaped vehicles similar to Adamki's 'ship', and what the earliest sighting of that type of craft was in modern times.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by torsion

Yup, it's curious so many (possibly) intelligent people are taken in by these sorts of people ... add Billy Meier to the list, too.

I guess once someone knows those unknown (oxymoronic and Rumsfeldian terminology, I know) things do fly across our skies, space and oceans, it's easy to slide down the slippery slope into the weirder contactee material and seriously consider things like underground alien/military mega-bases and lizard lovers from Arcturus... and the convoluted intelligence agency's efforts don't help the truth seeker figure it out, either... which is probably exactly the point, and might just be where these ludicrous oddballs originate from.

But once you see a: thirty-foot lantern flange, mile-long white cylinder, car-sized, mirrored finished flying egg or any other large , odd shaped seemingly-high-tech device from elsewhere, OR read some of the thousands of the more credible sightings of these things, one knows that something weird is definitely going on.

But Adamski certainly didn't help to figure out what that weirdness really is, or uncover any part of the possibly multifaceted nature of the phenomenon.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Thunda

flying saucer types were reported long befor Arnold. I'll try dig out the reference for you...

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:32 AM
It is easy to fake pictures then and now. There has been sightings throughout history so it doesn't really discredit peoples belief in UFOs etc. It just divides people into believers and disbelievers.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Frankinpillow

True and most of us myself included still believe in the moon landings in spite of the lens etchings mysteriously going behind rock's (which may have been put there to hide whatever was where the rocks are), copius obvious air brushing and the same site being used and claimed to be several miles apart on two different missions (meaning they edited and substituted footage from one mission to a later mission - I wonder what the correct footage revealed).
Photographs as you say can be faked and this does actually discredit an otherwise respectable field but fakes do not disprove the hypothesis or the claims of millions of people.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 04:06 PM
There was a magazine in the 70s someone showed me [Australian Post ] which had a photo of a lamp shade in a Dutch Restaurant which looked like the Adamski saucer ,it stated that this was Adamskis fake UFO, while it wasnt exact in every respect it did have the same ''port holes' ,i read his books in the 70s also and wondered even then why would these supposed advanced aliens be doing looking out something as primitive as a port hole ? There some info in Adamskis book that evidently was not made up, from memory how they were powered which was not bs where he got that info from ? CIA ? i dont know

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 11:32 AM

reply to post by LABTECH767

There are photographs from the 1930's in Germany as well as the 1940's including a well known one of a saucer shaped craft flying over buildings in Hamburg. You may have heard of the Freiburg UFO crash in Schwarzwald (Black Forest) near Freiburg in 1936. Leading up to this event, there had been a whole rash of sightings across Europe, including another alleged crash and retrieval in Italy shortly before WWII. There is a school of thought that suggests that this vehicle may have been recovered and back engineered into the 'Hannebu' craft of the late war. So the 1940's photos could well be back engineered Nazi vehicles.

I was aware of Alexanders encounter and the 'golden shields', but I was wondering in my post about the saucer shaped vehicles similar to Adamki's 'ship', and what the earliest sighting of that type of craft was in modern times.

First(?) reference to a 'flying saucer' -

It should be noted that in 1878, a Denison, Texas, farmer named John Martin saw a dark flying disk high in the sky. According to the Denison Daily News, Martin described his UFO as a "saucer," thus first coining the term that would not come into common usage for nearly a hundred years. - Introduction to Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs

edit on 24-1-2014 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

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