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The Ark of the Covenant

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posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 02:59 AM

It's in Ethiopia or Harrison Ford has it.

no, it's in a warehouse in nevada.

didn't you see the other movie?

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by tinner07

The ark of the covenant is not an object.

The 'arc of the covenant' is the light that is being seen/known presently - the light of consciousness - it is what is appearing to exist.

edit on 21-12-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 03:17 AM
I think it had a meteorite in it. The one that caused the bush to burn. I believe it is now in mecca built into the side of a building the Muslim's walk around and worship. What happen to the Ark? I understand it would have decayed/rotted by now unless kept in extremely dry environment.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 03:23 AM


reply to post by tinner07

I believe I heared somewhere there were two arks made in history. I also believe that the jews have everything prepared to built a new temple....and what is a temple without a ark?

They also said that artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq and Anna Nicole married for love.

The movie shooter.
Loved that movie.Mark Wahlberg did a fine job.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 04:58 AM
Its in a hillside in Wales.

Just ordered Wilson and Blacketts book off Amazon. "The Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant".

Looks very interesting.

Will report back when I have read it.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by BABYBULL24

The Ark has 2 Winged Cherubs on top - that my friend looks like a dog.

The Ark is a Communication Device with the Dogs of Sirius. The Dogs were the Destroyers (Canus, the Teeth of Sirius ). Anyone who touched the Ark died of Radiation Poisoning, those who carried the Ark had to wear Lead Garments to protect themselves from the Ark. The Ark was a Device Given to Moses on Mount Sinai to communicate with (GOD/DOG). Anubis is an Image of the Destroyers the Dogs of Sirius.
By accounts, the ark is both a communication device and weapon of war, and I agree as some have suggested, that there was more than just one introduced by the 'gods'.
edit on 21-12-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by tinner07

I did some research into this and actually there were several Arks, later the editors of the bible made it into one to heighten its prestige. Essentially in those days when you went to battle you would bring a box full of religious objects sacred to your god or gods hoping that this would bring you success in battle. The Egyptians also did this and also had arks of their own, remember Moses was adopted by pharaoh.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 01:29 PM

I did some research into this and actually there were several Arks...

The genuine will always attract counterfeits. ALWAYS...

Only reality gets counterfeited.

Why have we never seen a counterfeit $23 bill?

Because there ARE no real $23 bills.

There are many "Ark of the Covenants" in various places and ALL of them claim to be real.

Only ONE has all of the obvious signs that show it to be the real thing.

Another analogy: there are MANY false religions that ALL claim to be real.

Only ONE has the supernatural signs and miracles that PROVE it to be the real thing.

Counterfeit religions and counterfeit arks BOTH serve the same purpose:

Satan always uses counterfeits in order to discredit the genuine.

His desire to be "like the most High" is what got him drop kicked out of Heaven.

Satan’s true intent is to masquerade as Yahweh to all of creation.

“I will ascend above the highest clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14:14

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

They are not counterfeits, they all contain religious relics and therefore they all give courage to those who carry them into battle, no different from someone believing an amulet around their neck will give them courage, it will work if they truly believe in it, its all psychological.

BTW the Egyptian, Babylonian arks predate the one carried by the Israelites so if anyone was counterfeiting it was them

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 07:58 PM

reply to post by tinner07

i believe that the ark was/is non-human.
Then the humans who heard about it's power tried to make it theirs by making up the story:
"our 10 commandments is carried in this ark".
Religion at it's finest.
And people still buy this story.

What is ALSO claimed also in the ARK of the Covenant

Aron's Rod/Staff Moses Used for using Gods Wonders Parting the Sea causing the rivers to turn red .. turing into a Snake ...

Gold Jar of Mana Gods Survival Staple Food for Moses People

There Must be Something about the ARK with High Advance Technology for Sure ..

with Stories using the Ark in to Battle
killing of people with beams of Light and like Radiation?? Laser's?

Well hopefully Hitler didn't find it !! ... but he DID Captured the Spear of destiny !

Tho this claim to be true Hitler Searching for Holy Relics

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

I have to stop you right there. The commandment is NOT "Thou shall not KILL". It is "Thou shall not commit MURDER" Talk to any Rabbi and he will tell you the truth of that. It is a miss-translation.

edit on 21-12-2013 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:12 AM
I believe the Ark existed, and it contain a power which people in that era did not understand,if it was plated in gold then it could be something radioactive in nature.It's efficiency as a reflector of heat and infra-red radiation has led to gold being used to in many of NASA's undertakings. So reflective gold-coated plastic film is wrapped around parts of the equipment that are subjected to a steady stream of intense static generating solar raditation and heat. In a similar way, a layer of gold on the helmets of astronauts enable them to work in space safe from the lethal effects of this radiation. The Mars Global Surveyor had an on-board gold-coated parabolic telescope-mirror that helped to generate a detailed map of the entire Martian surface over a two-year period.I believe when they found out that the Ark was a danger they buried it in the hopes it would never be found.My theory is on the Money Pit where it is at.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:41 AM

The Ark of the Covenant was a seat for God in the Most Holy chamber of the tabernacle. It housed the fire like substance that enveloped the thorn bush on Mt. Horeb at Midian. This same fire lit up the pillar of cloud that hovered over the tabernacle. When the priests and leaders of the nation were bad the cloud would leave the region and return when things were corrected. There was an account in the bible that described a cloud coming down from the sky and stationing itself at the entrance of the tabernacle.

There were only two recorded places where this fire sat on the earth. It was either over the Most Holy chamber or in the thorn bush. Have you ever noticed that the fire ball like UFO’s recorded are never seen touching down on the earth? There are so many ancient cultures that built high temples in order to reach these high altitude fire gods.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:09 AM


Well hopefully Hitler didn't find it !! ... but he DID Captured the Spear of destiny !

Tho this claim to be true Hitler Searching for Holy Relics

If Hitler did, in fact, obtain the so called "Spear of Destiny", such would then be strong evidence that none of this magical artifact stuff has anything to it other than nonsense, since, well, Spear of Destiny is suppose to make whomever possesses it invincible, incapable of defeat.

Last I checked, well, I don't see Adolph's face on any money anywhere.

As I stated previously about the Ark of the Covenant being a vehicle for superstition, the same would also go for any other fetish object. They're there, when they do exist, as symbols, and not actualities.
If there is a Historical actual Acacia Wood Guilded Ark of the Covenant box anywhere, in all likelihood, it's just a box with some bling with zero special powers, and only a box, regardless how much special attachment or superstition anyone attaches to it.

EDIT: on Note about the Spear of Destiny or Holy Lance it seems there's 4 current claims to being the actual artifact.

edit on 12/22/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:10 AM

I believe the Ark existed, and it contain a power which people in that era did not understand,if it was plated in gold then it could be something radioactive in nature.It's efficiency as a reflector of heat and infra-red radiation has led to gold being used to in many of NASA's undertakings. So reflective gold-coated plastic film is wrapped around parts of the equipment that are subjected to a steady stream of intense static generating solar raditation and heat. In a similar way, a layer of gold on the helmets of astronauts enable them to work in space safe from the lethal effects of this radiation. The Mars Global Surveyor had an on-board gold-coated parabolic telescope-mirror that helped to generate a detailed map of the entire Martian surface over a two-year period.I believe when they found out that the Ark was a danger they buried it in the hopes it would never be found.My theory is on the Money Pit where it is at.

My Point Exactly laced With Gold Radiation..

Fact or Fiction: Ark of the Covenant
By Grisham
Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:21 PM

. A golden lid was placed on top of the Ark which was supposed to be adorned with two Cherubim who some say may have been images of the Angels Michael and Gabriel although that is merely speculation.

Now this Is Really Interesting

Throughout the Old Testament, the Ark is mentioned several times and various powers have been attributed to it. Here is a list of some of powers the Ark was supposed to possess.

The Ark stopped the River Jordan from flowing (or to make a dry path) allowing the Israelites to cross the river.
The Ark scattered enemies.
The Ark caused death to those who touched it.
At the Battle of Jericho the Israelites were said to carry the Ark around the walls for 7 nights, after which the walls were destroyed allowing the Israelites to take the city.
The Ark was said to be used by Moses to speak directly to God during their exile in the desert. The voice of God was said to issue from a glowing cloud between the two Cherubim.
When the Philistines captured the Ark, it was said to cause plague, boils, infestations of mice and death.
The Ark was said to lead the Israelites through the desert - sometimes by using clouds and sometimes by using a flame.
The Ark was said to strike some people dead by merely looking at it.
It’s interesting to note that the Ark was always to be carried 1000 meters or 3400 feet in front of the advancing Israelites.

Just Saying ... Far Fetched I know but what if GOD/ELOHIM/ELyon/ ALien had some device in the ARK Showing High advance Technology that Humans didn't understand nor any IDEA of what it was that Caused the Radiation.. like Sickness n Death Hair Loss loosing fingernails The Ark Could of been like a Nuclear Reactor ! part of the Mana Machine ? that Generated Electricity ? Magnetic Force field or Wave ? It Could Explain the instant Death When touched.. and Keeping 3,400 feet Distance from it !! ??

or Something like .. Like this ?? that an Higher Entity Created ? and was within the ARK..

Demon core

Pit (nuclear weapon)

The pit is the core of an implosion weapon – the fissile material and any neutron reflector or tamper bonded to it. Some weapons tested during the 1950s used pits made with U-235 alone, or in composite with plutonium,[1] but all-plutonium pits are the smallest in diameter and have been the standard since the early 1960s.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by tinner07

My family has another family as friends who are Ethiopian, and they say that there is actually a certain temple in Ethiopia where the Ark of the Covenant is kept, and there are even special people trained to guard it.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Hopefully someone else caught this before me but when God parted the red sea moses had not been given the ten commandments yet.

I believe the arc is real, of course I am a believer. Here was the last study that found evidence supporting biblical account of power of arc. This is about Jericho, interesting read.


If you look you will find similar finds that point toward biblical truth. The truth is out there.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

True dat, nicely said.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:57 AM
'Ark of the covenant' means; "The secret of the link between physical and spiritual".

Ark comes from Latin ARCANUM meaning; Mysteries, Secrets, or that Hidden/concealed.

And Covenant comes from covenir "agree, meet," from Latin convenire "come together". Applied in Scripture to God's arrangements with man as a translation of Latin testamentum, Greek diatheke, both rendering Hebrew berith (though testament also is used for the same word in different places).

It is very similar to the Biblical use of the word 'Testament'' which means Will; Wish; Desire or Command.

The Arcanum is a hidden doctrine within all religious writings and allegories that is referred to as 'The Great Arcanum'.

It is the understanding and truths that have been long protected and hidden by those in power. Codices arcanum. There are elements of it that have leaked through in art, literature, and even crop-circles for a long time now.

The Arcanum tells not only of the truth of the spiritual world; but also that of Cosmology and the physical world; and gives and understanding of how the two fit together.

This is why it is so well guarded by those of this world in power. Because it is what empowers them to be as they are; and gives them dominion over us.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 09:16 AM

I have to stop you right there. The commandment is NOT "Thou shall not KILL". It is "Thou shall not commit MURDER" Talk to any Rabbi and he will tell you the truth of that. It is a miss-translation.


Thank you for your correction

Of course I used the RC version to the 10 Commandments,
Commandment number six -
Now if you would be so kind to direct me to your findings
of the Rabbi you have mentioned as I would like to investigate
the actual language this was first written in, for only there
will lie the truth behind the misinterpretation.

By the interpretation you posted.. I will ask of you this;
Are you implying in God's eyes it is not acceptable to
commit murder but it is most acceptable to kill if one
has foundation or virtuos reason..?

I bid you well

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