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No one better try coming in my home.Shooting of --------- Tried to Enter Home

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posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 05:33 PM

Such A nice Day thought I would post this for all you here who talk about how ready able and willing you are to use your gun to kill a home intruder.
Now honestly this guy OWNED his guns didn't have a record really I'm sure he is sorry he shot this person but hey cant have a omelet without braking a few eggs.
People This is a PRIME example of why just having every person armed can and will cause death .
But hey the guy sure wont be accidentally walking into your house.
The American motto kill um all and let god sort it out.Ps I am American and hate my country's love of death look wow we cut food stamps by a billion dollars a month (EVERY ONE CHEERS)
Look we just finished the worlds MOST DEADLY destroyer (cost 100 billion dollars and we are making 2 more .See you soon Iran .
Frankly this is NOT the America I was born in 48 years ago. That country's people cared about each other and sure didn't give the government a clear check to destroy what ever country on what ever excuse they could give.
Thous people sure they had guns but other then a turkey shoot they sure were not shooting every poor sap that opened the wrong door . Just look how quick they are to post on a thread about a crime and how willing and ready they are to kill said person ((next day turns out was a lie and person committed no crime. Which hunts ((the poor lazy leaches cost me money (just not a 100 billion for 1 ship though)
the illegal's which acutely translates to Mexicans. Hey if there brown and talk Spanish they must be illegal just shoot them all .O yea and lets not forget the biggest 1/3 people on the planet being muslem must be destroyed kill um all .Funny they are so mad about that? why how dare they fight back.
If I had known when I was 20 what this country would become before I had my kids well NewZealand sounds good ,Greenland heck Canada . top number 1? not even close unless we are talking KILL COUNTS.
Ps homeless just another of the hey lazy people who should be forced to work as slaves .
200 in ebt is all I get and what I live on you could give me a job? you really think I would rather live on 200 a month when even minium wage would make me 900 $?
yea its mostly a rant thread as being at the bottom here in the US I live in the 3rd world and am a untouchable ..
PS finely a pc with spell check lol
edit on 3-12-2013 by midnightstar because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/12/13 by argentus because: tidied up the link to the story

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by midnightstar

I saw the link and got that it is a current event. I can tell you with the rest of it it, sounds more like a rant. Not that I haven't been guilty of it myself.

I agree on the $100 Billion Destroyer...I think. I am having a hard time trying to decipher the rest.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:03 PM
yea its mostly a rant .
being at the bottom is the worst place after a wile you just get tired of being stepd on

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by midnightstar

Really? You were born in America 48 yrs. ago! Why can't you spell or write a sentence properly? Surely you had some schooling. I totally agree with your rant, but i have reservations about your being born here! Sorry it doesn't add up.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:58 PM

reply to post by midnightstar

Really? You were born in America 48 yrs. ago! Why can't you spell or write a sentence properly? Surely you had some schooling. I totally agree with your rant, but i have reservations about your being born here! Sorry it doesn't add up.

Its those damn dime a post chi-coms what it is

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by w8tn4it

I think this is the dude with dyslexia. You can tell because he goes space space period instead of period space space at the end of a sentence.

OP one thing that would help all of us out when reading your responses would be if every three or four sentences you gave us a paragraph. They don't have to conform to any standards, it's just a pain reading walls of text. Especially when the walls are a little hard to read anyway.

Here is OPs link

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by midnightstar

I carry a licensed firearm and keep another in my home for defense, so I support the idea of protecting yourself at all costs. But, theres one thing to try and understand...

A lot of folks here say "I'd shoot the MF'r dead if they came in my house!". Breaking into your home by an unarmed intruder, doesnt automatically give you the right to kill him. Every once in awhile you hear about some intruder where the homeowner found them in the garage and shot him...and the INTRUDER sues the homeowner for attempted murder!

There was also a case here in Michigan where a homeowner was tired of being burglarized, and when it happened again...he chased the guy 3-4 houses down, shot and killed him with a shotgun. Something apparently was wrong with that. The homeowner was arrested. The burglar was unarmed, and the homeowner left his own property chasing him and shooting.

Therein lies the problem.
1. The bad guy was unarmed.
2. The bad guy was running AWAY from the homeowner.
3. The bad guy was at that time OFF the property while being pursued by the angry homeowner.
4. A few houses away from the break-in, the chasing homeowner caught up with Mr. Bad, and shot and killed him in the street. This is where it got tricky. He apparently had no right to chase him, nor shoot him as he was unarmed and running away.

I guess it boils down to meeting force with equal force based on the threat. In the above case...there wasnt a threat: he was unarmed and running away. That didnt give the homeowner the right to chase him and KILL him.

We learn that with dont draw your weapon unless you intend to use it. And you dont use it unless you intend to shoot to kill.

Im in the same boat myself in deciding when or not to use deadly force in my home everytime someone attempts breaking in, or is standing out in my garage...unless of course they are armed and coming at me.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 07:32 PM
To be clear:
Yes, I will use deadly force.
Yes, I will have to make a judgment call on under what circumstances that shooting someone is warranted.

It isnt warranted every time, under every circumstance.

But, I will not hesitate to do so....

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by midnightstar

People This is a PRIME example of why just having every person armed can and will cause death .
But hey the guy sure wont be accidentally walking into your house.

It is unfortunate, but what else should the guy have done?

When Westbrook didn't respond and continued walking toward him, Wilson said Hendrix fired four shots. Three missed, but one fatal shot hit the veteran in the chest.

He asked the man to stop and identify himself, the old man kept walking toward him. What else was he supposed to do? Have you ever been woken up in the middle of the night to somebody trying to get into your house? I have. It's not a good feeling to be vulnerable in your own house. So I can understand why the guy chose to shoot first. All you have to do is read some of the many many home invasion stories to understand why he did what he did. Thing is, he is the one who has to live with what he did and unless he is a total sociopath, knowing that he killed an innocent man will probably haunt him the rest of his life.

I live in a state that you can legally shoot people who are tresspassing on your property if you deem them a threat. You can also openly carry a firearm as long as it is in plain view.

I'm sure that scares the hell out of you.

The Wild West was not as wild a place as books and old westerns would have you believe. In the early 20th century the wild west had been romanticized and you had dime books that totally embellished things like the OK corral and billy the kid by writers such as EB Cummings and Louis Lamour. There were none of these mass shootouts and murders portrayed in the old westerns, do you know why?

Because everyone was armed. That's exactly why. So I don't agree with your assessment of more guns= more murder.

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