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Something Really Insane Just Happened In Congress, And You Probably Haven't Heard A Word About It

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Indigo5


edit on 9-12-2013 by Gestas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

If I understand, the republican bill HR922 would repeal the part of Dodd-Frank that protects depositories.
"....allowing covered depository institution to trade swaps."

So, in other words, FDIC would come to the rescue next time. And the FDIC never has to worry about running out of money because as their signs say, "...backed by the full faith and credit of the United States." If you guys can't see where that rabbit hole leads to....

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:05 AM
And still, the only response will be...


Its quite amazing that in many "democratic" countries, people have become so lazy they have no power at all. In a third world country, stuff like this tend to lead to revolution. Its not just America, its everywhere. Here in Sweden the Snowden papers has shown that the government essentially sold us out to US/NSA, violating one of the basic foundations of this country - neutrality. That's the eqvivalent of Obama tearing up the US constition and replacing it with a post-it that have "Refer to England" on it. The response?


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by merka


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:29 AM


My rep voted "no" on H.R. 922. I sent her an email with my thanks. These people work for us. You have to let them know your position.

This is actually part of the problem. "Yay, my rep is awesome so I said thanks" does that absolve you? By random happenstance you got a non-corrupt representative or for "her" reasons she voted against. The issue isn't a local issue its a national issue.

Do you really believe that "Aislin" got a non-corrupt rep. by "random happenstance?" Hardly!

If the outcome of elections were determined by "random happenstance," we'd be using bingo machines instead of ballots and polling booths.

I'm quite sure than "Aislin" got a non-corrupt rep. because of the fact that a majority of conscientious voters in his/her district took the time to research their candidate and elect them into office. An effort that, more often than not, is much more laborious than most may think. Especially when attempting to analyze the candidates' stance on issues through the constant smoke-screen of fear & lies being propagated by Fox News and the neo-conservative movement.

I'd just bet that his/her representative is a Democrat. Especially seeing how only 3 Republicans in the entire House of Representatives voted against the bill.

Many of the right wing posters here on ATS keep advocating for us to vote them "ALL" out of office, or a "clean sweep" as some would say. Now, why the hell would I vote someone out of office who did the right thing and voted against the bill? That's insane!

But then, that's rapidly becoming the norm for the right, now isn't it?

Instead of approaching everything with a "Throw out the baby with the bath water" mentality, (very same tactic being utilized by the GOP with respect to the ACA) how about we just vote out the ones who repeatedly keep voting to screw us over?

I know this means voting out almost every Republican in the House and over a third of the Democrats but hey, if the shoe fits.....

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by MOMof3

If I understand, the republican bill HR922 would repeal the part of Dodd-Frank that protects depositories.
"....allowing covered depository institution to trade swaps."

So, in other words, FDIC would come to the rescue next time. And the FDIC never has to worry about running out of money because as their signs say, "...backed by the full faith and credit of the United States." If you guys can't see where that rabbit hole leads to....

My understanding is that the change is to include U.S. branches of foreign banks to be able to access Federal Reserve loans and discount windows, receive FDIC guarantees, and participate in limited/regulated swaps like other U.S. banks in order to make them competitive with other foreign banks.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by neo96

I don't believe that the disease is "government in general" but rather it's a government that's been infiltrated and corrupted into prioritizing the interest of for-profit business entities over those of the "people."

These "non-people," corporate entities have corrupted our government via the use of paid lobbyist who lobby our reps. to enact legislation that is literally written by lawyers representing the corporate entity.

As reward for "towing the line," our representatives are showered with favors, trips, virtually unlimited campaign contributions, a future job as a lobbyist after serving in Congress, etc., etc..

If we expect to stop this revolving door and get our representatives to prioritize "our" interest over those of "non-people," we have two choices. Either we somehow come up with more "bribe" money than the other side has, (which is an endless battle) or we "take the money out of politics" by outlawing paid lobbying altogether.

Having no government is not a desire of mine, but having better government is and I think that's the primary difference between mainstream America and the far right neo-con movement.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 12:15 PM

reply to post by Flatfish

Ironic to say that even as you demonstrate no actual knowledge of who they are or what they are about. Here's a hint--they aren't who MSNBC says they are. lol Not at all. In fact, many of them are among the pillars of their communities. And a shocking number of people agree with their core points, if told them before being told the moniker that the media has stigmatized.

Larry Craig was a pillar in his community, as was Mark Foley, David Vitter, Mark Sanford, Anthony Weiner and a whole host of others. How about our coc aine snorting Republican representative, Trey Radel from Florida, was he a pillar in his community? Being a "pillar in their community" means absolutely nothing unless they really are who they pretend to be.

On the other hand, I absolutely agree with you on one point. It is beyond shocking how many support their values. What is it now, 20% or 1 in 5 Americans supporting the Tea Party? Or is that number too high?

Either way, it's hard to believe that so many could be swayed into supporting such insanity. Never in my 57 yrs. on this planet have I seen such a large mass of ignorance get simultaneously elected into office. And look at what we got for it.

I'm still waiting for that list of Tea Party representatives who voted against this bill. Making any progress?
edit on 9-12-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 12:24 PM



My rep voted "no" on H.R. 922. I sent her an email with my thanks. These people work for us. You have to let them know your position.

This is actually part of the problem. "Yay, my rep is awesome so I said thanks" does that absolve you? By random happenstance you got a non-corrupt representative or for "her" reasons she voted against. The issue isn't a local issue its a national issue.

Do you really believe that "Aislin" got a non-corrupt rep. by "random happenstance?" Hardly!

If the outcome of elections were determined by "random happenstance," we'd be using bingo machines instead of ballots and polling booths.

I'm quite sure than "Aislin" got a non-corrupt rep. because of the fact that a majority of conscientious voters in his/her district took the time to research their candidate and elect them into office. An effort that, more often than not, is much more laborious than most may think. Especially when attempting to analyze the candidates' stance on issues through the constant smoke-screen of fear & lies being propagated by Fox News and the neo-conservative movement.

I'd just bet that his/her representative is a Democrat. Especially seeing how only 3 Republicans in the entire House of Representatives voted against the bill.

Many of the right wing posters here on ATS keep advocating for us to vote them "ALL" out of office, or a "clean sweep" as some would say. Now, why the hell would I vote someone out of office who did the right thing and voted against the bill? That's insane!

But then, that's rapidly becoming the norm for the right, now isn't it?

Instead of approaching everything with a "Throw out the baby with the bath water" mentality, (very same tactic being utilized by the GOP with respect to the ACA) how about we just vote out the ones who repeatedly keep voting to screw us over?

I know this means voting out almost every Republican in the House and over a third of the Democrats but hey, if the shoe fits.....

You're the one turning this into a partisan issue and pointing fingers at me? Hi pot, it's me kettle you black....

The republicans are just as corrupt as the democrats and all of there hands are being laced with lobbiest money.

The funniest statement I heard ever on ATS:

I'm quite sure than "Aislin" got a non-corrupt rep. because of the fact that a majority of conscientious voters in his/her district took the time to research their candidate and elect them into office. An effort that, more often than not, is much more laborious than most may think. Especially when attempting to analyze the candidates' stance on issues through the constant smoke-screen of fear & lies being propagated by Fox News and the neo-conservative movement.

Besides your assumption is wrong. I'm a registered Democrat, not like it matters. Left vs right is nothing more than the true "smokescreen" designed to divide the masses. Kinda like your post.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 12:35 PM


You're the one turning this into a partisan issue and pointing fingers at me? Hi pot, it's me kettle you black....

The republicans are just as corrupt as the democrats and all of there hands are being laced with lobbiest money.

The funniest statement I heard ever on ATS:

I'm quite sure than "Aislin" got a non-corrupt rep. because of the fact that a majority of conscientious voters in his/her district took the time to research their candidate and elect them into office. An effort that, more often than not, is much more laborious than most may think. Especially when attempting to analyze the candidates' stance on issues through the constant smoke-screen of fear & lies being propagated by Fox News and the neo-conservative movement.

Besides your assumption is wrong. I'm a registered Democrat, not like it matters. Left vs right is nothing more than the true "smokescreen" designed to divide the masses. Kinda like your post.

My post isn't designed to divide the masses but rather to recognize the obvious. While I agree that corruption exist on both sides of the isle, it's hardly an even split.

The overwhelming majority, (all but 3) of the votes against this bill came from the Democratic side of the isle. You can deny there is a difference but I think it's more than obvious where the bulk of corrupted influence resides.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

This is not any kind of revelation!
Most of us already knew our government
is beyond our accountability! We have
denied the truth of what is easily seen
for far too long and we don't seem
to be able to get up and take a stand against
the crony government machine!
Nothing these people do is for the public interest!

The shadow government behind it no longer even
worries about what we the people know of its
corruption! This is because they no longer see
us as a viable threat and I'm starting to believe
they may be right! Cause nothing we've done over the past
seven years has caused any improvements in our situation!
We continue to decline into the chaos of our own making!
As we are all that is responsible for our dire situation because
of the allowances we have given to the industrialized world!
We have sold our integrity for the fruitless chance at being wealthy!
We have fooled ourselves into believing that any of our representatives
give a dam about any of us and only those that have failed in this endeavor
will be paying a hefty price when our illusions fall away and our way of life
comes crashing down all around us!

I should not have to cite any of the incredible
problems we are seeing increase in magnitude each year! The
shortages of sustainable resources. The increases in pollutants!
The increase in stupidity and ignorance which has allowed this to
continue beyond any reason! We are basically killing ourselves and
our progeny, just to have an illusion of control!
The truth is our lives are so out of control that we can't know from
one day to the next what will be!
I don't know when the house of cards will come crashing in around us
but the sooner it happens the better our chances will be for recovery!
If it takes far too long there may not be much of a chance for recovery!

I wonder what we would do If we could really see the whole picture of this
world we are living in, see the future we are creating, see our demise at
a finite point in time! Wouldn't any sane person want to bring about a more
positive world even at any cost! Or maybe we are to selfish as a species
to sacrifice for a cooperative and sustainable future! Why is it we only seem
to desire change after destruction is all around us! How do we not see the
destruction now? I can only hope that some day our species learns how to avoid
man made disasters before we cause them! If this fails to happen then the suffering
of the present will not compare to what our future holds!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:31 PM

status This bill passed in the House on October 30, 2013 and goes to the Senate next for consideration.
Introduced Mar 06, 2013
Referred to Committee Mar 06, 2013
Reported by Committee Mar 20, 2013
Passed House Oct 30, 2013
Passed Senate ...
Signed by the President ...

Attack this bill ! still got time before it reaches the president

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

and american news provides zero coverage, to busy talking about mandela to be bothered with real news

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:28 PM
Mandelas death is real news, but its the thing that should scroll along the bottom as they are outing this type of crap. It's ok though.. When there is a real revolution, all those sheep they programmed are gonna do what they do best. Nothing. The only people who will take action are going to take action, and anyone who deserves to have it taken against them, will receive the worst part of what justice has to offer. Then again, I like to hope for the best..

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

oh well guess its good that i don't use a bank then.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by zatara

Bit off topic but what I really would like to know how Mr Obama fits into all these scemes and corruption. The other day I learned (if any of it is true of course) that Obama has been groomed for a significant governmental position early in his life. Funded by the saoudi arab families and given a freepass through Harvard university because of a 20 million dollar donation by these "investors".

You just made that # up didn't you?

Thanks, I hadn't had a good laugh like that all day.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 11:11 PM

Something Really Insane Just Happened In Congress, And You Probably Haven't Heard A Word About It!

So...We finally find a bill that passes easily with bi-partisan support through Congress.

Unfortunately it re-authorizes the Fed to bailout banks that gamble on swaps and derivatives...

And it was literally written by Citigroup..

A MUST WATCH explanation...

The man in the VIdeo..

Upworthy colleague Mansur Gidfar ditched us to go work for some anti-corruption group that apparently is tired of "bribery, graft, and shenanigans" in the government. So they gave him a camera. Now he has a ridiculous power grab to share with you that you may have missed.

edit on 7-12-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

They tried to push this through a couple months ago.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 12:02 AM

In Communism, the state controls the banks and the financial system.

In Capitalism, it's exactly the opposite.

edit on 7-12-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

You mean, "In Soviet Russia...Government control banks."

posted on Dec, 16 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

And people wonder why I have no faith in Congress what so ever. When is the revolution going to happen!?!?

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 03:55 AM
The Volcker Rule, which would separate customer and investment banking to keep away from potential conflicts of interest, is still being considered by Congress. This is true regardless of the fact that, as part of Dodd-Frank, it might have been approved last year. Later this week, regulators are expected to finalize a rule that will allow banks to continue to hold a complicated, risky structured bond that was set to be banned by the Volcker Rule. Most critics have pointed to the subsequent brain drain of top talent, although strictly speaking the trading expertise thus lost would only relate to the activity to be curtailed by the new framework.

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