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Mary's Tilma of 1531 most resembles a color photograph. And can't be replicated...

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by colbe

I am very ignorant of this, although I've heard of it my whole life. Isn't there something about the rarity of that type of cloth holding its own throughout the centuries as well?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:40 PM
The claimed reflections in the eyes is just a case of pareidolia.The random pattern of paint on the canvas just happens to form itself into a shape that could be a face if you really want it to be.The same as all these rocks on Mars that people claim to be dogs,skulls or fast food wrappers are most definitely nothing more exciting than rocks.
The claimed image of a group of I think seven people in her left eye is only there because someone has drawn a group of people on it.I could also draw a picture of a Volkswagen Golf,an iPhone or a map of Southend on the eye.Take it away and still just a random pattern of paint on canvas.
I reckon it's just been copied lots of times and we see today is just a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a co............
It's just a painting and as such doesn't and can't have a heartbeat,there are no blood vessels in the eyes and the pupils do not dilate when bright light is shone into them.These phenomena have never been caught on film or video,and have only ever been seen by "believers".
This is just an urban legend with 500 years of history behind it.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 01:13 AM

reply to post by colbe

I am very ignorant of this, although I've heard of it my whole life. Isn't there something about the rarity of that type of cloth holding its own throughout the centuries as well?

Hi Aleister,

Yes, yes, this type of cloak has hardly any life time at all. Imagine now, since 1531!

Three major science tested miracles - the Shroud of Turin, the Tilma of Guadalupe and St. Padre
Pio's stigmata for fifty years....should convince (convert) everyone!

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 04:56 PM

On tonight, live from 10PM Eastern time!

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posted on May, 2 2014 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: adjensen

On tonight, live from 10PM Eastern time!

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Cool to see a Tilma thread reposted. Thank you.

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